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Thread: New Build-1946 Ford Tudor Build

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  1. #106
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stovens View Post
    Definately like brighter lights. I have had a few older modes of transportation that have had poor lighting. My 72 Honda 750, lighting issue culminated in a 55mph crash in my youth, lesson learned there. My 89 Harley also has an old style tombstone taillight, with a thick glass lens. It tends to be too dim unless I use a super bright bulb. Tried using leds, because they don't break filaments like the incandescent do with all the vibration on the bike, but they were too dim in comparison for people tailgating me to see the brake light come on. So I guess what I'm saying is modern Halogens are probably safer at night than age appropriate stuff. Just my 2 cents worth!
    I think you are right that LED's have a little way to go before they compete with a halogens brightness. I heard the military are starting to use them on their vehicles so perhaps the technology and brighness will trickle down to us someday. Yes, your bike needs the brightest bulbs possible as people just do not look for motorcycles at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by J. Robinson View Post
    Don Jr. - I second the motion on brighter lights. I had '50 Pontiac blue-dots on the back of my coupe. In bright sunlight they were invisible. I tried spraying the insides with glass frosting to diffuse the light - didn't help. I tried a bunch of different bulbs including LEDs - still didn't help. Finally I bought new '50 Pontiac style lights with 41 LEDs in each one. No more blue-dots, but at least I have brake and turn lights that can be seen.
    I have 50 Pontiac tailights in my T Bucket and I decided NOT to do blue dots for the same reason. They are invisible at times of bright light.

    Stovens - My '02 Harley Deuce and my wife's '05 Sportster use the rear turn signals as additional brake lights, so when ya step on the brakes they light up. Makes the bikes a lot more visible when stopping.
    Seems like a cool idea. I bought a flasher module at last years Turkey Run for the T Bucket that has an adjustable flash of the lights when you hit the brakes. It flashes them about 5 times real quick to get someones attention before coming on solid as normal. I need to get that installed soon.

    Quote Originally Posted by T42 View Post
    Wow, thats gonna be a sweet ride! I remember being jealous when Sr. brought it home from the Turkey run. I wouldnt know what to do with such a rust free project!!! Looking forward to watching this build!
    Thank you very much. The only rust is in the trunk pan area and in the rocker boxes so with Dan and Dads help that should be no problem at all.
    Don Jr.
    "Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"

  2. #107
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lamin8r View Post
    Don,that rusty rebuild I was talking about was a build that Barnsey,or maybe spikeo put up,possibly in an answer to another thread,but I seem to recall it being 46/7/8 Ford,that resembled a piece of swiss cheese..It was pretty rotten,and I can only be glad it isnt/wasnt me,who is doing the rebuild..
    I think I know the car you are talking about. It is a tudor like mine and he posts on the HAMB . This car was amazingly rusted and he is saving it patch panel by patch panel. Now I heard he is making it into a coupe!!!!! More ambition than I have! God I would not know where to start on his ride. He must be patient!
    Don Jr.
    "Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"

  3. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    You know, now that I look at it, maybe the lights gone from there IS a little cleaner.

    One thing about Don, when he gets some idea in his head there is no turning back.

    Meant to comment on this earlier and forgot.

    Where do you think I get that from Pops?? :-)
    Don Jr.
    "Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"

  4. #109
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Blue View Post
    Seems like a cool idea. I bought a flasher module at last years Turkey Run for the T Bucket that has an adjustable flash of the lights when you hit the brakes. It flashes them about 5 times real quick to get someones attention before coming on solid as normal. I need to get that installed soon.
    The tail lights I picked up from Technostalgia http://www.cool-leds.com/2009_Product_Catalog.pdf have what they call their RapidFire feature. You can wire them to simply come on when energized, or optionally by switching one wire they give a fast three pulse flash each time you press the brake. Super bright and definitely gets attention with the flash mode selected which is good for those people who are so excited about seeing the car they don't pay attention to traffic...
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  5. #110
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    Thanks for the heads up. I will be using their LED tailights for this project. Looks like they throw off a ton of light.
    Don Jr.
    Don Jr.
    "Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"

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