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Thread: New Build-1946 Ford Tudor Build

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  1. #46
    REGs's Avatar
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    You ARE moving right along.

    I need to light a fire under my ass!!


  2. #47
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    We were talking about your coupe last night, Paul. That thing is just SO clean, even underneath.


  3. #48
    REGs's Avatar
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    I'm trying to get the other twwo projects out of my way right now ... my boss' 1990 SS 454 pick up which we repowered with a Patriot detuned 496 (it only has 550 hp) + monster trans 700r4 ... I'm adding some finishing touches ... real guages & some geegags. Also getting my slamned to the ground '87 crewcab dually finished ... FI to carb, msd, msd pro billet dizzy, 50 gal aluminum bed mounted fuel tank (it'll need it!!), some updated front & rear seats.

    Once these are out of the driveway I can THEN get back on the coupe. NO OTHER PROJECTS!!! Just the coupe.


  4. #49
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Okay guys,here is the problem that is gonna make things arkward soon. Dan and Pops are gonna take their cars out of that shop soon so can I suggest that Don Jr you tell them to move closer to the door and then you can spread out in style at the back.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  5. #50
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whiplash23T View Post
    Okay guys,here is the problem that is gonna make things arkward soon. Dan and Pops are gonna take their cars out of that shop soon so can I suggest that Don Jr you tell them to move closer to the door and then you can spread out in style at the back.
    It's already become a problem. I used to park my 23 and then later my 27 right in the doorway because I like to drive them almost daily, even if it is to just run an errand. Now Don's T is there and I have to move his out of the way first, then move my T out, then put his back. I'm getting too old to keep climbing over the sides like that.

    At least Don keeps his area so clean I don't have to move a lot of junk out of the way to do that.


  6. #51
    lamin8r's Avatar
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    Don jr,,love the tudor..in fact that is one model[46-48]that my wife would love to get,,preferably a coupe,but I would settle for a tudor..That is a real nice car,,cant believe the condition of it..Is gunna be a kool car when you have finished..
    Micah 6:8

    If we aren't supposed to have midnight snacks,,,WHY is there a light in the refrigerator???


  7. #52
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    It's already become a problem. I used to park my 23 and then later my 27 right in the doorway because I like to drive them almost daily, even if it is to just run an errand. Now Don's T is there and I have to move his out of the way first, then move my T out, then put his back. I'm getting too old to keep climbing over the sides like that.

    At least Don keeps his area so clean I don't have to move a lot of junk out of the way to do that.

    It is a problem, Unfortunately now I cant drive dads 27 as it is too tight for me to fit in (I am big boned compared to pops). When he parked his 23 in my spot I could fit in it to drive it out of my way. I can push it out but trying to get it in is a hassle (too heavy to push in by myself)

    . At least with my T in the doorway I anyone can move it. If pops puts his car there
    a) I can't move it to get my car out
    b) I can't move it to work in my area.
    SO unfortunately for pops and Dan they will have to move my T to get their cars out. I have been moving Dads T for years to get my T out so no matter what a car is moving. Part of sharing a shop. I did offer to rent my own shop recently for space but we all decided to keep it as is for $$ reasons.

    REGS-Seems like you are making lots of progress on a few cars and trucks so you are busy enough.

    Lamin8r-Thanks, I like the coupes too. Very classic styling I like this one because it reminds me of dad too. He had a nice 47 when we were kids. Really cool car.
    Don Jr.
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  8. #53
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I think you guys are just spoiled . We have to move 2-3 cars up the driveway to pull the '35 out and work on it outside (even sometimes when it's a little cold ). We have no room to work on it in the garage with two cars...we tried to move the GTO outside one day when it was cold so we could work in the garage and now it won't start. It might have finally said enough is enough only being started a couple times a year and not leaving the driveway in 20 years I think it is really starting to catch up to it.

    Thanks for the tour of the shop and good luck tearing into that big old '46, Don!
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  9. #54
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Man Oh Man,
    What a great, clean and well organized shop. My next shop will definitely be larger than what I have now and the machine tools will for sure have a room of there own. One thing I noticed thought is the lack of (except for a couple of calendars) wall art. The least you guys could do is hang some of your left over parts on the wall.


  10. #55
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack F View Post
    Man Oh Man,
    What a great, clean and well organized shop. My next shop will definitely be larger than what I have now and the machine tools will for sure have a room of there own. One thing I noticed thought is the lack of (except for a couple of calendars) wall art. The least you guys could do is hang some of your left over parts on the wall.

    I don't know Jack, that collection of bolt cutters probably means something.......
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  11. #56
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    That is too funny Dad gave us that collection of "bolt" cutters and said to hide them a while until things "cooled off" whatever that meant????

    Perhaps you are right, having to move running hot rods around to get other running cars out of the shop may not be the biggest problem to worry about! Also we had to fight 60 degree temps last night to do it (brrrrrrr)

    No more complaining for me. As far as wall art I agree. I would like to add a few more calendars to the wall with Pamela Anderson on them and a few car parts would not hurt.

    35fordcoupe-Time for a full rebuild of that GTO. A rebuilt 389 with Tri Power would get her up the driveway in style!
    Thanks for the replies and the laugh about the bolt cutters. Don Jr
    Don Jr.
    "Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"

  12. #57
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Don Jr,
    I did miss the bolt cutters, nice catch Unc, and they are nice although too useful to be hanging on the wall as art. Now then, a stuffed gator head or two would look nice too.


  13. #58
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    This one is a 400/4 speed, Don. It's my dad's and while some TLC would be good for it, a full rebuild might be a little further down the road...

    ...unless I take it over!
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  14. #59
    falconvan's Avatar
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    This is looking great, Don. Good idea on the SS 454 truck, too. Those were great looking trucks but the original big block was rated at something like 230 horses. Really lame for a big block; the new Camaro V6 beats that by 70HP!

  15. #60
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Those are not bolt cutters..........they are toe nail trimmers! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


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