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Thread: 1940 Ford Deluxe coupe build

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  1. #16
    39Deluxe's Avatar
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    Looks great. I've always wanted a '40. Yours is perfect.


  2. #17
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    This thread led me to finally try and figure out what '39 and '40 standard and deluxes look like. Does a '39 deluxe have the same nose as a '40 standard? I've never tried to dive into this, but now I'm curious.
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  3. #18
    geezer69's Avatar
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    no, their quite different.the lights,grill,and hood are different.
    Last edited by geezer69; 03-07-2011 at 10:00 AM.

  4. #19
    roadster32's Avatar
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    I always thought the 38 deluxe became the 39 standard ???

    Quote Originally Posted by 35fordcoupe View Post
    This thread led me to finally try and figure out what '39 and '40 standard and deluxes look like. Does a '39 deluxe have the same nose as a '40 standard? I've never tried to dive into this, but now I'm curious.
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  5. #20
    HOSS429's Avatar
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    the standard had one tail lite and one wiper i thought .. the deluxe had both
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  6. #21
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOSS429 View Post
    the standard had one tail lite and one wiper i thought .. the deluxe had both
    It did in 1940, I once owned a 40 Standard.
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  7. #22
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Could someone post a few pictures and point out the differences? I did a little google searching, but you never know what someone changed out on their "standard" or "deluxe"
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  8. #23
    robot's Avatar
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    For specifics of 39 vs 40, here are several differences

    39 was the first year for hydraulic brakes
    39 had windshield wipers on top of the glass, 40s are below
    40 was the first year for sealed beam headlights, 40 headlight rings have parking lights on top
    39 bumpers have an inset stripe, 40s are smooth
    fenders and running boards are different
    hoods are different
    hood trim is different, the ford emblem is at the front on a 39 and at the back on a 40
    inside door handles are different color
    39 had a banjo steering wheel, 40 had a two spoke
    39 has round gauges, 40 has rectangular
    grilles are different
    39 was last year for floor shift, 40 was first year for column shift
    39 had swing out winshield hinged at the top, 40 did not
    39 was last year for wood grain on dash (I think)

    mike in tucson

  9. #24
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 35fordcoupe View Post
    Could someone post a few pictures and point out the differences? I did a little google searching, but you never know what someone changed out on their "standard" or "deluxe"
    Hey Robert,
    I had a 39 Ford Deluxe tudor sedan a long time ago. I believe the grille & hood would interchange with the 40 Ford Standard, but not the 40 Ford Deluxe. Here are a few things I've found showing the differences....

    39 Ford Standard http://www.vanpeltsales.com/FH_web/1939ford-project.htm

    39 Ford Deluxe http://auto.howstuffworks.com/1939-ford-deluxe.htm

    40 Ford Standard http://www.carnut.com/iown/40ford.html

    40 Ford Deluxe http://www.oldride.com/classic_cars/283556.html
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  10. #25
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    thanks guys that helps. some of it is similar to what I thought, but I've never sat down and studied them. The '39 standard and deluxe and more different than I thought. I've probably always assumed a '39 standard was a '38. Standard and deluxe makes much less difference for a 35/36. I believe my car is a standard with one horn, one tail light, trunk, etc. but over all there's little difference.
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  11. #26
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robot View Post
    For specifics of 39 vs 40, here are several differences

    39 was the first year for hydraulic brakes
    39 had windshield wipers on top of the glass, 40s are below
    40 was the first year for sealed beam headlights, 40 headlight rings have parking lights on top
    39 bumpers have an inset stripe, 40s are smooth
    fenders and running boards are different
    hoods are different
    hood trim is different, the ford emblem is at the front on a 39 and at the back on a 40
    inside door handles are different color
    39 had a banjo steering wheel, 40 had a two spoke
    39 has round gauges, 40 has rectangular
    grilles are different
    39 was last year for floor shift, 40 was first year for column shift
    39 had swing out winshield hinged at the top, 40 did not
    39 was last year for wood grain on dash (I think)

    mike in tucson
    '39 last year for rumble seat (convertible coupe)
    '39 last year for convertible sedan
    '39 doesn't have vent window on front dooors (wind wing, however available as a/m addition), '40 does.
    '39 has tear drop tail light, '40 has chevron shape.
    '39 side trim is smooth and narrower than '40 which is ribbed and wider.
    Lots of little things too, but this should be enough for a good visual.
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  12. #27
    dirtcop is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    First Drive of my '40'


    Well I finally took my '40' coupe out for it's first drive. As always I now have a list of things to get right before the next drive; adjust clutch, rebleed brakes (4 wheel disc so takes a little tweaking), play with carburetors (idled fine until first drive, now not so much), and a couple other things. Car rode beautifully, six speed trans is going to be great, and lots of looks by other drivers. Fun drive, but pretty stressful. Hood still needs to be painted.
    I just bought a '53' International R110 pickup that hasn't run in 20 years. Should be a nice little project and hopefully functional shop truck.
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  13. #28
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    congrats on the first drive! glad you were able to make it out yesterday in honor of my birthday . The best I did was move the car out of the garage to work on some things then 5 minutes later it started hailing!
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  14. #29
    Trjohn57's Avatar
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    Kool looking rod there dude.

  15. #30
    REGs's Avatar
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    That is SOOOOOOOO kewl.

    I dig the 6 speed action too. Not enough three pedal cars on the road!!!


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