Thread: 351 W knowledge needed
04-07-2009 06:45 PM #1
351 W knowledge needed
Ok I wire brushed and WD the block to see the casting numbers Had a neighbor look also to make sure .I first thought it was a D9 but he pointed out the curve in line not straight like the other D . Lots of rust under the blue paint they just sprayed to cover up years ago I guess . Know the guy I got it from said he pulled it from a 82 Squad car he had .
It has a aluminum 2v intake on it with a date of E1 for 1981
Block is cast C9AE 6015 ED-15
Date 2A5 -- 1972 Jan 5th
Exhaust manifolds D00E-9430-D right side the left the number are the D00E-9431-D
Cant wait to get it on a stand and pull the heads for numbers . That will for surely help out . Hope its the bigger valves .
Last edited by bluestang67; 04-07-2009 at 06:49 PM. Reason: add
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04-08-2009 05:56 AM #2
Well, the D0OE manifolds are encouraging, let's hope the heads have those #'s too, they're the good 'uns. Cop cars often had the older, better performance stuff. I have just about the same car at a buddy's place, haven't checked the numbers yet.
04-08-2009 07:12 AM #3
Bobby - occasionally you can find the head casting number when you pull the valve covers. The last set of D0OE's that I scrappedwere that way (they wouldn't sell after several years worth of occasional listings on eBay, Craigslist and at swap meets .... and I needed the room)
Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
04-08-2009 08:20 AM #4
If the block is truly a 69 cast block, the deck heigth ia 9.480. '72 on, it was increased to 9.503.
This is something to remember if internals are being replaced.What if the "Hokey Pokey" is what it's really all about?
04-08-2009 02:43 PM #5
Thanks guys for the reply's you know the internet info varies so much that some info is different from page to page . I did pop the cover and no # other then 1K30 and a 78 . Read somewhere about something of the springs having machined surfaces these look done ?? . Couple pics of heads they will be off by Friday morn . Then we will no and maybe I can get a better view of block casting instead of standing on my head .
04-08-2009 04:12 PM #6
Bobby - with bolt down rocker arms, I really doubt that you have the big valve heads, but the D7OE-DA OR D8OE-AB. If they are the economy driven-shrouded, 69cc heads, you might be best off to either go with after markets or spend some time looking for the D0OE-G or C9OE-B / D or even some GT40s (the GT40P is widely available)
Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
04-08-2009 08:03 PM #7
Dave thanks not really going for a power house but if I run up on some cheap I'll get them . I will make these work or check out the salvage picks for some better one's later on . Some early 70's seem a bit better to If I read right .
04-08-2009 08:03 PM #8
What he said. Rail rockers mean they're not the good heads.
04-08-2009 08:31 PM #9
LOL back to the drawing board .
04-09-2009 07:49 AM #10
Geeeez - I hope we didn't make a grown man cry - that's embarrassing
I think what Mr Pope and I have said is - don't spend a lot of $$ on heads that are just .... heads. When you find some 'better' pieces, then have at it. The DO0E's that I ran on my 'bucket engine had many $$, but they were the best available at the time (I added Manley SS valves, new guides, Comp Cams roller rockers, retainers and springs, cleaned up intake and exhaust ports and leveled them ~$800+ worth, but good after markets for Fords were like hen's teeth then)Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
04-09-2009 08:47 PM #11
Dave no money dumping in these and as said so many aftermarket available even in great used condition less money spent for something better. Was just hoping to have a piece of history under the hood of car . The 69 or 70 heads are out marketed now anyway leaving them wheel barrel deals .
Seen heads used as low as $400 to $500 where someone has changed them out . So I guess when the right thing comes along I'll jump on it but I can wait I never get in a hurry . .
04-10-2009 06:27 AM #12
Bobby - before you rush into buying aluminum heads, new or used, take a look at the new Street Rodder (just out this week) as they do note that they aren't necessarily the best way to go for engine cooling -see page 116. A '37 with that skinny radiator that even had trouble cooling original engines, isn't the best design for big honking Hp engines without bankrolling companies like Walker
But when it's all done - do you really care? We here all tend to think in PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS language. What ever you do will be a wake up call to a car that was originally powered by either a 60Hp or 85Hp flathead that might have reved to 4200 rpm, and gone maybe 75 mph downhill with a tail wind. A good cleaning, a valve job and a set of new stock springs might be just fine for crusin' - (tho no bragging rights). The only downfall to these heads beyond cracks, would be excessively worn vave guides - and they can be repaired too.
Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
04-10-2009 07:06 AM #13
Last year at the Goodguys show in Joliet a guy had a Walker for $200 for a 37 used it in mock up at his shop . Hadn't quite made the deal yet so I passed on Rad .
Not a real fan on aluminum heads either and there are some good worked iron ones out there from shops . Don't take much of a overheat on one to take it out of commission . My thoughts as always has been a nostalgia build not on 1/4 mile .
I also have read a lot of bench porting about these SBF heads . Safe sizes for the bowls and water jacket locations . Things to help them breath just a bit more and I would not be afraid to get out the carbide by no means .
Not worried about bragging rights just a nice cruiser with some effects is all . A 351 stock alone will pull this car great we know that much. I thought about that 85hp in there maybe twisting the frame from its earlier launches
. But I am no launcher just a cruiser .
04-10-2009 07:20 AM #14
Bobby - about the only thing I would do to those heads is straighten out the intake side to fit the gasket to reduce the projection into the gas path and if the exhaust has an EGR bump, flatten that to blend with the rest of the runner, and of course, clean up to a gasket dimensions. Anything else - a waste of time and if you get into the valve pocket, even more reduction of what little compression ratio those 69cc heads have.
About all an 85Hp flattie could launch is that fragile OEM tranny - and that usually by "speed" shifting (and they were a b@#$% to change out with that torque tube - {why do I know that - maybe by some scar tissue on some fingers} )
Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
04-10-2009 02:53 PM #15
Dave I will most likely run these stock till something comes along . Or if I find something before it begins .
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
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