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Thread: Choking at 1000-2000 rpms

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  1. #16
    HOSS429's Avatar
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    pull a plug or two and see if they are gas fouled ..
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  2. #17
    sfort's Avatar
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    You can find on line step by step (w/pictures) instructions for rebuilding a Holley online. With the rebuild instructions from a kit it helps to understand and recognize the parts. Google or YouTube the carb part number. It does not hurt to take pics during disassembly with a cell phone.

  3. #18
    OSK's Avatar
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    Well with all that sticky stuff and spraying carb cleaner down it any of that varnish, ie the sticky stuff that is left overs from bad/old fuel is now going to be sitting in the bowl. as the particles slosh around either you get lucky if theyre small and pass em or if too big get caught up in the jets.

    In my own opinion your overdue for a rebuild. your holley part numbers are pretty easy to figure out for which kit to buy. the number are facing you when standing at the front of the motor with the air cleaner off. if i remember right you'd said you had a 600. any how you'll want to get a clean parts bucket and some cleaning solevant for this from whay you described. get your rebuild kit and check online for a downloadable PDF file on rebuilding your carb (by part #) print it off and read through it and just check each step as you break it all down.

    You'll want to soak your parts in the solevant until it breaks apart all the varnish, dont waste you money on the carb cleaner just yet, soak it cause theres passages you'll want to have that gunk broken down on. plus the whole thing will come out looking like new. after it soaks long enough to eat away (some carbs ive done or had done sat for up to 24 hours) then you'll want to use the carb cleaner to use pressure to blow out the passages. make sure all the gasket areas are nice n clean n smooth. to dry i like to use a lil pressurized air (when its almost dry)

    When you reassemble the carb just make sure your jet size is correct for your application and the float is the correct height for your application. theres typically a chart that comes with the carb rebuild kit too so its not too difficult to find.

    Good luck, and make sure you designate some work space to lay out all the parts and keep em on something like brand new shops towels or something so ya don't lose anything.
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  4. #19
    Mudduck3's Avatar
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    I finally got 'er back together and she runs like a top. I ended up swapin' the Holley for my neighbors Carter. I had to modify a couple things with the linkage and the air cleaner to make it fit correctly, but it's all gooood now. Thanks guys for the help. It's time for a cruise!!!

  5. #20
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    You are one of the very few people who ever come back and tell us how it ended up............thank you for doing that. Most times we offer all these suggestions and never find out what cured the issue. This is how we all learn.

    Your original carb is probably fine but just needs rebuilt/cleaned. A lot of us on here are fans of the Carter/Edelbrock designs for street use so you have a good one on there now. Holleys seem to have a particular dislike for even the smallest piece of trash, my Son Don spent many a date fixing the Holley on his Olds convertible and got good at knowing right where to look to remove the spec that was causing the problem.

    Glad you found your problem.

    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 12-07-2011 at 09:46 AM.

  6. #21
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Ditto, Don - It's nice to hear the resolution and know this one is "down-the-road". I have a feeling this is not the last we'll hear from this young man. Hope he keeps us updated from time-to-time on the '65!
    "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil

  7. #22
    Mudduck3's Avatar
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    You might have heard of an old time Gasser "Bones" Balough. He's a long time family friend and the neighbor that swapped me the Carter. We spent a few hours and a 12 pack last night tinkerin' with it. As much as I enjoyed the time, I still think he had more fun at his young age of 76 yrs. Between your gracious advice and his help, what a treat of a way to learn somethin'. We were trying get it ready for a scene in an upcoming movie shoot this weekend (Dec. 10). It looks like we made it. Thanks again and I will keep you posted on anything else.


  8. #23
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    If Bones is a friend you really need to document as much of his life as you can for posterity. So many of these greats pass and then we have so many questions we wish we would have asked them while they were alive. I bet he has a treasure box filled with old photos, articles, etc and if you sat him down on video and interviewed him about his racing days you would be doing the automobile hobby a huge favor. Please consider doing it and do it while he is young enough to be able to actively participate. I bet he would love you doing that.

    We need to save our history, all the greats are leaving us.


  9. #24
    Mudduck3's Avatar
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    Your absolutly right Don. He's a great friend and a great racing legend. If you saw his living room, well it's a shrine!! If you google his name there's tons of stuff, interviews, racing clips from the old days up until last year. This past year is the first season we missed in a long while. We still sit in the garage after work and b.s. about it all. Such a nice man, and a blast to be around. He LOVES tellin' his stories. And everyone LOVES listening. He says it's what keeps him young. Anyways, happy motoring and I'm sure we'll chat again.


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