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Thread: Project "Left Overs"

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  1. #10
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
    Itoldyouso is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    fort myers
    Car Year, Make, Model: '27 ford/'39 dodge/ '23 t

    Thanks guys. I finally got some room in my part of the shop to begin mocking up my rpu project today. My Son Don bought my 46 so I was able to push it over into his area. He has the means and desire to finish the 46 the right way (TCI type IFS front end, parallel rear spring setup, etc.) so it should turn out nice.

    I blocked up the body at the height I want it to sit at, and built some basic frame rails out of 2 x 4 lumber to get an idea of how long the front rails should be. The real frame will be narrower in the front with a round tube crossmember, and the rails will be tapered, but generally about as they look in these pictures.

    I am considering running a hidden radiator in the bed, and leaving the grille shell empty, with only the Moon tank sitting in front........kinda like an old time drag car. Maybe a hoop roll bar, like my 27 has, and a louvered bed cover and tailgate. I think I may run 8 inch Firestone slicks on the back (whitewalls) and 5:60 front tires.

    This is my favorite part of the build, mocking stuff up. I love pushing parts into place, then sitting back and deciding what I like and don't like about it. This project will go slow for a while because I don't want to take Dan's time away from his car until he is done, to do any welding for me. I can do a lot of the fabricating and welding, but when it comes to stuff I really want done neatly or strong, I will need to get his help there.

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