Thread: 1940 Ford Pickup
02-20-2020 06:04 PM #886
I wasn't aware of different length pumps for Corvettes. The only thing I found different for A Vette was the boss for the water pump hose fitting. A C3 Vette with air requires a different pump, the boss for the hose fitting extends out further from the body, and if you use the wrong pump you need an extended hose fitting. I found that out the hard way. Also , FWIW, 55 to 57 sbc's have no provision for side motor mounts, they used a front saddle mount.Ken Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
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06-27-2020 08:53 AM #887
About ready to go to paint so I thought I'd make sure the New Grill that's been on the shelf for 5 years fits. After trying ALL combinations of old and new parts this is the best it fits. the old one fits perfectly, as a 40 can lol.
It take's a bunch of pressure to make the bolt holes line up and I think down the road it'll break for sure. Anybody had any experience with die case grills ? Hope your all staying safe in these troubled days.
Last edited by Navy7797; 01-18-2021 at 07:44 AM.
06-27-2020 09:11 AM #888
Hey Navy, gotta love these repop parts! If you pressure the side pieces to fit, does the center section still line up? If everything else is fitted and braced better than factory, I wonder how many years down the road it would take for any actual breakage? Just thinking out loud here...."It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells
06-27-2020 09:16 AM #889
I was told by an old friend once, when I was assembling my coupe, that the only thing worse than 33/34 ford front clip was a 39/40 !! I'm surprised I've any hair left!! And yes, repop parts don't help the situation.
06-27-2020 09:24 AM #890
06-27-2020 11:56 AM #891
06-27-2020 01:57 PM #892
I have talked to James at Bob Drake ( he's been there 22 years) He told me they have never changed the pattern or had any issues with the grill. I had sent him 8 pic's and he no answer. He said they don't have any grills to compare it to and won't for 6-8 months. It also seems that Drake is the only manufacturer of these grills, others sell them but get them from drake. Anybody know anything different please chime in, I need help. Thanks
06-27-2020 02:09 PM #893
06-27-2020 04:15 PM #894
On your grille fitment, I've got to wonder if you could gently bring the side pieces into place to bolt them down but not tight, then bring the center section into place and get the bolts installed, followed by carefully snugging everything down if over time the pieces won't take a set in their mated positions and slowly relax into position. I'd be tempted to give it a try, maybe even using a heat gun on the pieces that seem stressed, leaving them overnight or out in the sun for a few hours and coming back to coerce them into place. No guarantees, but I think I'd give it a shot. What choices do you have other than trying to convince the parts to fit?Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
06-27-2020 08:34 PM #895
06-27-2020 09:49 PM #896
06-28-2020 05:11 AM #897
06-28-2020 10:06 AM #898
grill fitment
I'm no 39/40 expertso forgive my ignorance,
are the 39 deluxe and 40 standard grills exactly the same?
06-28-2020 02:30 PM #899
Don't know about the 39's, the grill I have fit's 40 standard and 40-41 pickup's.
Just looked at 39's and their grill appear to only 2 piece
Have seen some after market grills that look like 39's that fit 40's.Last edited by Navy7797; 06-28-2020 at 02:55 PM.
06-28-2020 04:00 PM #900
window channel repairLast edited by Navy7797; 01-16-2021 at 08:58 PM.
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress