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Thread: My 26T Coupe build thread

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  1. #196
    roadster32's Avatar
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    I'm no different Don, i'm like a big kid with a new toy when shiny or new bits arrive

    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    Looks great, Steve. I see pictures of where some builders leave their chrome parts wrapped up in tape and paper while building their cars..........NOT ME. I'm like a little kid and have to see what effect they are having on the overall look. As soon as I get them home I am ripping off the paper and bolting them on. Glad to see there are others who like to look at their new parts, no matter how many times you have done it before.

    That steering box looks perfect for hot rod usage......did you say it was from a Landrover?

    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  2. #197
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Whip your a funny guy I like your sense of humour.
    Still smoking i'm afraid, my trusty helper Gomez has been in and emptied the ashtrays and swept the floor and generally tidyed up

    Oh yes this will get driven just as hard as the rest of them, I wear my chips with pride
    I find it amazing the amount of people that say to me "you won't drive it will you"
    If it gets bad i will repaint or repolish but to be honest my T was pretty much as good the day i sold to what it was when i first finished it, maybe i've been lucky ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiplash23T View Post
    Okay Bunny Steve,you can pat your self on the back and shake your hands together for such an excellent job on the motor. I too like to look at all the eye candy when one gets it home,( no not that young lady down the street Steve) the front axle looks good and can you just refresh me again, you do drive the socks off these cars you build??? How is the giving up smoking going???? I noticed that the ash tray is not as full as usual so you either was having a good day at the office or you have managed to cut back????
    Can you put some photos up on the Pop too please????
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  3. #198
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Whip there is a build thread here mate for the Thames/Fordson, have a look and let me know what you think.


    Quote Originally Posted by Whiplash23T View Post
    Okay Bunny Steve,you can pat your self on the back and shake your hands together for such an excellent job on the motor. I too like to look at all the eye candy when one gets it home,( no not that young lady down the street Steve) the front axle looks good and can you just refresh me again, you do drive the socks off these cars you build??? How is the giving up smoking going???? I noticed that the ash tray is not as full as usual so you either was having a good day at the office or you have managed to cut back????
    Can you put some photos up on the Pop too please????
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  4. #199
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Well with the block all smoothed and in bare metal i needed to stop it flash rusting, this was a bit of a predicament as i couldnt give it to the reborer as it would go rusty while it was waiting to be done and if i primed it he would probaly chip or scratch it, after a bit of thinking i decided to epoxy prime it and take a chance on scratches and chips

    Firstly i went around the block again and sanded off any light rust that had formed, then i washed the block down with panelwipe to degrease it, next i put it in front of my blow heater to get the block nice and warm and dry, then applied 4 coats of black epoxy primer.

    It came out real nice and smooth and should be even better when its flatted for the topcoat colour.

    While the gun was full i decided to do the intake manifold as well, this got 3 coats of epoxy and 3 coats of green TI hi build as well as it wasn't as smooth as the block, this will enable me to flat it out and hopefully acheive a really nice finish on it

    Here's the block masked up, to get a nice edge i put the masking tape over the shaped parts and gently tapped the sharp edge with a hammer so the sharp edge cuts the tape.

    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  5. #200
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link Steve for the Thames. I have read the first 3 pages and it seems our "Pommie" rodder friends complain about how high you set that damn bar also with your workmanship. Thanks again as I am going to enjoy reading each and every post on that thread as there appears to be some hardcase individuals over there in the UK that also keeps you on your toes. And yes I will let you know what I think of the project,da.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

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  6. #201
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Glad you like it mate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiplash23T View Post
    Thanks for the link Steve for the Thames. I have read the first 3 pages and it seems our "Pommie" rodder friends complain about how high you set that damn bar also with your workmanship. Thanks again as I am going to enjoy reading each and every post on that thread as there appears to be some hardcase individuals over there in the UK that also keeps you on your toes. And yes I will let you know what I think of the project,da.
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  7. #202
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    The engine & intake look amazing, Steve. I also saved the link to the Thames/Fordson Project and will enjoy going back to see it through, too. Your pictures and descriptions of the initial frame work are first rate - very interesting to see your explanations and approach. Thanks for taking time to post in such detail.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  8. #203
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    Many thanks for the kind comments, There are obviously many different ways to do stuff and this is what works for me, glad you like it.

    I post as much detail as possible as there are a lot of people trying to build rods here in england that don't have experience or know how, hopefully i can help them with tips and enthusiasm.

    If i thought there were people interested i would start a thread for the build here.

    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    The engine & intake look amazing, Steve. I also saved the link to the Thames/Fordson Project and will enjoy going back to see it through, too. Your pictures and descriptions of the initial frame work are first rate - very interesting to see your explanations and approach. Thanks for taking time to post in such detail.
    Last edited by roadster32; 11-15-2010 at 10:11 AM.
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  9. #204
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roadster32 View Post
    If i thought there were people interested i would start a thread for the build here.
    Count me in on the interested people. Hard to find words to describe your builds.
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  10. #205
    stovens's Avatar
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    Wow Steve fantastic looking engine block and intake! Attention to details really shows, time spent worth the return 100 fold. Wish I had your patience and skill!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  11. #206
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Greetings Steve, have read all 32 pages and wow, your workmanship is amazing and I too appreciate your ability to give a excellent description of how you accomplish things and so ready to help others. You are a true gentleman. I had not realised one could purchase a complete Thames fibreglass body over there and they look so good. Hey I also noticed that I'm not the first to commend on the ash tray either. Over here in NZ the government has raised the price of smokes to try and get more people to give up by increasing the tax take. Luckily for me I only took up smoking in my early 20's and then quit after 3 years so I am one of those loud reformed smokers that enjoy preaching to others.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  12. #207
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Thanks Steve.

    Quote Originally Posted by stovens View Post
    Wow Steve fantastic looking engine block and intake! Attention to details really shows, time spent worth the return 100 fold. Wish I had your patience and skill!
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  13. #208
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Steve 32,

    You rotten SOB. How can anybody even think of ever doing another rod again with the bar so high. I am going to just part my junk out and give up on this rod building fantasy. All kidding aside, your work is just fantastic. I am envious.


  14. #209
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Thanks for the kind words Jack its appreciated.
    We all build differently and for different reasons, my reason for putting in the detail is firstly i enjoy doing it and secondly if i do something even slightly sub standard here in england the hotrod knives come out to give you a good stabbing

    One thing i've noticed about americans is that they always seem to like to see people get on in life, If someone starts a business they always seem to be pleased for them, It seems to work the other way here in england, if you get to successful they can't wait to knock you down
    I havn't a clue why !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack F View Post
    Steve 32,

    You rotten SOB. How can anybody even think of ever doing another rod again with the bar so high. I am going to just part my junk out and give up on this rod building fantasy. All kidding aside, your work is just fantastic. I am envious.

    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  15. #210
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    That really looks nice, Once you completely assemble the motor and it's in the car it will really be appreciated by people like me. I'm the guy you will have to chase away so you can go home. I can spend many hours looking at one car if it has the detail like yours. Your time is much appreciated, thanks for sharing.

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