Thread: 302 351 swap
02-06-2004 07:22 PM #1
302 351 swap
If I remove a 302(60's or 70's) and want to install a 351(same vintage) what can I expect to cause me problems? Mounts? Flywheel/flexplate? Exhaust manifolds? General clearances? It is coming out of an early Bronco donor and going into an early Bronco receipiant. Any information would be great, I just don't know that much about Ford interchanges. Thanks.
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02-06-2004 09:13 PM #2
Need some more info. A 302 to 351 Windsor is a very easy swap. It may take a few tweeks here and there with the wider block and the accessories will be a little different but nothing a back-yard gear head can't handle. If it is a 351 M , forget it the bell housing is different but that vintage I hope its a cleveland and thats a great swap. Great engine and great power. Exhaust can get tricky with smaller engine compartment and the clutch may need a little riggin but only on the width. Pretty easy swap and is well worth it HP wise.
02-06-2004 09:22 PM #3
T2B; Thats the best swap right there,351 windsor. Your exhaust manifolds will fit, motor mounts I believe are the same you should have plenty of clearance if thats a full sized Bronco. The decks are higher on this engine therfore its a taller motor. Fly wheel will have to be changed, I believe you can use the same torque converter. Some of the trannys had the dual patterns bolt holes, so you might be alright there. Everything else should hook right up! Hope this helps you, are both of these trannys automatics or manuals? If the motors coming out of an automatic and going into a manual you may have to put a race in the back of the crank. Thats all I can think of. Hope this helps you out. Auto Right [DUH!] It's late!
VegasLast edited by vara4; 02-06-2004 at 09:30 PM.
02-06-2004 11:10 PM #4
if the trannys are both automatic, then you could run into a problem with flexplate matching to torque converter... specially if they aren't the same auto.... i ran into this problem in a similar situation, but mine was because i was using a c4 sized torque converter on an FMX but needed the flexplate still the larger FMX size so the starter would match up... ended up having to drill the flexplate to fit the smaller torque converter.... as long as you dont do any monkey buisness like this you should be fine... even though a smaller torque converter is an advantage, will lighten the load on your engine and can give U a lil extra acceleration on that heavy vehicle
02-07-2004 04:38 AM #5
around twenty yearsago I put a 351 cleveland into a stock australian six in line with the "at the time" 3 speed on the coloumn The only problems then were gearbox mounts -I made up my own -apart from that everything jest bolted together seems its the only thing ford has got right in the last 100years
is the interchangability of parts!!!How many
models do Ford produce????
02-07-2004 09:11 PM #6
thanks but...
Thanks all, but I found out when the new engine arrived it is a 1991 351 Ford. Hope that doesn't mess up too much. The next trick is that the transmission is not with the engine. I will be mating to the auto in the Bronco currently. This engine is wider that the 302? That is a surprise. Is it the intake manifold or is it the engine mounting points. The intake looks huge compared to the 302. It sounds encouraging that so many hve done similar swaps so again thanks for the help. I guess that I will learn has I go. I will keep you all posted here in the forum. Later.
02-09-2004 10:46 AM #7
mounts are the same between a 302 and a 351w/c if you went up to a 360 or larger, you woulda had to put adapters on your frame to make the mounts work, the tranny might be a problem fitting up to a newer ford block, but i haven't messed with a tranny connecting to the 351, i used to have one of those 5.8s in my 87 mustang though, tough engine, til i drifted a corner too hard and ripped the bead off and totalled the car
02-09-2004 11:36 AM #8
T2B; It's wider at the top because the taller decks but the bottom is the same. It's only a couple of inches at the most. Unless that bronco is a pre 65 that 302 should have had a 6 bolt trany and you should be alright. Some of the tranys had dual bolt paterns and as long as that trany has atleast 6 bolt holes you should be ok.The old trany's had 5 bolt holes and will not work. They were generally used on the 289's and smaller engines. Every thing should bolt up with the exception of the fly wheel and maybe the torque converter. You can buy a fly wheel that will work with that torque converter. Just tell the person that your buying it from what your trying to do. Or go thru summit they are helpful.
02-09-2004 03:29 PM #9
we are installing a 351 in 1996 mustang so far the swap has been pretty easy the only problem has been the intake,but it is fuel injected and im assuming your going with a carb.but good luck with the swap
02-09-2004 05:56 PM #10
super simple swap the flywheels are the same balance use the one from your old 302 as well as the block plate and starter so works with the c4 the bronco has, I would try and use the nice serpentine belt stuff the newer 351w came with if posible it allows the use of underdrive pullies and the new alternator and p/s pump which are all good, I am not sure if the pan on the 91 is double or front sump so that might have some clearance issures...should be a cool swaplike a volvo with gun racks.....
dropin f-bombs whenever needed....fcc my
28 model A
67 chevy c10
91 ford ranger
several beater mustangs from 80-89
02-09-2004 10:10 PM #11
Looking good
Hello, checked out the 91 351-W. I am reading the casting on the intake. It came equipped with a Holley TBI system and the serpentine pulley system. The casting of the block looks the same as the 302 in my personal Scout and should swap into the new Bronco with little problem. I am a little concerned with the flywheel, torque convertor and tramsmission. I have found out that I was mistaken and both Broncos are equipped with C4 transmissions. I was bit by a similar problem with my Scout. I am guessing that I should be able to simply pull out the 302 and install the 351 with exhaust and belts being the biggest hurdles. Just how much longer is the serpentine drive than the V pulley drive? It killed the 5.0 that my Scout was suspossed to get and I had to build a 302 instaed.(Yeah I know that it is the same displacement, different story) Thank you for all the infromation it hs really helped me with my knowledge of Ford interchangablity.
02-11-2004 10:38 AM #12
if you use the new powersteering and alternator you might have 2 problems... newer altenators have onboard relays most of the time... so you'll either hafta remove that or redesign your current relay wires to fit the newer altenator... the powersteering pump most likely wont have the same fitting, ford likes to change things like that all the time even between models during the same year
02-11-2004 10:53 AM #13
T2B; what year is your bronco your installing this in to, And is it a full size bronco. If it 's a full size I think you'll have enough room, because I have a 351windsor in my bronco with the serpentine belt.
02-13-2004 09:35 PM #14
Thank you all. The swap went well. The 351 W is now in the engine bay and all looks well. The headers were a little difficult to fit but we got them in. Some fuel lines, Holley computer, belt and a tune up and it should be running this weekend. Agian thank you all for the help and knowledge.
03-29-2004 06:01 PM #15
Originally posted by smalblockracing
we are installing a 351 in 1996 mustang so far the swap has been pretty easy the only problem has been the intake,but it is fuel injected and im assuming your going with a carb.but good luck with the swap
smalblockracing ... I'm getting ready to do this swap. I'm going qa1 k memeber , carb and tremec 3550 but and I'm unsure of the alternator setup compared to the crate motor. If you have some insight you could share, please email me.
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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