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Thread: Newbie with a motor question...

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  1. #1
    Bumps52Ford is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Newbie with a motor question...


    So, I bought a 6V battery for my pickup and got it put in and when I turn the key the fans turn on but nothing else happens when I try to crank it. I did not expect it to start after sitting for almost 20 years. I was hoping it would at least try to crank but it did not. I turned the crank by hand and it does spin so its not locked up. Anyone point me in the direction to atleast start? This is my first vehicle older than a 96, so everything is completely new(thats the understatement of the century) I appreciate any and all information somebody can give me. Thanks guys!!!!


    Tried to upload a picture of the engine but it keeps failing to upload...

  2. #2
    Bumps52Ford is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Last edited by Bumps52Ford; 03-04-2011 at 10:25 PM.

  3. #3
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Could be one of several things, Joshua. I'd look at the battery cables first - make sure they're spotless clean and that the negative is tight to bare cast iron on the engine block. The positive need of course goes to one of the "big" post on the solenoid and it must be clean bight metal as well.

    If you have a remote starter switch (if not get one), use it instead of the key - it will allow you to be out front when it does crank. Hook it up like below. Turn the key to "on" and use the remote start switch to crank.

    If it does not crank - turn the ignition off (and leave off for this test) and hook the remote starter switch across the two big terminals on the solenoid and very quickly, tap the button. If starter turns, you have a bad solenoid.

    I'd start there - others will chime in and you'll have this ol' truck running in no time!

    Good luck,
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  4. #4
    randyr's Avatar
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    Hey Joshua,

    After looking at the pic of your engine, that's definitely not the original '52 engine. It looks like a 289 from the mid-sixties which makes me think the truck was probably converted to a 12V system when the engine was put in it. Try a 12V battery and see if it cranks.........just a thought.
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  5. #5
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    I was going to mention that the 6 volt fords were positive ground, then i opened the pic saw the 260/289 and knew then he needed the 12 v---got a little farther and Randy had pointed that out---

    if you hook a remote starter switch across the 2 big terminals on the solenoid with a dead short you will kill your remote switch---a quicker simpler way is to use the handles on a pair of pliers to MOMENTARILY jump across the terminals---there will be a spark when you break contact---

  6. #6
    vara4's Avatar
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    You might aslo try running your ground wire from the Battery directly to the starter bolt.
    I had a problem like that with my 70 pick up. The power would not go thru the 302 block to the starter for some reason. Even with new wires and the block cleaned up where the cable connected. Also check the solenoid and make sure you have good clean connections.

  7. #7
    Bumps52Ford is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    So, with the help of the forum the truck was rinning about 30 minutes ago but then the oil tube that goes from the oil gauge on the cluster to the motor blew and shot oil all over my father in law. I will get it all fixed tomorrow and replace all the fluids and refilled. Keep you updated. Thanks guys!!!

  8. #8
    vara4's Avatar
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    Wish I could have gotten my car to do that on my ex mother in law.
    HE! HE! HE! So what was the problem, we would like to hear what was wrong.

  9. #9
    Bumps52Ford is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by vara4 View Post
    Wish I could have gotten my car to do that on my ex mother in law.
    HE! HE! HE! So what was the problem, we would like to hear what was wrong.
    Crazy enough, nothing really. Even after sitting for almost 20 years I put a good battery in it and it cranked and cranked. Using carb cleaner we got it to finally run. Then the oil issue and we shut it down. So if anyone wants a 289 motor and tranny let me know. Im in So. Cal.

  10. #10
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bumps52Ford View Post
    Crazy enough, nothing really. Even after sitting for almost 20 years I put a good battery in it and it cranked and cranked. Using carb cleaner we got it to finally run. Then the oil issue and we shut it down. So if anyone wants a 289 motor and tranny let me know. Im in So. Cal.
    I would think the 289 would be a pretty good engine for that truck. Why are you getting rid of it? Just curious....
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  11. #11
    Bumps52Ford is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by randyr View Post
    I would think the 289 would be a pretty good engine for that truck. Why are you getting rid of it? Just curious....
    I am wanting to go a completely different route. When its time to put motor back in I am looking at building a high HP current fuel injected Ford motor.

  12. #12
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bumps52Ford View Post
    I am wanting to go a completely different route. When its time to put motor back in I am looking at building a high HP current fuel injected Ford motor.
    I can't argue with that, Joshua. I have a 66 F100 shortbed that I'd like to put a 4.6DOHC Cobra engine in someday. Or that new 5.0 they put in the 2012 Mustang would be sweet, too! Heck, the older EFI 5.0 HO wouldn't be bad either.
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

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