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  1. #121
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by falconvan View Post
    I thought so, too. But after pricing a set of those I opted to go with manifolds for now. $500+!!!.
    I just checked Sumitt'S web site and the Hedman's I used, uncoated, they had for $159.95
    Ken Thomas
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  2. #122
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Thanks, I'll check on that. Was this a Dart specific header or a general Mopar blockhugger?

  3. #123
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    For a 75 Duster
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  4. #124
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    Thanks, I'll check into that.
    I've got a question on these rocker arms and shafts. I've got all the rockers stamped "LH" on the drivers side and all the ones stamped "RH" on the passenger side. On the hold down bolts there are 4 with wide spaces and 6 with short spaces so I assume the wide ones go on the end holes of the rocker shafts and the short ones go on the middle holes. For some reason the last rocker arm (toward the firewall) on each head are not lining up all the way with the valve tip. The rocker arm is hitting the spacer before it goes over far enough. Is this right or do I have something put together wrong? I can post a picture when I get home if that helps.

  5. #125
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    It's been awhile since I messed with those and if my memory serves me right each rocker is canted, 4 in 4 out, for intake and exhaust and I seem to remember that there is a wide spacer in the middle of each shaft.
    Ken Thomas
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  6. #126
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    It's been about 20 years since I worked on a MOPAR, but I thought the rocker positions sounded "funny" to me. I did some quick "google mining" and ran across a R&R from AutoZone ( http://www.autozone.com/autozone/rep...00c1528005281d ) which includes this picture buried down in the text -


    Don't take it as gospel, but it looks like the LH & RH alternate on each shaft, which is what I was remembering?? Then again, CRS, ya' know
    Last edited by rspears; 09-17-2012 at 10:32 AM.
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  7. #127
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    OK, that makes sense. Wow, glad i didnt try to start it like that; I probably would have smoked the valvetrain. Thanks!

  8. #128
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Glad you found that Roger, I figured my memory was off.
    Ken Thomas
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  9. #129
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Thanks, guys. That did the trick; all the rocker arms are lined up now.
    I got the motor and trans put together today and my motor mounts built. I had to dimple the firwall in one spot and box part of the frame for the exhaust but it looks good. Now I need to build a trans crossmember and get the pedal assembly mocked up. I got a clutch/brake pedal assembly from a late model Jeep; it should work with some slight modification.
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  10. #130
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    A few more...
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  11. #131
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Looks like the swap is going good, things are lining up very nice in the old MoPar!!! With the upgrade on the engine and transmission, should be a fun driver!
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  12. #132
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    Nice looking work, I sure agree with Dave about the engine upgrade being the way to go. Also glad you caught the rocker arm issue, I missed that post or I would have chimed in.
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  13. #133
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    Yeah, Mike, that would have really sucked to blow this thing up on start up. Im glad I asked the question.

    I rooted through my scrap barrel today to find something to build a crossmember and came up with some 2" and 3" angle iron. I cut a 6' piece of 2" in half and welded the two halves together to make a box, notched out for the trans mount, then cut some 3" pices for the ends. After much trimming and trial fitting it looks pretty good and should have enough room for the exhaust to pass under.
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  14. #134
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    That ought to hold that transmission in place!!!!! nice work!
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  15. #135
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    Thanks, Dave; I think it'll work pretty good.
    I got the trans crossmember bolted in tonight so now the drivetrain is self supporting. Here's how she's going to sit for a while. I need to tweak my driveline angles and clearances but it's pretty close. Now I can plumb brakes and fuel, get the pedal assembly set up, front discs, hydraulic clutch, wiring, dash, exhaust, plus several other minor things. Im not doing any major bodywork or paint other than the firewall and dash, a trunk patch, and some touchup on the the sheetmetal I replaced so it should come together fairly quick. Im hoping to have the majority of it knocked out in the next few months and get back on my 48.
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