Thread: straight six horse power
12-17-2003 09:14 AM #1
straight six horse power
how much horse power would a stock EFI 1990 300ci straight six put out to the flywheel?
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12-17-2003 09:35 AM #2
Considering the dearth of information you've supplied, the best answer I can give you is " not much ". And your other question about the 350 would get the answer " a bit more ".Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
12-17-2003 08:19 PM #3
OK, I can expand a little. I would estimate the HP rating on that engine to be in the 120-140(if your in good shape) range. Horse is not a I6 thing. Torque is why the made and kept the straight 6. That and the fact they dont like to die.Right engine, Wrong Wheels
12-17-2003 09:19 PM #4
Originally posted by drg84
That and the fact they dont like to die.
The thing never got rebuilt and never used any oil AT ALL. Always ran strong and always held good compression. What fine engine that thing was.
12-18-2003 10:00 AM #5
one reason that straight six ran so long is because it was burning propane. propane burns cleaner than gas.
01-02-2004 03:30 PM #6
300 straight 6 curiosity.
I'm from lil' ol' New Zealand. What on earth is a 300ci 6. What sort of cars, trucks did they come out in.
We had the Winds and Cleves and (Oz) locally made 200 and 250ci 6 pots.
Just curious.
01-02-2004 05:20 PM #7
Im pretty sure hes talking about the 300ci ford 6 banger. They used them in everytthing from wagons to large trucks. My dads 69 ford f500 had one in it. It wasnt a fast truck but it got where it was supposed to. The 300 isnt related to the 144, 200 or 250ci ford sixes."its better to rule in hell, than serve in heaven."
01-02-2004 08:36 PM #8
the staight 6 was a great motor i just got rid of one that someone did alot of work to we never could figure out what they did inside never pulled it apart but it had more brute power than my 400sb in my impalla so they can range a great deal the motor in the impalla is stock though lolTO BUY A PART THAT IS SETUP FOR A LIMIT YOU WILL NEVER HIT MEANS IT WILL NEVER FAIL. SPEND THE EXTRA MONEY AND DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME.
01-02-2004 08:46 PM #9
Inline sixes are a good engine, usually. However, whats with the Slant 6? I had one of these in a plymouth gran fury. Never gave me anything but problems.Right engine, Wrong Wheels
01-02-2004 08:48 PM #10
well there is always a flip side dont know why they were shit but i heard that alot never even seen one myself.TO BUY A PART THAT IS SETUP FOR A LIMIT YOU WILL NEVER HIT MEANS IT WILL NEVER FAIL. SPEND THE EXTRA MONEY AND DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME.
01-02-2004 09:12 PM #11
Even in NZ
We even had the slant 6 here in New Zealand in the Oz made Chryslers. I thought they just laid them over to get the lid shut.
They dont really seem to be on the roads much here now, but the the GM and Fords of the same era are still about.
01-02-2004 10:53 PM #12
inline Ferds
If ya take an inline Ferd six and wind it up til the cows come home ya might get lucky enough to pull a greased weenie outta a lard can...The cylinders have to be inline.!!!
01-03-2004 09:09 PM #13
Ah yes, but take the same I6 and hook it to a barn, and pull. For hours, with low oil. Then Drive home! Inlines are cool, because they're modern nostaliga more than anything. I was thinking of swapping a 360AMC in my eagle, but then thought "nah, who else has a I6 anymore?"Right engine, Wrong Wheels
01-03-2004 09:23 PM #14
Im using a 200ci 6 banger and 3spd ( ala my 65 stang) in my model T bucket, its an all steel, all ford car. How weird to use a ford engine in a ford and a manual even!"its better to rule in hell, than serve in heaven."
01-03-2004 10:51 PM #15
drg84......AMC Eagle huh.??...... love the things...The 258L6 is probably one of the toughest engines ever made....Ya know.??...if ya take the distributer drive gear from an AMC V-8 and install it on a Chevy L6 distributer you can toss all that Ferd crap ...HEI if ya want..I'm going dual point ..not shot coil etc....Just because......Ok.Ok....their not tire screaming bad boys but they are fun to own and drive and reliable.....Got a wagon with a five speed....It's a kick..........The cylinders have to be inline.!!!
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress