Thread: My 37 Ford Tudor.
05-08-2011 07:41 PM #1
My 37 Ford Tudor.
I am building my First Street Rod. I bought a 37 Ford Tudor Sedan that was someone elses project. I wish now I would have had someone with me that knew more than I did. I am doing this all by myself. The only help I have had was from books, or from people on the internet.. So far I am just starting my third year. I do have to say that I have learned a great deal, and had to do many things that I have never done before.. Thanks for looking..There would be so many more pictures to ad, but not enough space. if the engine looks like it was setback.. Well no one told me the motor mounts were set back 9". I already had the engine in the frame when I was lowering the body on to the frame. I had no help, so I had to cut the firewall out to set the body down. So I had to figure out how to make a firewall. There is no glass in the car. I made the firewall out of 16 gauge sheetmetal. I also had to learn to weld, and a whole bunch of other things that I am still learning how to do. I figure, or hope I can have most of the bodywork done by the end of this Summer, and do the interior this Winter. Then maybe paint it next Spring..
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05-09-2011 04:07 AM #2
She's looking good.
Glad to here you're learning a bunch as you go along.
Best way to do it as you'll know what to do and not to do on the next one.
Keep the updates coming.
05-09-2011 05:18 AM #3
Oh I don't think that there will be a next time. Going blind, and arthritis big time in both thumbs. Getting hard to hold on to a wrench. I am just trying to finish this one.
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