08-01-2011 08:12 PM #91
I just ran over the shop to feed the stray cats that come every night. If I don't get there by 9:00 oclock they accost my car as I'm driving up.Some nights we have 2 or 3, and some nights 9 or 10. I think someone else in the industrial park feeds them during the week because they are only half hungry Monday-Friday, but on the weekends they almost mug me as I'm putting out the food. They mostly come for the Whisker Lickin's treats though, they are addicted to them.
Wish I could find all of them homes.
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08-02-2011 01:42 AM #92
Cute little kitties! They know a good softy when they see one!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
08-02-2011 05:41 AM #93
Me too, Don. I hate to see cats or dogs abandoned and left to forage for their living. Stray and feral cats don't always make good pets, though, unless you get them very young. Some of them never overcome their "wildness" and remain aloof and afraid of humans (sometimes rightfully so) all their lives. My son has a Calico female like that; she's very skittish around almost everyone except my son and his fiance. Sometimes ya find a good one, though. Here's mine (below); we found him on election night 2000. He was squalling his lungs out on our front porch and my son, who was visiting that evening, heard him. We have no idea how he got there or where he came from. As soon as my son picked him up he started purring. At the time he was the size of a medium sized rat; now he's almost eleven years old and just over 20 pounds!
Somehow the pictures below came out reversed... I hate this new format!Last edited by J. Robinson; 08-02-2011 at 05:44 AM.
Racing! - Because football, basketball, baseball, and golf require only ONE BALL!
08-02-2011 07:39 AM #94
Yeah Jim, my pictures come out in the wrong order sometimes too. No idea why that happens.
That picture of your cat when he was a kitten cracked me up.........they are so funny and wide eyed at that stage.You are right about some wild cats being more tame than others. We have been feeding them every night for the past two years or so, and some will come within a foot of us and some still hide until the food is out, then they come out, but never get too close.
The friendliest one we ever had come around was one we named Schmoo, because he was such a little Schmoo when he first came there. He got to the point where he would take treats from our hands and he would curl up and nap in the shop while we worked. We keep toys and catnip in the shop and he loved to play with them and roll around in the catnip. Dan and I really liked him but one day he just stopped coming around and we haven't seen him since. That happens a lot, and you always wonder if they got hit by a car, or some wild animal like a fox or hawk got them. We try to think someone adopted them because it makes it easier to accept. I really feel so bad for the lives they lead out on their own. It feels good to bring a little normalcy into their lives every night and know they go to bed with full bellies, at least.
The ones we have at home have NO idea how lucky they are. By the same token, we are so lucky to have them. There is never a day when ours don't do something that gives me a good laugh, and they know they are being funny too.
DonLast edited by Itoldyouso; 08-02-2011 at 07:45 AM.
08-02-2011 08:49 PM #95
Tonight when Dan got home from work he offered to go to the shop with me and get the front perch welded on..........I put up a little fight, but not too much.He spent a little time beveling the edges to get good penetration and also rounded some of the corners to make it look a little better, then we got it clamped up and welded in place.
This really puts me in good shape now to get my front end sorted out. Tomorrow I am going to start going though my stash of parts to see what I have and what I need to order yet. I've had some of this stuff stored for so long that every so often I get a surprise and find something I didn't know I had. I also find 2 and 3 of things because I forget I have something and buy another one.
Here are some pictures from tonight.
08-03-2011 01:19 PM #96
HAHAHA Don I thought I was the only one that buys things more than once...Then theres the times I know I bought a part and can't find it...
So when the new parts come I put them where I know I'll find them and sure enough thers the first batch...realy true on the 57. Maybe later we can retire and open a parts store
Lovin' what I do and doing what I love
Some guys can fix broken NO ONE can fix STUPID
Christian in training
08-03-2011 05:27 PM #97
You're right, Charlie. We have a standing joke in the shop that we put a part "where we can find it later." Of course, we NEVER remember where that spot was, so we hunt, and hunt, and hunt. Drives us nuts.Then, when we aren't looking for something, THERE IT IS!! I swear Gremlins hide stuff on us.
Speaking of parts, today I started digging out all of the front end parts I could find in my stash. Actually did pretty good, found most of the expensive stuff and now have an idea what I will need to order to finish it up. I took some time to clamp the spring onto the new perch, and mock up the axle and wishbones in place. As you see it in the pictures is pretty much how it will sit, I think.
This week I will drill out the holes in the wishbones and retap them to 5/8 fine threads for the angled perches, then I will make up a lower spring plate to hold the spring to the new perch, and start making the plates that hold the wishbones to the frame.
08-03-2011 06:04 PM #98
That's funny.
I was looking for something last week and told my pal the same thing. The only difference was that I seriously believed when I put what I was looking for away , I thought I would have no problem finding it.
Next time I will remind myself its just a joke that I'll find it later.
The frame is looking good BTW.Pugsy
08-03-2011 06:14 PM #99
Thanks. Oh yeah, when we put it away we also really believe we will remember where that spot was. Just never works out that way, so now it is our shop joke.
08-03-2011 07:04 PM #100
Hey Don,how are you? I'm just lurking awaiting for some more puddy cat stories with photos,so I thought I would just let you know I'm watching.
PS nice frame so far, pity those bones aren't abit longer to mount on the kickup eh. mate.I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.
Isaiah 48: 17,18.
08-03-2011 07:35 PM #101
Whip, I've been forgetting to ask you, how is the knee thing?
I thought about putting the bones back to the kickup but the problem is, I am using tie rod ends and if I went into the tubing I would have to drill a bigger hole on the inside wall to put a socket in there to put the nut on, and once the engine and cooling lines are in place it would be hard to keep checking the nuts to see if they are tight. This way the backside is totally open and accessible.
08-03-2011 07:38 PM #102
I spend too much time looking for something I just had in my hand! I my case it's a condition not old age. Been going on for many years. I am afraid to find out what the cure is!
08-03-2011 07:53 PM #103
Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
08-04-2011 12:28 AM #104
You guys are not aloneIts aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.
08-04-2011 01:41 AM #105
Ditto. You should see how many utility knives I have, for buying new ones when I couldn't find an old one! I have so many trim parts for the truck, that I buy new news, and then stash them where I think I'll find them, only to find the last stash is there too, only when I first looked for them, they weren't there! I think it's CRS syndrome myself. But I share the weath with other F1 owners!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
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