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Thread: Project "Left Overs" is back alive !

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  1. #271
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks, Steve. The valve covers are stock Olds Starfire covers from 64. The Starfire was Olds "sporty" car and there were some other chrome pieces on the engine, like the air cleaner. When I saw them on Ebay some years ago I thought they would be a little different than finned ones, although I like those a lot too.


  2. #272
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Hey you better hide those rocker covers away before Steve kidnaps they back to jolly good old England Chaps. I am very impressed with your workmanship Don and you can be rightly proud of Dan's fussy welding jobs.The only thing different from Steve is he would of used stainless bolts eh mate.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  3. #273
    Mike P's Avatar
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    It looks good Don, I'm really looking forward to you getting this one on the road. That motor should make it a lot of fun.
    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  4. #274
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    Thanks Guys. No, Steve would have made the whole car out or stainless, not just the bolts ! You know, Whip, you have me wondering now. With all that looting going on over in London maybe I better hide those covers.

    Today we're going to take a break from this one and start scrubbing up Dan's block. The ring filer comes Monday, so next week we can start on doing the gapping. Now I can start repaying some of Dan's welding labor by helping him get his back together.

    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 08-27-2011 at 10:30 AM.

  5. #275
    stovens's Avatar
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    Nice progress. I think you just need to keep an eye on the the old keg, you know those Brits love their Beer!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  6. #276
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    I only have two crossmembers to get out of the way, then I can start hanging the rear end in the frame. I wanted one to be at the bottom of the kickup and one at the top of the kickup, to give some support there.

    We had some 2 and 1/4 round tubing in the shop, so that is what I made them out of, but first I had to drill 4 2 &1/4 inch holes in the frame rails to slip the tubes into. I used a holesaw and my big 1/2 inch drill, and that was almost my undoing. The holesaw grabbed while cutting one hole and ripped the drill out of my hands. I thought I had broken or sprained my wrists, but they are ok, just sore. For the rest of the holes I screwed a piece of 3/4 inch pipe into the drill motor to use for leverage, and that helped a lot. Bet I feel it tomorrow though.

    All I have to do now is throw the tubes into the blast cabinet to get the mill scale off, and then grind some clean metal around the holes so we can weld them in place. Here are a couple of pictures of the crossmembers slipped into their holes.

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  7. #277
    lamin8r's Avatar
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    That all looks pretty kool,Don..I,too,am looking forward to seeing this beastie on wheels..
    Ask Whiplash to get some pix from a friend in south Auckland..Steve has a shed full of cars,,including a very radically channelled r/p,with a 394(?)Oldsmobile in it..Hey,Whip..ya listening??Need some shots of that beauty...
    Micah 6:8

    If we aren't supposed to have midnight snacks,,,WHY is there a light in the refrigerator???


  8. #278
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    I'd like to see those pictures, Robin. Hope Whip has some.

    Tonight I got the two round crossmember tubes cleaned up and ready for welding. After Dan was done helping Don work on his daily driver he got them welded in place, so that is that last of the crossmembers done. Now we can move on to mounting the rear axle. I think we are going to modify the 3 bar setup we have by shortening it to work. At least that seems to be the thinking for now.

    Here are a couple of shots from tonight, not much to see, but it is getting closer to being a roller.

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  9. #279
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    Will See what we can do,Don..The guy isnt too far away from Whips place,,and I think,is a member of the same club..If Whip cant get there,I will see if I can arrange for someone else to go and see if he minds some pix taken..This is the same guy who has the 32 5/w in his lounge..a 34 pickup in the shed,with about five other vehicles in there too..including a stripped,early Vette..(late 50s,from memory)
    Micah 6:8

    If we aren't supposed to have midnight snacks,,,WHY is there a light in the refrigerator???


  10. #280
    stovens's Avatar
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    Don great progress. I'm always learning here. For three years now watching frames made and never made the correlation to the reason for the step up in the back until tonight! Yep I'm a slow learner, but I get it now, to clear the rear pumpkin! Sheeze it must be headaches and old age! It's just something I never thought about!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  11. #281
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Heck Robin,put the bloody pressure on eh? I don't think you would believe the mess in Steve's workshop at the moment,I did until I called in the other weekend. He has leased out his house to his ex-wife so the '32 is now back in the garage, he is also building / roof chopping and making floors up for Moonman's '30 Coupe plus still working on the certifaction of his '33 Pickup which Bundy has checked over. I did take the camera but it was just a huge mess which still leaves me amazed at the excellent work he turns out in those conditions.Steve and his mess 006.jpgSteve and his mess 005.jpgSteve and his mess 003.jpgSteve and his mess 004.jpgSteve and his mess 006.jpgSteve and his mess 005.jpgSteve and his mess 003.jpgSteve and his mess 004.jpg
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  12. #282
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    Sorry I have doubled up on those photos, and where the Roadster pickup is was so covered with stuff I just shock my head in disgust sadly and one would find it hard to believe that and awesome pickup is sitting what for some tender loving to be shown her.One can make out the fifties Corvette under the '32 coupe.The car beside it is '50's Plymouth custom that Steve has tudorised ,roof chopped and making remodelled rear guards. The '39 Mercury is a good solid project also. As for the numerous other cars stored around the yard he is finding storage in friends garages and barns until he gets his new place build out in the country side where he hopes to ave room for all his cars under one large roof plus workshop space to work on them.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  13. #283
    stovens's Avatar
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    He's got a gold mine of stuff in there. I know the feeling of piling stuff up. Our garage is much the same, main reason why I need good weather to work on my truck, just no room to move around, unless I'm under it! In good weather it gets rolled outside to be worked on!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  14. #284
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    Now THAT is a stash !!!!! Wow. You could look around there for hours and not find everything.

    That's the problem with ANY flat surface though. It becomes so easy to lay stuff on top of it, and before you know it you have a scene like the ones you pictured. Thanks for posting those, Whip, very interesting to look at.


  15. #285
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    Hey guys,next time I shall take the camera again and take photos of some of the stuff hanging from the rafters as he has collected old multi carb manifolds, blowers etc which he will never use but purchased just because he didn't own one. Really awesome stuff. A wee bit like Kiwi Kev's garage but ten million times more dis-functional. .
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


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