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Thread: A log of my updates on my '32 Brookville highboy

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  1. #91
    deckofficer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    If you look at the coefficient of expansion for steel and assume a nominal ten foot length for the pipes the movement from a 50F ambient to nominal 180F exhaust temp (higher with CAT's) yields over 1/4" of growth. It's proportional to the change in temperature, so going from a frigid winter day to operating temps is going to be more. Bob, you's will be flexing that vertical mount, and the donut provides very little for isolation with the bolt coupling both rigid parts.
    Are you sure a 1/2"? The table I use, the expansion is given 10 to the negative 6th in inches. Coefficients of Linear Thermal Expansion
    427 sbc 526 HP 556 lb/ft
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  2. #92
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    Aw, you edited it to 1/4". Mine is a 5' run, so maybe 1/8" for my set up.
    Last edited by deckofficer; 03-23-2013 at 10:26 AM.
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  3. #93
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    So Nick, when is the first drive planned?
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  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by deckofficer View Post
    Aw, you edited it to 1/4". Mine is a 5' run, so maybe 1/8" for my set up.
    Yeah, I had looked earlier and missed the first digit. 1/4" is not nearly as much of an issue as 1/2" or more. Vibration & noise are more of a concern, and given the other noises on one of these that's not such an issue either...
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Yeah, I had looked earlier and missed the first digit. 1/4" is not nearly as much of an issue as 1/2" or more. Vibration & noise are more of a concern, and given the other noises on one of these that's not such an issue either...
    I agree with you to rubber insulate the mounting. Before I did I had some audible resonant droning at certain rpm.
    Last edited by deckofficer; 03-23-2013 at 11:25 AM.
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  6. #96
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    While we are on a thread drift and waiting for Nick to fire up Super Mouse......

    Support a BBQ Rib Joint that supports hot rods

    It is that time again where the local TV station has the "best of" polls. Take my word along with Gilbert and Mary Ann, that Hog Wild has the best ribs in the area. Also if in the area (Placerville, half way between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe) stop by the 1st or 3rd Monday during cruising season for hot rod nights.

    Please vote for Hog Wild here> Hog Wild Barbeque in the Sacramento area on the A-List
    Last edited by deckofficer; 03-23-2013 at 02:23 PM.
    427 sbc 526 HP 556 lb/ft
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  7. #97
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    Priming the oil tonight, checking the pre-crank checklist a couple times...but also busy with my boys since their school is playing in the state championship high school basketball playoffs tonight GO LOWER MERION ACES! I feel confident that we'll fire it up tomorrow, because unlike a well know deity many of us sort of know, I do not rest on Sunday.

    Earlier this afternoon I was at the Northeast Rod & Custom Show and took about 130 iphone pics and some don't look too bad. I wonder is that fits into the "events" section here? Whatchu think?

    I won't say it was the highlight of the show, but the Budweiser people had a free beer tasting booth and I finally got to taste their Black Crown. Pretty good if I do say so myself. I'm not a fan of regular Bud due to the rice taste which I can't get out of my beer tasting frontal lobes and it reminds me of bad times I had with sake (made from fermented rice). But I'm going to give Black Crown some more tries.
    Brookville '32 hi-boy roadster
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  8. #98
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    Bob, I just voted for Hog Wild. It said they're currently in 8th place but in my heart and stomach, I know they're #1

    Btw, besides the locomotive valve I mentioned before and other associated industrial controls, we also make bbq controls (for wood and charcoal only, no gas or steam powered bbq for us) under The BBQ Guru name: The BBQ Guru temperature control barbequeing
    Brookville '32 hi-boy roadster
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  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Rod Nick View Post
    Earlier this afternoon I was at the Northeast Rod & Custom Show and took about 130 iphone pics and some don't look too bad. I wonder is that fits into the "events" section here? Whatchu think?
    Just toss a thread in the lounge and post them pics!

  10. #100
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    will do in a few!

    In the meantime, fire in the hole!!! (click on pic and it'll play my photobucket video)

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    Brookville '32 hi-boy roadster
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  11. #101
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    Sounds like a better idle than mine. I think it was a week from my first fire in the hole to driving it. Looks like your going to do it the following day.

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  12. #102
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    The sound of music - (and probably one of the reasons I'm about 50% deaf)
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  13. #103
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    Dave, It sounds great to me, too, but I'm only roughly 35% deaf (self diagnosed) since my left ear seems OK but my right ear is way down in reception. Loud music, loud cars, blasts of various sorts, working for hours in areas marked for mandatory ear protection without any. I hope the kids learn from our errant ways but I'm suspicious my deafness is hereditary since my kids frequently don't listen to anything I say. I recall it starts out as "selective hearing" as my wife puts it.

    I purposely went with what I thought would be an exhaust "on the quiet side" with the two big'ish mufflers and I'm happy with the noise level so far, pending cruising for a long duration. I will probably post another video in the near future with the exhaust dropped and running open headers in hopes that it will stimulate my right ear and improve my hearing.
    Brookville '32 hi-boy roadster
    TriStar Pro Star 427 CID

  14. #104
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    Exhaust system and mufflers can tame the bark to a point, but the valve timing events controlled by the cam has a large influence on the sound. I've run three different engines on the same exhaust system, the 355 was a snarling, barking loud exhaust, the 427 much quieter and the 383 was a purring pussy cat. Here is the mild mannered 383....

    427 sbc 526 HP 556 lb/ft
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  15. #105
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    I always like your vids, Bob. Thanks. Besides the "autocross" aspect of it, is there a name for an event like that? Would this be a gymkhana? If so, I'm keeping my eyes open for one around here.

    So with some rain turning into snow tonight, and then possibly up to 4" of snow tomorrow, I'm not hitting the roads yet. Plus, the bomber seats are just getting final fitment tomorrow so I'm nice and comfy for long drives. Then that's about it except waiting on Mother Nature. Thursday this week and for that upcoming weekend they're predicting sunny and mid 50F's
    Brookville '32 hi-boy roadster
    TriStar Pro Star 427 CID

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