Thread: 1931 Model A Tudor
05-17-2011 01:16 AM #91
Randy will do even if I have to back down to a 235 tire it does have to fit and look right . This was all about refreshing the memory since those tires are up north with the 37 at the moment .
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05-17-2011 06:13 AM #92
Bobby - get into the Tire Rack site and find a tire you like. When you check the specs on the tire page, you will find a diameter and cross section. It's amazing how much info they have once you figure how to navigate the site -- Tire Rack - Your performance experts for tires and wheels ----- I spent many hours there looking at tires for mine. I originally had Yokohama AVS 'Z' rated on all four corners, but when I went to the 17" rear wheels, had a problem finding a larger diameter tire, so the rears are Dunlop's, but not 'Z's' (the car wont go fast enough for 'Z' tires anyhow)Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
06-05-2011 10:41 AM #93
06-15-2011 10:41 PM #94
Well Since the por 15 kit was here , I spent sometime Tuesday night going threw the the processes . I like the new color on the 401 , the kit comes with only one pint . Well spraying you lose some in e the air . I did the block , and 1 head and got a light coat on the other head and intake . Tonight I ordered 2 more pints of it to finish it all hopefully .
I have the valve covers to do and the valley pan with the oil pan , plus add a coat to head and intake .
The head shows the true color of the paint .
06-15-2011 10:46 PM #95
Looking very nice Bobby." "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
06-15-2011 11:00 PM #96
Thanks Steve .
06-16-2011 05:27 AM #97
The painting is looking very nice Bobby! The garage floor.. not so much! hee hee hee....
Sorry, I couldn't resist!
06-16-2011 08:00 AM #98
Yeah, Bobby, the engine is looking great! At least one of us is posting some pics of our progress.....
Mike, not all of us have a huge former dance hall to build our cars in! (where did the freakin' emoticons go?? I need some visual expression here beyond LOL or HaHa!...;-) )"It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells
06-16-2011 08:32 AM #99
What is that stuff you used to mask off the engine? It looks like a board of some sort glued to the engine then cut to shape.
06-16-2011 10:36 AM #100
This valley cover might look nice = from O'Brian Trucker's( Still waiting for Catagory Page Title to show up- O'Brien Truckers )
Lookin' good nowDave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
06-16-2011 01:22 PM #101
They were supposed to start the dig for new garage pad today . Been raining the last 2 days so maybe tomorrow or Monday , Mike you heard about the 10#'s in a 1# sack LOL .
Randy I had every thing sitting here and ready the last couple weeks , it didn't happen fast . I just decided the other night to get on it and get it done .
06-16-2011 01:27 PM #102
06-16-2011 01:29 PM #103
06-16-2011 01:56 PM #104
Yes Bobby, I know all about the 10 pounds of "stuff" in a 5 pound box! Just saw a clean shot to rib ya, and couldn't resist! All meant in good fun!And thanks for being a good sport!
Randy. quit your b_tchin...I'm not going to the shop tonite but I'll make an extra effort to drag the camera with me over the weekend and snap some pics for ya!
OH, use "go advanced" to find the emoticons...
06-16-2011 04:24 PM #105
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress