Thread: 57 Chevy Cruizer
09-20-2012 06:23 PM #676
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09-20-2012 06:32 PM #677
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
09-20-2012 06:37 PM #678
09-20-2012 06:39 PM #679
NHRA will be in Topeka May 17-19 and I understand they run the drags most Sat. nights. There is a road course there, but I don't know much about it. Roger Spears lives in Gardner, KS which is a little southwest of KC. I don't think the May date is very good as all of the motels will be booked for the Nats.Last edited by NTFDAY; 09-21-2012 at 06:23 PM.
Ken Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing
09-20-2012 06:43 PM #680
Nope, not teasing!!! Awhile back Roger put up a pic of the new road course being built at Kansas Speedway, and they also have a dragstrip!!! It's an infield course on the NASCAR track, not sure they will have such a thing as open track day...... I've made some laps at the one by Council Bluffs, Ia., great track and loads of fun===but no dragstrip nearby and I don't believe there's much road race interest here on CHR.......Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
09-20-2012 07:08 PM #681
09-20-2012 07:35 PM #682
Okay, maybe a little insight into the Bonneville experience would be useful. Dave is correct, it is HOT in August, and the sun reflecting off the white salt makes it doubly so. During the time that the course is open a race team can be very busy tuning, refitting, repairing, and so on. However, that doesn't mean that the "support" team couldn't be enjoying the sights, sounds, and overall experience. Nightime in Wendover is pretty much a party in each of the motel parking lots with lots of cruising, and bench racing (known to the outside world as lying..............make that exaggerating). Also, there's the camp site at the bend in the road, again (close to the track), a gathering place where (if you've brought the right equipment) bbqs can be done, adult beverages, and bs a plenty. Some of the campers get a bit rowdy, fireworks are common, and revelry into the wee hours of the morning are not uncommon. Since it is a "bucket list" kind of place it's a natural for gathering of online acquaintances, and, IMO a great choice for meeting up in person. As has been the SEMA show. We have a small group (we're down to 4 regulars now.....three of whom no longer post here, or not much) that gets together each year and walks the floor together. Great comraderie!
The other sites noted could be good too, and the expectation should be that not everyone can free up time, or expense to go to any single location.........................there is no ideal, just multiple opportunities.Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
09-20-2012 09:25 PM #683
Ok, back to the plans for the car itself... I was going to run a T-56, but after Pro Z's warning on the poor shifting characteristics and a salesman buddy of mine letting me take one out and test hammer (err, test drive!) a car with a T-56 in it I've decided to go a different route on the drive train. After some conversation's and emails with Richmond Gear and Gear Vendor's Overdrive, I'm considering using the Richmond 5 speed with the road racing synchro's and other parts along with a Gear Vendor's overdrive unit bolted on the back of it where the tailshaft housing usually goes. Talking with guys who run or have run on the salt I know it's slippery, so it would seem that some very close ratio's in the transmission along with a very close eye on the tachometer one should be able to get through the gears smoothly and keep the engine in a torque range that will accelerate smoothly without a lot of "peakiness" in the torque curve. So, with the Gear Vendors unit adding an in-between gear to each of the 5 gears the Richmond has I think I've come up with some satisfactory ratio's... For clarity, I'll show the gear ratio in the tranny, then what the gear ratio becomes when you hit the button and go to overdrive;
1st- 2.89:1
od- 2.26:1
od- 1.45:1
od- 1.03:1
4th- 1.00:1
od- .81:1
5th- .77:1
I can't imagine where you would use every gear while upshifting, but some practice with which gear or overdrive version of it to use would give some very smooth and constant acceleration!!! This set up I believe would also allow for a lot of choices in rear end ratio based on what kind of driving you're planning on doing!! Heck, if 5 gears are fun then 9 has to be almost twice as much fun, right??????
PS---Just for grins, some Saturday night around town I'd have to dig out my old set of 6.00:1 on a spool gears and see just how many times I can shift getting across the intersection!!!!!!!!Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
09-21-2012 11:15 AM #684
your starting to make this complicated----------
what was that trans they used in vetts that was somehing plus one?????????it would work nice in this situation without all the hassel of doing gear venderds od-----------why don't you do direct drive like the sprinters??? they push you up to speed at Bville anyway----
And make sure you remove any outside rearview mirrors!!!!!!!!!!!! had a customer running a pure stock type class a few years ago bitching about top speed being a few mph under what some others were running---when I looked at his car he had a pair of big fender mount mirrors to watch the other cars so he could lift or run it deeper????????
09-21-2012 04:37 PM #685
I like the Gear Vendors for the versatility. If I were building the '57 as a purpose built, B-Ville only car I'd go a different route entirely on the drivetrain. With the different venues running the one mile course now it sounds like another fun place to go play, or maybe work in a tune up for Bonneville.....
The Vette transmission was a 4+3 Doug Nash unit.. not a bad unit either!Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
09-21-2012 04:45 PM #686
09-21-2012 05:43 PM #687
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
09-21-2012 06:31 PM #688
I don't know anyone today, but that's not to say I can't find out! It's only about an hour west of me, and from their website it appears that they make the track(s) available during off times. Let me do some checking.
Somehow I missed several of the earlier posts. To eliminate confusion, I'm in Gardner, KS not Goodland. Gardner is on I35 on the SW edge of the metro KC area while Goodland is waaaay out west nearly in Colorado. I'd like to do Bonneville some day, too, but it probably needs to be with an experienced team. Of course, after Worlds Fastest Indian..... I'm also going to make the SEMA show one day, once I find the right contact.
Let me do some checking on Heartland Park, probably early next week.Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
09-21-2012 06:38 PM #689
Sure would be kewl if they had some special deals for clubs! Thanks in advance for taking time to check it out, Roger!!!!Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
09-21-2012 07:43 PM #690
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress