Thread: 351 2 v heads:
03-17-2009 07:09 AM #1
351 2 v heads:
i have the opertunity to pick up 2 pair of heads, a 72 & 73 2v heads, are these heads worth getting performance out of them? and would the 72 or the73 have harden seats ? thanks dave..
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03-17-2009 07:22 AM #2
No hardened seats. Pretty much like 302 standard heads, not much potential when you consider what else is available out there. The only stock Ford heads commonly available that are any good are the 1969/70 hi-po's, C9OE and DO0E.
Of course, if they are all you have, some port work will make anything better. If they have the thermactor bump in the exhaust port, grind it away. You won't have the greatest top-end power, but at lower revs like a street engine they can be made to work. I ran a set like that, "soft" seats, for 100K miles with no problem.
03-17-2009 07:26 AM #3
Hey! I just reread your post and you didn't say if they were C or W heads! If they are 351C 2v heads, grab "em. They are actually better for the street than the 4V heads.
03-17-2009 12:38 PM #4
Dwwv4; Only buy them if it's a deal, them heads are every ware.
So don't spend alot for them, It's the same head that's on the
351 and 400M it has a 2.05 intake valve and a 1.65 exhust valve.
The early 351W head was better there the 302 so there not the
some they had a 1.84 intake and a 1.54 exhaust.
The early 302's only had a 1.67 intake valve.
Now I can get in to differant size head bolts differant water passages
between early and late heads.
The thing is if your not building a cleveland or a clevor motor,
Don't waste your money on them you can find them everywhere. Kurt
03-17-2009 09:36 PM #5
thanks guy's for the info... what caught my i was the 50.00 a pair.. dave
03-17-2009 11:45 PM #6
dwwv4; Do you have a Cleveland or 351M / 400M?
And if you do buy them keep an eye out inbetween the valves,
thats where they like to crack.
The 351 cleveland is a small block and the 351M / 400M are both big blocks
but most of the parts will interchange except the crank and rods.
You have to use the small block trany for the Cleveland and
the big block trany for the 351M / 400M.
The 400M makes a great torque motor for the street. Kurt
03-18-2009 07:31 AM #7
no , but had an extra windsor block. thought about one of those clevor motors, seen a trackboss manifold for 500.00 on the net. there went the cheap hp . like ya say time you get the different parts needed, you can buy a nice set of windsor heads.
03-18-2009 10:07 PM #8
I'll tell you what, If you got a 351W with some closed chamber heads
You could build agreat motor with lots of power, cheap.
There are tons of after market parts for them.
I've got a cleveland in my shop I built and the parts cost twice
what it would have cost to build a windsor.
Knowing what I know now, I would not do it again.
Great motor just too much money, Kurt
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress