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Thread: 55 Wagon Progress

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  1. #1111
    40FordDeluxe's Avatar
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    Very nice! The last 40 in post 1109, I'm surprised they let it in with the v butt windshield. If you mention one over on that other site they go crazy. Nice car either way though. The green coupe with the V12. Did they say what the engine was? 6 cylinders but only 4 exhaust tubes? That ardun headed blown flat head looks cherry! Thanks for posting these. A lot of very top notch stuff in these pics!
    Last edited by 40FordDeluxe; 11-01-2017 at 12:47 PM.
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    1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor 354 Hemi 46RH Electric Blue w/multi-color flames, Ford 9" Residing in multiple pieces
    1968 Corvette Coupe 5.9 Cummins Drag Car 11.43@130mph No stall leaving the line with 1250 rpm's and poor 2.2 60'
    1972 Chevy K30 Longhorn P-pumped 24v Compound Turbos 47RH Just another money pit
    1971 Camaro RS 5.3 BTR Stage 3 cam, SuperT10
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  2. #1112
    MP&C's Avatar
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    The green car has a V12 Lincoln.

  3. #1113
    34_40's Avatar
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    Thanks for the wonderful pics Robert.
    really appreciate it.
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  4. #1114
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    Well I think I have google images figured out now, so lets try an update on the wagon.

    With the back seat rear enclosure and it's frame both sprayed in epoxy, time to assemble the two together. I didn't want to use hardware/rivets on the skin as I thought it would stay flatter under the upholstery without. Also, with the amp and bass speaker inside the enclosure, we needed something to limit vibration of the adjacent pieces. Our choice is to use some body molding adhesive tape to join the two together.

    The tape is applied to the frame, and then the skin attached on top of that..

    Next, we need to work on our console and the shifter inside of it. We have the console that came with the 2002 Monte Carlo interior, but it has far too much plastic that it didn't belong. In looking at other options, we decided on the horse shoe shifter used on the Chevelle. In conducting a test fit of the cable, we found it's trajectory path was much too straight where it either lifted the front of the shifter, or pulled the bulkhead fitting out of the "tunnel" mockup.

    Shifter lift:


    Our solution was to raise the cable exit from the shifter housing higher in order to have a better arc of the cable for entry through the floor. Here a "relocation bracket" has been added:

    Bracket all welded in place, looks like this will work for our shifter, return policy officially void now, but cable path fits much better through the floor:


    We also needed to finalize seat belts for the rear seats. These are 12 gauge CRS pieces that are plug welded to the floor pan, 1/2" diameter bolt holding the anchor points for inner seat belts.

    The outer belts needed to be all the way out to the wheel well, and to better "anchor" we made similar 12 ga brackets, this one with a hemmed end to "hook" the pinch weld seam of the floor pan/wheel well, then plug welded in place to the wheel well. Again, a 1/2" bolt will anchor the seat belt:

    While Mike and Jake started the layout of the console.........

    ......I fabbed up some bucket seat brackets out of 16 ga CRS for a 37 Ford. These had to be 3" high and only 1-1/2" wide, which was too high for my gooseneck die in the press brake. Chose to make them in two pieces and fusion tacked together using the TIG.

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  5. #1115
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    Console fabrication

    Bottom and under dash edges are hemmed, folded flanges will support the filler panel between each side..


    Fitting up the corner radius

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  6. #1116
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    Some sprayouts done this evening to see if we can nail down a color for the green.


    Will take another video tomorrow in the Sunlight for the true test.

    Color 1: Corvette Limerock Green
    Color 2: Land Rover Kosrae Green
    Color 3: Audi Azores Green
    Color 4: H/K Organic Green Kandy Basecoat

  7. #1117
    stovens's Avatar
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    They all look good, daylight photos will help!
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  8. #1118
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    Sunlight views in same order,

    Color 1: Corvette Limerock Green
    Color 2: Land Rover Kosrae Green
    Color 3: Audi Azores Green
    Color 4: H/K Organic Green Kandy Basecoat


    Didn't get the pictures in overcast, but these help to show, 1-3 don't show color well at all in overcast or dim/indirect light conditions. As we'd like the car to look green regardless, we're leaning toward the H/K

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  9. #1119
    stovens's Avatar
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    Is the H/K at 9:00 in the picture, that one definately is my favorite!
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    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  10. #1120
    40FordDeluxe's Avatar
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    I think you are making a great choice. I'm guessing it is at the 9 o clock position too.
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    1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor 354 Hemi 46RH Electric Blue w/multi-color flames, Ford 9" Residing in multiple pieces
    1968 Corvette Coupe 5.9 Cummins Drag Car 11.43@130mph No stall leaving the line with 1250 rpm's and poor 2.2 60'
    1972 Chevy K30 Longhorn P-pumped 24v Compound Turbos 47RH Just another money pit
    1971 Camaro RS 5.3 BTR Stage 3 cam, SuperT10
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  11. #1121
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    Yes, and in the sunlight the H/K has the most pop..

  12. #1122
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    That's about the same style of green I want to paint my 95 F350 if I ever get that far on it.
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    1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor 354 Hemi 46RH Electric Blue w/multi-color flames, Ford 9" Residing in multiple pieces
    1968 Corvette Coupe 5.9 Cummins Drag Car 11.43@130mph No stall leaving the line with 1250 rpm's and poor 2.2 60'
    1972 Chevy K30 Longhorn P-pumped 24v Compound Turbos 47RH Just another money pit
    1971 Camaro RS 5.3 BTR Stage 3 cam, SuperT10
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  13. #1123
    53 Chevy5's Avatar
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    I got a shade of green for ya Really the 9 oclock one is my choice too.
    Attached Images
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  14. #1124
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    Like the color matching shirt the missus has to go with it!

  15. #1125
    RichB's Avatar
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    Great stuff as always, I love the speaker grill!

    Seeing the spray outs reminds me of the difficulty I had finding a gray color I liked that had no metallic
    in it. I wondered if you had ever left the metallic out of a chosen color to try to achieve a certain look?
    I take it this would be possible with a mixing bank? I realize it would make the color much darker, but would
    this even be a viable option?

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