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Thread: Fixing a strange engine noise and then some

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  1. #46
    34_40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pat mccarthy View Post
    last one i shorten was a cleveland.
    As a member of the Pat & Mike show.. there's a certain irony in that.

  2. #47
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well guys - I'm gonna try it 'My Way' as a famous Paul Anka song that was sung by Frank S says.

    One bit of advice that Pat hinted at (well, actually said) was the valve tip roller on the Harland Sharp rockers was too big - .305" - so am now probably going to have to call on my friends at Summit for $omething el$e as the Scorpions I thought I had an inexpensive lead on are 7/16" stud, not the 3/8" that I'll need.

    And if it doesn't work, you all have my permission to do "Na Na - I told ya so, I told ya so" and I will bow my head in shame. But - a look on the positive side - someone will be able to buy that mistake at a loss to me
    Dave W
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  3. #48
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    put cam at base circle of cam buy a adjustable push rod .make sure it shorter then whats in there now by about 060 put rocker arms on draw up . adjust push rod till there is no play . measure it add 040. to 050 order new push rods done. scorpion/howards/ pbm all have a bigger roller tip then crane
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  4. #49
    34_40's Avatar
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    Nope! Won't ever think about raggin' ya... well, not on here anyways!

    Your still welcome to the adjustable Push Rods if you feel the urge!

  5. #50
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by pat mccarthy View Post
    put cam at base circle of cam buy a adjustable push rod .make sure it shorter then whats in there now by about 060 put rocker arms on draw up . adjust push rod till there is no play . measure it add 040. to 050 order new push rods done. scorpion/howards/ pbm all have a bigger roller tip then crane
    Just had the Comp Cams website up, looking at that very "gadget" when your post arrived. I'm leaning toward the Comp Cams rollers now that I'm out of the other two options.

    Just as a curiosity question - Miller Rocker arms - any thought on them? I came across them for SB Fords while 'wandering' the internet, and for less then $200 - not going to use them, it's just a new name to me.
    Dave W
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  6. #51
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    Nope! Won't ever think about raggin' ya... well, not on here anyways!

    Your still welcome to the adjustable Push Rods if you feel the urge!
    Mike - you may rag any time you feel it's appropriate. You just have to know I DO get even

    I figure if I need an adjustable check push rod or two, I'll just order along with the rockers, but thanks anyhow (curious tho - will yours do 6.2" - most I've seen are too long?)
    Dave W
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  7. #52
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    I don't remember what's in the box right now... I have 2 of 3 lengths, I don't think I ever picked up the shortest one.

  8. #53
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    miller mid lift rockers have been around for a long time. guy ran a 429 hemi head engine and started back late 70s? playing with rocker arms .l looked at his stuff many time read threw is history back sometime ago at that time he did get in to some of the flaws of some of the other makers of roller rockers it was a good read pretty much confirmed what i seen going on over the years with all the different makes of rocker arms and fighting with them getting them to come in right for mild lift thats about that time i pick up my ferry head tool mild lift checker . for push rods i have many. ones i like the most are jesel as you can add to them to go down to 6 and screw more tubes to gether if you need a push rods past foot
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  9. #54
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Pat - thanks for the info on the Millers. Since I had never heard of them, just good info.

    After I do my rocker mod, and if I need new push rods for proper contact, how long will it take to get them and an approximate cost - they will be 5/16" dia, ball ends and 6.272 and probably plus or minus .020 -.060? If necessary, we'll do the final via PMs/email
    Dave W
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  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2 View Post
    Pat - thanks for the info on the Millers. Since I had never heard of them, just good info.

    After I do my rocker mod, and if I need new push rods for proper contact, how long will it take to get them and an approximate cost - they will be 5/16" dia, ball ends and 6.272 and probably plus or minus .020 -.060? If necessary, we'll do the final via PMs/email
    well i can get sizes 6.225...6.250..(6.272)...6.300...6.325.. i would have to call and see what ones they stock 6.250..6.300 are stocking numbers others they may have on shelf just have to call when you need them .they have a 24 hour turn around. other place i deal with on push rods go by 050 up or down .from 6.250 so next would be up 6.300 then 6.350 then down 6.200 then 6.150 has for price . both are 080 wall harden one pice push rods. not ball tip. the first company listing will 210 the tips. other listing will not 210 the tips. but do stock them in some sizes with a 210 tip .i would have to call on them at time need see were i can get the size you need. the last push rod company that only sells them in 050 increments is abit less money still good pushrods . if you want more pre load the push rod needs to be longer then 6.272 if that is what you have now?? as for cost i help you out. PM me when the time comes .or go to my shop web page and email me or just call the shop Cell number 989-667-4071 . i keep this phone on all the time
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 06-11-2012 at 02:38 PM.
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  11. #56
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    Well - just found out this afternoon that Comp Cams rockers wont work on the Crane Cams guide plate and pedestal mod. A set of Crane low buck (HA!!) rockers are on their way from Summit. The bottom side slot is too narrow. Now, I just hope Summit will take the Comps back or I'll post them here for sale in a few days along with the low mileage pedestal mounts
    Dave W
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  12. #57
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    OUCH! Sigh... let me know about the rockers, I may be interested..

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    OUCH! Sigh... let me know about the rockers, I may be interested..
    Will do if Summit wont take them back - they have just been removed from the packaging and cleaned of the preservative.

    It was a nice try - but sometimes things just don't work out according to 'plan'.
    I've forgotten - do you have pedestal style heads or stud? If pedestal, I have the 1.7 Cranes which will be sold regardless.

    Dave W
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  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2 View Post
    Will do if Summit wont take them back - they have just been removed from the packaging and cleaned of the preservative.

    It was a nice try - but sometimes things just don't work out according to 'plan'.
    I've forgotten - do you have pedestal style heads or stud? If pedestal, I have the 1.7 Cranes which will be sold regardless.

    Currently have stud mount on the TFS heads. Are both sets 1.7? I'm figuring I can use 1/2 of a set and "balance out" or increase flow numbers between intake and exhaust. I believe what is on there now are cranes...

  15. #60
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    Currently have stud mount on the TFS heads. Are both sets 1.7? I'm figuring I can use 1/2 of a set and "balance out" or increase flow numbers between intake and exhaust. I believe what is on there now are cranes...
    Mike - luckily - the Comps are wending their way back to Summit. Replacement Cranes should be here tomorrow and if my DW hasn't scheduled my time too tightly, might even get them installed and possibly, just maybe, get in a short ride, that is "assuming" the push rods are OK length wise and if not, Pat and I will be discussing the next step.
    Dave W
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