Thread: Bubbling up my Model A build.
05-18-2013 08:42 PM #1
Bubbling up my Model A build.
Being that most of the heavy design and fab work is done on the van my mind is starting to wander to other projects.... I have a '31 Model A Tudor Sedan "basket" sitting on a pallet in the hoist room. It's been sitting patiently for almost 20 yrs.
I have been doing some work in CAD to get the body into my computer. I got a decent start this afternon. I have a few plans for this one.
1.) Twin tube frame.
2.) Very low (natch)
3.) 331 Cadillac Engine (Pat and I have been talking about it a bit)
4.) Pro Street tires and wheels (because I have them)
5.) Kind of rat roddy looking but with a little finese thrown in.
6.) Altered wheelbase with a bit different rear body treatment. (You'll see)
Here are a few screen shots of where the CAD model is currently.
I did all of the modeling in UG using some basic dimensions off the body and using a 1/16th scale kit to get the majority of the shape correct.
There is still a lot to do but most of the hard stuff is done. I'll start laying in body mount points as a ref. I am modeling the body stock to begin with then I'll "cut it up" later.
I like this view.
What'cha think?
MarkIf money is the root of all evil... Women must be the fertilizer...
Link to my BAD AST Build Thread:
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