Thread: 1935 Ford 5 Window Custom
12-15-2010 12:50 AM #1
1935 Ford 5 Window Custom
Hello everyone! (I feel like i'm in the new member sign in again) Well...i guess i'll just start from how this project all began. My father passed away when I was 5 years old (24 years ago) and left me with his '35 5window. I remeber him driving it around when i was younger but growing up and being a teenager meant that the car sat in my mom's garage for over 20 years with out being touched.....over the past few years I've done little things here and there to the car, but this past year I've finally dived into this car as a full blown project!!!
I figured the best place to star was with the motor, so i did a bunch of work to the flatty, but I ended up selling it in exchange for a SBF. I also decided that I wanted to have the car the project took a crazy buddy is helping me with the C notch + 4 link in the rear, Mustang II front end, boxing the frame, and adding new crossmembers. I figured that I should start a build log being that I'm accumulating a bunch of pictures as my car (daddy's dream) is slowly becoming a reality. Here's what my car looked like before anything was done to it:
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12-15-2010 12:54 AM #2
Here are some pics of the progress on the c notch and 4 link. I ended up picking up a ranchero 9" rear end also
12-15-2010 12:59 AM #3
The C notch going in!!!!!!! I have to give big props to my buddy for the crazy welds!!!!
12-15-2010 01:01 AM #4
Rear end is almost all the way in!!!!!!!
12-15-2010 01:04 AM #5
We've just recently taken the motor out and getting ready for the Mustang II and the rest of the frame work.....I so excited i can't wait untill i can drive it!!!!!!! My goal is to have it done by this up coming summer....
Here's the motor I picked up last it for $100 bucks!!!
12-15-2010 07:10 AM #6
Wow! A lot of nice work in that garage! And a great deal on the sbf! Sorry to hear about your dad but he'll be smiling from above as your cruisin' this summer! Thanks for sharing the pics too!
12-15-2010 07:24 AM #7
Wow, neat story, and an amazing survivor car! It's going to be a great ride when you're done! Thanks for the detailed pictures.Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
12-15-2010 08:13 AM #8
Looks good so far! Here are a couple pics of mine. Progress is slower than I'd like at over 4 years, but we'll be cruisin' this spring
I noticed something on the back of your frame...are those braces for the bumper? My car was hit I think before my dad even had it and I never knew the frame was supposed to have those braces. I just assumed Ford had the terrible idea to just bolt the bumper straight to the body. Does anyone know if those braces are available or am I stuck searching for used ones?
'35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO
12-17-2010 08:27 PM #9
Thank you everyone for the kind words and encouragement...every little bit helps especially when you have a project oin your hands that seems like it'll never be done (I'm sure many others can relate).
35fordcoupe....those brakets are indeed for the rear bumper. I'd tell you to find a donor car to get new ones, but for all that hassle you should find a good metal guy to weld you up some new ones....probably be cheaper anyway + no rust
12-18-2010 10:52 AM #10
Can you tell me how thick the metal is and the measurement from the edge of the frame to the edge of the bracket? I'm basically trying to figure out the distance the body hangs over the rear crossmember in the back because things are a bit off from side to side back there. Finding those brackets would help me get everything right otherwise I'll have to make them and try and get the bumper to look straight. Right now my bumper brackets are identical (not bent) and yet the bumper is noticably closer to one fender than the other.
OK sorry, back to you'35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO
12-18-2010 03:00 PM #11
Heck 35coupe, have you run the tape measure across your diagonals of your chassis to make sure it is square??? I realise that they used to have a bigger tolerances but your chassis shouldn't be that far out. I would be checking every thing again just to be sure,sorry.
Daddys Dream I am so envious of your build and your car as it has history from being your Dads and man that body looks so straight and rust free. My stomach dropped a little when you mentioned that you had sold the flatty as I'm sort of come full circle now and just love a well dressed flatty in a fat fender car. In saying that I also like the idea of airbags and later running gear in a stock looking coupe. Keep the photos and story coming my friend.I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.
Isaiah 48: 17,18.
12-21-2010 11:19 PM #12
Hey everyone! So i've got some more pictures to add to the build log...spent a few hours today taking off the fenders and running boards....(I'm going to sell the running boards if anyone is interested...p/m me) Gettin ready for that mustang II to go in. Also made the decision to tub my car mildly. Want to make use of the hp my car will have in the future with wider tires. Just wish that I didn't have to run radials to pull of the look I want ...o least they'll still be white walls... go the flix
Last edited by DaDdY's DrEaM; 12-30-2010 at 12:06 AM.
12-22-2010 06:57 PM #13
Can I make an opinionated statement about your build? ..... I will anyway with the risk of being a dick or sounding like one.
Based on the pictures of the '35 ... and the fact that it was your Dad's ride that you ended up with ... the only upgrades I'd be makinging might be the powerplant, trans, cooling system & brakes. Make it safe & drive the wheels off it.
The body on that car is soooooooo nice it's a shame to cut that up. I don't think I'd even change the straight axle set up. Just update it.
Those cars, in that shape, are like hens teeth. I'd give my right nut to have something that clean & original.
I think if the car was a bit more ragged what your doing would be a bit more acceptable but I must say, which is MY OPINION ONLY, your not doing the car right. If your Dad had started these things then by all means finish them.
You can update the rear with better brakes & a super slide set of springs to lower it. Same with the front. But to cut it up in that shape .... not good. To remove those running boards ... sacralege!
No one likes to cut more than I ... ask Don/ITOLDYOUSO ... he'll verify it. Just not a prestine example like that. What would you Dad think??
I know .... it's his car & he can do what he wants but I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking these thoughts .... just the only one willing to write them down.
Again ... just MY opinion about the project.
12-22-2010 07:58 PM #14
Well, now that you've said it, I kinda flinched when I saw it getting cut up too. Especially the Dad history part of it. The car was just soooooo clean and unmolested.
I'm like Paul and don't mind cutting them up, but sometimes one is just so nice it begs for just a clean up and minor mods to make it a safe driver. Like Paul said though, it IS your car and you certainly have the right to do anything you please with it.
Sorry for any negative remarks, no disrespect intended.
12-23-2010 04:36 AM #15
hey worries. Just to clarify, no single part of the body is going to be be cut up at's going to be all original. the fenders, running boards, ect. all came off because of the frame work that's going to be done (boxing the frame and Mustang II to name a few). After all that's done, I'll be putting everything back on. Eventually I plan on having a SBF with about 400hp when i can afford it which is the reason for the boxing of the frame and adding new cross members. To make a long story short, my goal with this project is to have a 100% original body, but have all modern suspension, breaks, and motor/trans....o and I WANT IT SLAMMED!!!!!!I also know that people change...heck i've changed a bunch with regard to my taste in cars....i do have reservations about modifying things to a point to where they can't be changed back which is why the body will stay original. I may choose to run no hood, but i could just put it back on.... Also for the original wheels, I can just add spacers/adapters to the stockies and still run them on my mustang II and 9" with very minor work. Well's an updated pick of what was accomplished today. Got the body off finally!
Last edited by DaDdY's DrEaM; 12-30-2010 at 12:07 AM.
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