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Thread: Project "Left Overs"

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  1. #196
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Oh, so the rear radiator was an AUXILLIARY (sp) radiator to suppliment the cooling?


  2. #197
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Hello Don (Pops') Dan and Don, I'm back and have just read all this again to bring me upto date. Fistly Dan, absolutely brilliant job you have done on the Roadster, congratulations young man.
    Secondly,Don Jr. I noticed in some of the photos that the Tudor hasn't been posted down to me yet, have you changed your mind???
    And lastly, Don,you will have your new project finished before I can get back into the garage so please slow down and go fishing or something.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  3. #198
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    Whip, so glad to see you back posting again...........you and yours are in our thoughts. Haha, I actually DID go fishing. Don took me out on his boat a couple of Sundays ago, but we got skunked........but the day was nice anyway.

    As for Don's Tudor, I think he is getting serious now about starting work on it. Last night we moved a lot of excess motors and stuff out of his area to another storage building so he has room to strip it down. Now that the car is sitting in the open it sure looks good and I am having second thoughts about selling it to him.............well, not actually second thoughts because I'll get to help him fix it up and won't be spending my money, but his.

    Thankis for the nice words about Dans car........I'll pass them along/\.


  4. #199
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    Glad you are OK from th earthquakes you had in your neck of the world.........I did actually try to ship the 46 to you and because of the quakes they sent it back

    Yes, getting my shop space workable by moving all of my spare engines and parts to a small storage unit near by. I need the space to work on her properly. Should have that done this week so I can start installing the rear suspension setup.

    Don Jr.
    Don Jr.
    "Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"

  5. #200
    stovens's Avatar
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    Thats good news Mr. Blue! Hopefully you guys won't be rubbing elbows too much with three projects going at once!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  6. #201
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Yes Don,I remember when I purchased my first fishing rod and all the gear one requires to land the big ones, I asked the salesperson for a guarantee that the rig would always catch atleast one big fish of the edible type everytime I used it. But when it proved otherwise and I took it back to the store, they wouldn't give me a refund. I have since sold that useless lot of fishing gear and only can hope the new owner has better luck with it.
    Don Jr.,thankyou so much for your support over the last few days,I only wish I could personally thank everybody face to face as I am blessed to have some of the best people in the world whom I call my friends, thankyou.
    I too am looking forward to watching your build of our '46 on your thread.
    I cannot remember if I have mentioned this before but I have my meeting with the surgery team on the 22nd of this month for my knee replacement surgery and I'm gonna push real hard to have both done at the same time as I need to restart my life now and get back to work earning some money.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  7. #202
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    I didn't pick up about the surgery thing, Whip. Sorry I missed that. I wish you well and from what I understand they have those kinds of replacements down pat now, and the healing time is minimal. Good luck with that, and we are still holding out hope on your ex wife being ok.


  8. #203
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    What size tires are on Don's T and what brand?

  9. #204
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    Ken, fronts are 5:00 or 5:60 x 15, can't remember which. I think the brand is US Royals. The backs are L78 x 15, Cokers, I think. All came from Coker. Don may see this and know more info. They are essentially the same size I have on my 27. If he doesn't see this I'll be at the shop tomorrow and will check for you. Now that I look at his avatar I am pretty sure they are 5:60's on the front. My 23 had the 5:00's on it.


  10. #205
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    Thanks, I'm trying to figure out sizes for the new truck. I want the wide whites and big and littles. I would like something around 31or 32" tall but I haven't bought wide whites before so I'm poking around, thanks again.

  11. #206
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    Ken, to get that height you are almost locked in to 16 inchers. My rears are only 29.5 high. On the other hand, the 16 inch ones on Dans rpu rear are something like 31 tall, maybe 32. I think they are 7:60 x 16 Firestones. His are blackwall, but he had WW the first time and sold them to buy these, so both are available.

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  12. #207
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    Here Ken, I found the tires he is running, except in WW.



  13. #208
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    Ken, to get that height you are almost locked in to 16 inchers. My rears are only 29.5 high. On the other hand, the 16 inch ones on Dans rpu rear are something like 31 tall, maybe 32. I think they are 7:60 x 16 Firestones. His are blackwall, but he had WW the first time and sold them to buy these, so both are available.

    L78 cokers are 29.3" tall Don, I'm pretty sure Dans are 7.50's which are 31" tall.

    Ken if you want a tall rear whitewall try either the 890 Firestone at 31", I have them on my 32 and they are nice, or Radir do a 900 which is 32" tall
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  14. #209
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Is Ken Thurm really going bias?
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  15. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter View Post
    Is Ken Thurm really going bias?

    He's seen the light!!!!!!!!!!!


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