Thread: 1949 IHC KB-3 Project
07-22-2011 08:35 AM #31
you can go to my web page at to see full start to finish construction photos
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07-22-2011 11:44 AM #32
Some great cars on the ownership list! Nice photos of what looks to be a full race car past history! Thanks for sharing." "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
07-22-2011 08:39 PM #33
Last day in MooseJaw SK......the IHC is headin home
Never take life too serious.....You wont make it out alive
07-26-2011 01:01 AM #34
Hey Dan, The truck looks great and should be very cool when its complete. I cant wait till i get my 1940 D2 project going.
Good luck with the project.
07-26-2011 01:22 AM #35
07-27-2011 01:32 AM #36
Well....the truck is home...WOOOOOOOOOWOOOOOOOO
Now to sit and stare at it for days on end and try to figure out the plan of attack....
Never take life too serious.....You wont make it out alive
08-15-2011 05:14 PM #37
Well....decided to keep my mind busy today for a while.....with all the grinding that was Im half deaf and cant stop vribrating....
Working on the rear axle cut off all the welded brackets and started to grind and smoothen out the housing.
and propped up the truck to the stance I hope to give it.
Never take life too serious.....You wont make it out alive
08-25-2011 06:07 AM #38
WOW wow, can't believe how rust free that truck is! Must have been a barn find. Over here that would be like swiss cheese! Great find on both the truck and the donor. Keep up the good work and mind the pictures! perleyToo old to work, Too poor to quit.
My build thread.
09-06-2011 10:12 PM #39
was a disappointing day yesterday... due to finances had to sell the 460BB build up that I did. I know its only a motor but was alittle bumbed out about it. Today cleared out the garage and everything that was from the lincoln donor car. Everything has gone to the scrap. I made my money back on the sale of the BB Ford and when my finances get will be back to square 1 for donor car and plans....I will be looking at 351sbf Windsor for motor or a 350sbc..Never take life too serious.....You wont make it out alive
09-07-2011 03:10 AM #40
It is a nice cab..None of those left down here,either..All driven into the ground..
I think I would go 351w on that build..Stroke it out and listen to it howl..Micah 6:8
If we aren't supposed to have midnight snacks,,,WHY is there a light in the refrigerator???
09-10-2011 01:01 AM #41
I started doing some thinking about the front end….seeint that the crown vic front end has 34 inches between framerails and the IHC has 30….I was thinking about using a different fron end…..but when measured from outside the framrails to the hub where the wheel bolts up to….it measures 16 inches…….so i did the math and 16+16+30 (outside to outside framerail)…..gave me 62 +/-1 in. Since the original track width is only around 59.5"…..that front would work great. Wouldnt have the tires too buried like some S-10 suspensions Ive seen on some old trucks.
So…seeing that this whole cradle is cast aluminum….not good to cut and weld…..even with a pro weld the crossmember would never be as strong……SO…..cut it at both ends, make a new crossmember out of steel (similar to the one on the truck chassis in the background) and weld it to the chassis and design it so that it has tabs that can bolt up to the aluminum parts through the lower control arm area, thus tying it all together with no week spots…..ans just make new tabs to bolt back the Rack and pinion in its original place.
I dont have good programs to design so bare with me…….LOL
Never take life too serious.....You wont make it out alive
09-10-2011 05:29 AM #42
Right on.
I just loving seeing stuff get cut up.Pugsy
09-15-2011 09:54 PM #43
Well started stripping the fenders today of the old paint, I was in AW that the sheet metal was in such nice condition… I guess that ol' lead base paint did a heck of a job protecting all these years…..
Will have pics tomorrow of he fenders after being stripped.Never take life too serious.....You wont make it out alive
09-18-2011 09:06 PM #44
top chop? we have stocker behind the barn. A guy in the Street rod class a few years ago did the roof chop , the instructor did a couple with a mild 2-3 inch chop He leaves the doors alone. cuts out the interior cab liner then splits the A post down the center and slides the windshield header down so the top of the windshield is the same level as the top of the door glass, He pie cuts the roof and flattens it down to a mild curve. the look is right, getting rid of the bubble roof.timothale
09-18-2011 11:19 PM #45
Nah.............chop tops as cool as they look.......the look that Im after...the roof has to stay stock.Never take life too serious.....You wont make it out alive
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress