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Thread: Short Oil Filter Application

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  1. #16
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    You forgot one, Bob. Our Ford parts cost about 3 times as much as similar Bowtie parts.

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    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  2. #17
    34_40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    While most of my driving is easy cruising I live out in the country and it is still a big rush to hit the skinny pedal and let it pull through the gears. I'll probably grow out of it some day, but not too soon
    Like Dave says, the 90degree adapter might clear, but it puts a full size filter right into the motor mount. Some of the vans had a 90 degree skinny filter unit, but I don't like that approach much.

    Just so we're all thinking of the same things, this "super short" filter is pretty small.
    Like I said earlier Roger, not to question your motives, I've always read your replies, comments & thoughts and had the feeling your a well spoken, intelligent and thoughtful individual! I feel you know your stuff and like you I still want to slap down the skinny pedal on the right and hold it there as long as possible!

    If I was using that "super" shorty filter, I'd probably go remote too! I'd also take the opportunity to add in a oil cooler while I was at it! Why you ask? I don't know.. WHY NOT?? it's a hot rod!

  3. #18
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    Like I said earlier Roger, not to question your motives, I've always read your replies, comments & thoughts and had the feeling your a well spoken, intelligent and thoughtful individual! I feel you know your stuff and like you I still want to slap down the skinny pedal on the right and hold it there as long as possible!

    If I was using that "super" shorty filter, I'd probably go remote too! I'd also take the opportunity to add in a oil cooler while I was at it! Why you ask? I don't know.. WHY NOT?? it's a hot rod!
    Thanks for the very kind words. As opposed to "well spoken" I've sometimes been accused of using 50 words where 10 would do...
    Yep, I think a remote oil filter setup is in my future, and now you've put another thought in my head with the oil cooler Like you say, "Why Not??", other than finding a good space.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  4. #19
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I momentarily considered an oil cooler but since the engine is only a mildly built 5.0 felt that with the big Walker radiator and no hood sides (yet) it wasn't necessary, that the oil and coolant would be best left at normal operating temps ( I have never seen the H20 above 185-195*) and the fan has only come on a very few times even on the warmest days so far and then only in stop and go driving. Of course, it never gets as hot here on the tundra of Upstate NY as Eastern MA and for sure Kansas.......
    Dave W
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  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Thanks for the very kind words. As opposed to "well spoken" I've sometimes been accused of using 50 words where 10 would do...
    Yep, I think a remote oil filter setup is in my future, and now you've put another thought in my head with the oil cooler Like you say, "Why Not??", other than finding a good space.
    I have tossed around the idea for awhile. In my case, no real reason to do it but, rather just because! I mean the whole reason for having this car is "just because"... It's a, 1. creative outlet.. 2. a form of expression... 3. a chance of learning new skill(s)... (insert other B.S. here!)

    Dave. Down here in the flatlands, it doesn't get so hot really. Once in a great while it may get to a hundred, but that is RARE! Usually it's the 3 H's.. hazy, hot, humid , that'll sap the strength from you. When we lived in New Mexico, now THAT was hot! But I won't bother with the , "but it's a dry heat" bull... when you can't touch the hood or door for fear of a burn, it's too hot!

  6. #21
    randyr's Avatar
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    I'm kinda late for this party but I ran a remote filter on my '37 w/302 for years. I used the oil resistant hoses w/clamps, etc. It didn't leak except one time when I blew a hose . Fortunately, it all happened near an Autozone so I coasted into their parking lot and bought the necessary stuff for a quick repair and continued on my way.

    On my rebuild, I wanted to consider other options for the filter. The only shorty filter that is short enough to clear my R&P steering setup while still allowing room to put it on and take it off is the Volvo filter. I'm going to try it for a while (if I ever get the car done enough to fire it up!) and if I don't like it, I'll have some custom hoses made for the remote setup and put it back on.

    Ok, now after 2 paragraphs of not saying much of anything, I feel kinda like how Roger described himself.....(using 50 words where only 10 are necessary) but at least I now get updates on yet another thread that interests me....
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  7. #22
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by randyr View Post

    Ok, now after 2 paragraphs of not saying much of anything, I feel kinda like how Roger described himself.....(using 50 words where only 10 are necessary) but at least I now get updates on yet another thread that interests me....
    Can you imagine a get together with Roger, you and me plus a couple other suspects who shall remain unnamed.

    Just be happy that I don't type well
    Dave W
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  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2 View Post
    Roger - the Hamburger filter mounts aren't cast but billet. That other company has a nice block adapter but no filter mount - surprising. If I have to 'advertise' a brand name, I want both the same
    I looked at the Hamburger line but can't abide that red anodizing . I'm looking seriously at the Canton Racing Products pieces from Summit, but buying my AN fittings & hose locally from Star Performance once I see where I can make things fit, and what angles work best. The Canton Remote Filter Adapter is very similar to the one from Product Engineering, and they also have a remote filter mount, all in black anodized finish .
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  9. #24
    34_40's Avatar
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    I'd agree with you Roger. The black is so much better!

  10. #25
    rspears's Avatar
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    Visited with my son late yesterday and mentioned that I was thinking about the remote filter setup so that I could run a full size filter. He's an airplane mechanic, and he said that if it were his he would leave it alone, running the super shorty filter. First, he said that he's only seen one engine making metal in his career (they cut every filter open for inspection), and if it's making metal bypassing the filter is not going to increase the rate of destruction; and second, the remote filter adds hoses and connections as potential failure points, which is true. I'm back on the fence a bit - I think a bigger filter would be desirable, but it's hard to argue with the added risk of four connection points on a remote. Decisions, decisions, decisions.....
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    I'm back on the fence a bit - I think a bigger filter would be desirable, but it's hard to argue with the added risk of four connection points on a remote. Decisions, decisions, decisions.....
    Yeah, Roger, having had a hose failure on my remote filter led me to give the shorty filter some serious consideration. I figured if it concerned me too much I could change it more often. Heck, Volvo uses it and those cars often run 2-300K miles!
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  12. #27
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    I'm in agreement with you guys that the short filter having any potential downside is a non issue. Like I mentioned, I ran one on my Jeep pickup for years and years with no problems whatsoever. When I changed the oil it was still as clean as it would have been with any larger filter.

    Also, the Mustang 5.0 filter isn't a whole lot longer and they put that one on some wicked 5.0 cars that would surely not stay together if the filter were a problem. Adding a remote filter just puts more parts into the mix and the more parts you have the more potential for leakage and failure.

    Oh, and to get that red or blue or whatever anodizing off, use EZ Off oven cleaner. It takes it off and exposes the bare aluminum underneath like it was never there.


  13. #28
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    I have been down a road similar to the one discussed in this post, trying to eliminate my remote filter setup on a 46 Ford PU with Y. Is the general feeling that the ultra short Lotus filter will work OK? I tried one and it simply looked like a bad idea. The Lotus engine the small filter goes on is only something like 1.9L (looked it up 2 years ago). Reasoning said that the much smaller engine would be pumping a lot less oil than my 292.

  14. #29
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Just saw this today for first time---If I remember correctly, Barnes oil systems did make some angled adapters for some engines so you could mount a filter on the engine without all the plumbing of remotes and use a full sized(some even the biggies)filter but they mounted at a different angle so you could screw them on and off---Call and tell John that I told you to call---

  15. #30
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    I forgot to mention that the right angle adapter wouldnt work in any position, even with the shorter FL300.

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