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Thread: I'm rebuilding highschool hotrod "1959" 28"A"V8

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  1. #331
    Dana Barlow is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thumbs up Update Hi


    Hi hoons {old hot rod talk for hoodlum}
    Been some time,I kind of got lost in fray. But had time this week to hunt down P-W,so can sign in again.
    Up date after 2/2017,well my old Y-block broke some piston rings. Not enough extra $ to do a full rebuild< yup it should get new piston an all. But I did what I could an patched it up,hone/n rings new gasket. Oil gage died,replaced it with junk from old box of crap=no very good ether,so saved a few weeks an got brand new. Last run was to a nice car show on march 8th. Haven't been again,@ 78 I'm that high risk #s,so going crazy at home for now.
    My son is now storing his 23 T-bucket he calls "Pandora" in my garage also now. < That was a father n son built we had a ton of fun with near ten years or so back. I start it up about one time per month,to keep it ready for him,if he dose not get by to do that.
    I just found I have forgot how to put a photo,on this site,so guess I'll work on that. Stay safe.
    36 sedan likes this.

  2. #332
    rspears's Avatar
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    Good to see you back! At 72 I'm in that higher risk group too, and this isolation gig is growing old!

    Photos - click the "Go Advanced" box down in the LR corner, then in the new box that opens scroll down to "Manage Attachments" and click that box. Up top click "Add File", "Choose File" and after selecting the image file on your computer click the "Upload File". Down below "Insert Inline", then "Done". Sounds hard, but it's pretty straight forward once you do it!
    NTFDAY, Dana Barlow and 36 sedan like this.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  3. #333
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I just turned 77 so I'm in the high risk group as well but that's not going to interfere with what I'm doing. As far as I'm concerned this covid BS is blown way out of proportion and though it can be fatal to those in the high risk categories I don't believe it's any more dangerous than the Hong Kong flu that put me down for a week. I refuse to live my life in FEAR!
    Ken Thomas
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  4. #334
    40FordDeluxe's Avatar
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    Welcome back Bat! Do what you need to to keep yourself and your family safe! Sorry to hear about the ring issues but it sounds like you got it sorted out.
    Dana Barlow and 36 sedan like this.
    1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor 354 Hemi 46RH Electric Blue w/multi-color flames, Ford 9" Residing in multiple pieces
    1968 Corvette Coupe 5.9 Cummins Drag Car 11.43@130mph No stall leaving the line with 1250 rpm's and poor 2.2 60'
    1972 Chevy K30 Longhorn P-pumped 24v Compound Turbos 47RH Just another money pit
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  5. #335
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Hi Bat! It's been a while; glad to see you're still roddin'. I'm 72 now, so I'm in that high-risk group, too. I still have my '31 coupe, in the middle of building a '32 three-window, and still racing Electrathon cars. Somebody asked me when I might retire from racing - I said when my age is the same as my number (94)! Anyway, welcome back!

    Racing! - Because football, basketball, baseball, and golf require only ONE BALL!

  6. #336
    Dana Barlow is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    rspaers,thanks,I'm giving it a try. I like photos from others,so pretty sure others also like photos. If this works,it'll be my garage,showing both my 28A n my son's 23T.
    On far wall about mid,is what though to be my next rod build,1917 Hupp roadster /rod. Not likely ever going to get to that 1917,but at least many of the rod parts are there now.
    My home made 4x2 log has worked out nicer this time,then the first time I built a log intake in the early 1960s,so lived an learned some. This one has never cracked any welds.
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    Last edited by Dana Barlow; 09-11-2020 at 06:20 PM.
    Mike P, NTFDAY, 34_40 and 4 others like this.

  7. #337
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dana Barlow View Post
    rspaers,thanks,I'm giving it a try. I like photos from others,so pretty sure others also like photos. If this works,it'll be my garage,showing both my 28A n my son's 23T.
    On far wall about mid,is what though tobe my next rod build,1917 Hupp roadster /rod. Not likely ever going to get to that 1917,but at least many of the rod parts are there now.
    Ya' did GREAT! Both cars look fantastic! Now to get you going on that Hup'! Sounds like it would be a fun project!
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  8. #338
    Dana Barlow is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    It's great to have buddy's, Lin called me last friday, he saw a add,about a free for the getting Y-block Ford,an not too far away from me{About 35 miles}
    So I gave the guy{Jim] a call ,an no one had said they would take it yet !!. Ask if sat. was too soon to pick the Y-block up. A.O.K.
    I went up to Jim's sat AM,he was shocked I came with only a station wagon{2005 Magnum},told me he didn't think it will fit,it has the auto tranny on it! in that wagon..
    I dropped the rear seat down,an already had cardborad from my new washer box folded down in back to protech wagon floor< Magnums have 3 layer floors an I removed the top=drops level of floor about 8in. lower. to next floor*. I said tell ya what";I'll go get a trailer if not. After we put it in the back with his charrypicker,I closed the hatch an locked it. He was amazed,me too some,I had not thought there would be a tranny on as well.
    After checking it out at home< don't look a gift horse in the mouth at the fram he came from !!> It was amzingly clean an a 1960 Y- 292 V8.
    It's so clean in fact,it maybe a good runner as is,after I check a bit more an lub things up.
    If she is ,it will save me a ton of time an $. The engine in my hot rod needs TLC,an I been patching it up for a few years now= so it needs new piston set an bore out,plus all the bearing an gaskets that goes with full rebuild.
    Hoping this works out,I'll only need to add standard Fly wheel an carbs,an some paint. We'll see !
    Up date later.
    AKA"The Bat"
    Last edited by Dana Barlow; 03-02-2021 at 01:58 PM.

  9. #339
    34_40's Avatar
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    Sounds like you got a deal of the decade! Free motor and trans... and they're in good shape. That's an awesome deal. glad to hear you SCORED! LOL
    Thanks for the update as well. With pictures even! LOL

  10. #340
    40FordDeluxe's Avatar
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    Very cool score! My luck it would have been seized up and j u n k.

    Dana Barlow and 36 sedan like this.
    1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor 354 Hemi 46RH Electric Blue w/multi-color flames, Ford 9" Residing in multiple pieces
    1968 Corvette Coupe 5.9 Cummins Drag Car 11.43@130mph No stall leaving the line with 1250 rpm's and poor 2.2 60'
    1972 Chevy K30 Longhorn P-pumped 24v Compound Turbos 47RH Just another money pit
    1971 Camaro RS 5.3 BTR Stage 3 cam, SuperT10
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  11. #341
    53 Chevy5's Avatar
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    Sounds like a fun build getting it in shape again, I really like the old school rods and I think it's awesome you picked it up with a Magnum. If people are still doing this in 30 years I think the Magnum is going to be sought after.
    Dana Barlow likes this.

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