Thread: Lethal Weapon, Project A-Bucket
06-06-2011 12:17 AM #121
Micah 6:8
If we aren't supposed to have midnight snacks,,,WHY is there a light in the refrigerator???
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06-16-2011 04:41 PM #122
Give Me Some Skin..............
Update: I got the body skinned. It still requires a little finish welding in some spots. The door will need some rod welded to the edge to get the gap where I want. But all in all I think it's looking ok. I had intended to run a bead the length of the body somewhere near the door top, but got skittish. I wasn't sure I could run a nice even and straight bead, and I used all but a 6" x 24" piece of the 4' x 10' sheet. I'll have to get some more for the panels below the bed. I caped the sides and back of the cab with some top bed rail salvaged from 66 Chevy bed sides. This gave it a nice finished look and I spaced the lip away from the inside so the upholstery panels fit behind them. Still have to fill a couple of holes and cap the ends at the door though.
06-16-2011 05:09 PM #123
I also earlier got the drive shaft tunnel finished. I sliced down a couple more freon jugs and it made a nice looking tunnel.
Welded 3/8" shoulder nuts into the frame to mount body to. Mounts thru sill which is 1/8" thick.
Also got the battery carrier welded in.
Here's a better shot of the grill shell, so you can see the relation in height to the cowl.
And last is a panel I made with the bead roller. I'm uncertain as weather to use this or not yet. It still needs a little hammer and dolly work. My father hung this nick name on me at the age of 5 and it stuck till I was almost 18. I thought since it was a dinky pickup............. well you get the idea.
And I know someone is looking at this. A little feedback would really be appreciated. I'm a little unsure on the look, thus far, and would like some honest feedback. I know the bed looks high, but that will be made better when the side and rear panels are in place below the bed. They will probably cover the kick up notch for the axle and then run about the axle center line to rear. The rear pan will have some aux, brake-turn sig, lights across the lower rear.
06-17-2011 01:33 AM #124
Its all looking great mate, although i'm a little unsure of the tailgate, i think it would be better plain.Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.
06-17-2011 01:47 AM #125
06-17-2011 06:14 AM #126
I would disagree! I like the tailgate as shown, gives it character and special meaning! And the bed being a bit higher also gives it a different look. If you were to lower it, go just a little bit! Don't make it look like all the others! Back on page 5 you asked us to grunt once in a while, so I just did! Hope it was ok that I did?
Thanks for sharing the pics and your time.
06-17-2011 10:28 AM #127
I like it. Nice job on the metal body too." "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
06-17-2011 01:36 PM #128
All is good. I'm torn on the tailgate. I guess I'll finish the letters and decide. If I do it, I'll probably use rivets, and not weld into tailgate. I like the bed top even with the cab top. Just overall it looks kinda high. But again once the lower panels are fabed up and installed it should change the look again. I did want a , at least slightly, different look, but sometimes the disadvantage to that is looking at others and those being different than yours you start to second guess yourself. And although I think I have a vision, it gets kinda fuzzy sometimes. And sometimes the vision is great, but then the beer wears off............
And Grunt all ya want.............
06-17-2011 01:39 PM #129
06-17-2011 01:52 PM #130
06-17-2011 05:34 PM #131
Okay,you say you want honesty so here is my 2cents worth then you can shoot me. I like the side profile from the drivers side,the rear tailgate is all good,the grille is the correct height, but, yes now the but, the side door needs to be redesigned sadly. It would look better if it was deeper and I realize it is a big job to change now but I think it would be worth the extra time involved to get right. Oh yes we are all getting old and we do require all the help in getting in and out of our toys,so don't do away with the door altogether,but see if you can improve it a bit please.I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.
Isaiah 48: 17,18.
06-17-2011 07:44 PM #132
My 2 cents worth, leave the tailgate the way it is and as Whiplash mentioned, drop the door down.Ken Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing
06-17-2011 08:21 PM #133
It's not a question of what it would take to re-do the door, its function over form. The door at all is a compromise. The reason it doesnt go all the way down is I do not want to sacrifice the lower DOM side bar. Which is right about at bumper height. I realize it doesnt look the best with the partial door. Hopefully with tight door gaps and paint it won't look like a festering boil on the side..........There probably is some other way to do it and get the strenth I want but I spent a couple months pondering this, and this was in my capabilities. So I will conceede it kinda looks wierd. I don't really like it, but I'll have to live with it. I just won't look at the passenger side................
And Whip, I appreciate the honesty. But if it wasn't a little ugly I wouldn't know it was mine.....Last edited by dlotraf33; 06-17-2011 at 08:35 PM. Reason: additional info
06-17-2011 08:38 PM #134
06-18-2011 04:38 AM #135
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress