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Thread: How do I know which 351 I've got?

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  1. #1
    Dago Red is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    How do I know which 351 I've got?


    going tomorrow to work on my uncle's truck, just the "work truck". 1979 Ford F-150 Custom with a 351. He thought he had a 351 Cleveland in it, becuase some friend told him if you have X number of bolts in the valve covers its a cleveland.

    anyways, went to Napa they had two choices, 351 Windsor and 351 Modified. I looked at pics and the fuel pump for the 351 windsor looked like what I needed (by the way, have to replace the fuel pump on it).

    so what I'm wondering is, what visual indicators are there to tell me what the hell the engine really is?

    Thanks guys.


  2. #2
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    fuel pump is the fast way up and down it is a 351 m or c if they are a cross like a chevy then it is a windsor get the valve cover off and the c and m 351to400 have canted valves like a bbc and has big ex ports and there other things to
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  3. #3
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dago Red
    going tomorrow to work on my uncle's truck, just the "work truck". 1979 Ford F-150 Custom with a 351. He thought he had a 351 Cleveland in it, becuase some friend told him if you have X number of bolts in the valve covers its a cleveland.

    anyways, went to Napa they had two choices, 351 Windsor and 351 Modified. I looked at pics and the fuel pump for the 351 windsor looked like what I needed (by the way, have to replace the fuel pump on it).

    so what I'm wondering is, what visual indicators are there to tell me what the hell the engine really is?

    Thanks guys.

    Maybe this will help.... http://www.hotrodders.com/forum/351-...r-54708-2.html

  4. #4
    roofcam's Avatar
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    6 bolts on the valve cover, it's a Windsor
    8 bolts and it's a Cleveland or Modified
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  5. #5
    R Pope is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If it's factory, it isn't a Cleveland, trucks never had 'em. The Windsor has 302 style heads, the M has staggered valves with wider covers (400 heads). The Windsor is the better engine.

  6. #6
    Dago Red is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    so visually the difference between the windsor and the modified is the square bolts at top of timing cover? seems all is dedicated to windsor versus cleveland id not windsor vs. modified. I'll take a good close look at it committing to memory what I see, better I'll take my digital camera, then read this again when I come back.

    thanks guys.


  7. #7
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I'm working on a 351 Mercruiser boat engine
    I had 4 different oil pumps sent to me before we found the right one.

    Are the engine torque tighting specs the same for all 351's ?


  8. #8
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I'll answer my own question on the torque specs- thanks to the good old motors manual-I looked the specs up on google and used the wrong specs for this motor
    the early Ford 351W engine we are working on has the torque for the rods at 25lbs and the later 351w had 45lbs for the rods
    Mains 60-70 lbs early 95-105 lbs later
    I tried torquing the rods at 45 lbs on this motor and that sure didn't feel right so I've got new rod bolts and nuts coming


  9. #9
    Dago Red is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    looks like it is the 351m, but the pump from the 351w works good.

    thanks guys!


  10. #10
    417strokers is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    The simplest Way to tell a Cleveland or M engine from a Windsor is to count the valve cover bolts . If It has 8 bolts it is a Cleveland or M engine . A Windsor or 302 has 6 valve cover bolts . This is the easiest way and there is no way you can make a mistake . To tell a Cleveland from a M engine count the engine mount bolts ,A Cleveland has 2 bolts on each side the M engine has 4 mount bolts on each side.
    Last edited by 417strokers; 10-11-2008 at 12:00 PM.

  11. #11
    pappabear71 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    OK, I am so danged confused. What motor is what? what is the 351 windsor, cleveland, modified???? I have a 79 f-150 and all I know for sure is it's a 351. How do I know which one I have for sure? I have looked at the vin but that is no help because it may not be the original engine. How can I tell for sure and which one is the better of the 3???

  12. #12
    34_40's Avatar
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    Pappabear71, boy did you ever dredge up an old thread!! Post up a picture of your motor and we'll let you know what's what, besides we're picture hungry 'round here!

    Did you count the valve cover fasteners? 6 bolts = Windsor, 8 bolts = Modified (Cleveland)

    If it's still stock under the hood, I'd bet it's the 351 windsor.

    As far as what's better, I'd say the Windsor wins that selection. Oh, Welcome to the site, glad your here!

  13. #13
    Defiantmorgan3 is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    351 ??


    So, I hate to add to the confusion, but I want to be clear. I have a 70 Cougar with a 351. so far, the cleveland and modified would have 8 bolts on the valve covers? The windsor would have a horizontal fuel pump? and the modified would have the heads of a 400? So, my motor has 2 bolts on the mount, a vertical fuel pump, and the heads have a "2" in the corner. does that mean its a cleveland??

  14. #14
    34_40's Avatar
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    DefiantMorgan3, try this page - What Is the Difference Between the Ford 351 Windsor and Cleveland? | eHow

    There are many links also so maybe a picture would help you.

    Here's another one! http://home.comcast.net/~jelerath/mu.../specs-fr.html

    Google & Bing can be an ally!
    Last edited by 34_40; 05-19-2013 at 10:16 AM.

  15. #15
    48steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R Pope View Post
    If it's factory, it isn't a Cleveland, trucks never had 'em. The Windsor has 302 style heads, the M has staggered valves with wider covers (400 heads). The Windsor is the better engine.
    check this out as to the better engine.


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