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  • 1 Post By jerry clayton
  • 1 Post By Dave Severson
  • 1 Post By jerry clayton

Thread: water/methanol injection----

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  1. #1
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    water/methanol injection----


    Ok, technically I suppose it is a small block Ford but my question is about a DOHC 5.0 engine...

    We'll be running one this summer drag racing. Car is a short wheelbase (205") rear engine digger with a Kenne-Bell supercharger (2.6). Can't tell you the weight of the car as it's not here yet.....light, I'm sure! (1650-1700 lbs ??)

    In the past with anything supercharged we ran a carb, now it's of course EFI. With the carb engines we ran a boost referenced MSD retard box but this was always in a heavier (2500-3000 lbs.) car. With the new digger, we're thinking about taking the timing retard out of the ECM and running a Snow Water/Methanol Injection system that would also be boost referenced.

    Wondering what you guys had for thoughts on this, and if anyone has had any experience running the Snow system????

    PS---Right now I don't have much for details on the electronics, other then it is all laptop tuneable and has some data recording features.... I'll be going to "school" on it sometime in February.......


    Here's a link to the Snow Injector

    Last edited by Dave Severson; 11-06-2013 at 04:23 PM.
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    cffisher's Avatar
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    Very interesting looking forward to your testing and results.
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  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    I can't help you but I'm thinking that Steve (roadster32) is using the Snow Injector on the blown Willys he's about to light off for the first time. I did a search, but it only points me to the 106 pages of the build thread, and I did not take the time to page through looking for it. His is carb'd, not injected, so it may not be applicable?
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  4. #4
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Yeah, we're all pretty excited about the new car, probably won't see it til after the 1st of the year!!!!
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  5. #5
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    I can't help you but I'm thinking that Steve (roadster32) is using the Snow Injector on the blown Willys he's about to light off for the first time. I did a search, but it only points me to the 106 pages of the build thread, and I did not take the time to page through looking for it. His is carb'd, not injected, so it may not be applicable?
    Yeah, I looked for it a bit, too, on Steve's thread. I would think that the basics would be the same, just with EFI I would think a lot more tuneup possibilities?????
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  6. #6
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Dave---Corey has done quite a bit of tuning on different vehicles with the K-B blowers and has passed a lot of feed back to them--------of course most have been on the NicKey Camaros but the tuning methods are pretty much the same only being different because of different ECMs-----------and I know several have had metonal injectors under boost-----get me more specifics and I'll pass it on for his comments/suggestions-----

    And I remember when 205" wasn't short-----------
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  7. #7
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks Jerry! I'd forgotten about Corey being into all this new stuff!!!! Don't know how much I can pass on about the electronics, it's all going to be brand new to me!!! I do know the ECM, Harness, and Injectors are right from Ford Motorsports. As to the rest of it, I'll have to wait till I get (a lot) better educated on what all the new system is!

    Yeah, I remember when 200" was a long car!!!! My Super Comp car was 230", Roger's current car is 235"!!!! What are the new Top Fuel cars, 245" or something like that????

    P/S- We're not showing our years, Jerry, just Hi Mileage!!!!!!!
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    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Got a message that my post was too short----------

  9. #9
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerry clayton View Post
    Got a message that my post was too short----------
    300" for the new cars??? Man, the Alcohol car was only 240"!!!! man, I guess I've been away from it longer then I thought!!!!!
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  10. #10
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    My RED was maybe only around 225-230??? 1972---------------I forget what all was the contributing factors on the wheel base but IIRC it was length of the chassis builders tables----------------
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