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Thread: 1928 model a roadster

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  1. #46
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    In my opinion, your Panhard bar is too short and is not flat to the ground. While still not ideal, this bar has better geometry....


  2. #47
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by techinspector1 View Post
    In my opinion, your Panhard bar is too short and is not flat to the ground. While still not ideal, this bar has better geometry....
    Tech, I'm not going to argue that longer is not better, but Greg's installation is almost exactly what Pete & Jake's supplies on their ladder bar rear or their parallel 4-bar rear setups that have panhard bars, and they've sold a bunch. The shorter bar yields a bit more side to side movement in a bump, but given that the rear suspension is pretty stiff on a highboy there's not really much up & down movement to deal with.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  3. #48
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Greg's installation is almost exactly what Pete & Jake's supplies on their ladder bar rear or their parallel 4-bar rear setups that have panhard bars, and they've sold a bunch.
    Even if they've sold a hundred million of 'em, that doesn't make it right. Right is right and wrong is wrong and the only reason they've sold any of them at all is that most rodders have no idea about the geometry and operation of a Panhard bar in the first place, so will buy whatever is available to them rather than learning how to do it right and cobbling up one themselves that has the correct geometry. I will continue to rail against stuff that is wrong until somebody shovels dirt in my face.

    On a side note, this Rene Panhard person should have had his head pinched off at birth and we wouldn't have to have this or any other discussion about this God-awful piece of equipment.

    Last edited by techinspector1; 01-04-2016 at 03:27 PM.
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  4. #49
    sharpmark is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    yip - pete an jake supplied the ladder bars an panhard rod an until I drive it, i cannot comment cause I don't know!! i'll listen to any advice so thanks for that.
    1969 chev C10 stepside-305/4speed/12bolt
    1934 oldsmobile sedan-350/350/12bolt
    1928 model a roadster-project-283/350/9"
    1924 dodge modified - 292 i6/pwrglde/quickchange rear

    "its only a hobby " --- no its not , its a lifestyle !!!!

  5. #50
    sharpmark is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    from all I've read we should be running a watts linkage - but they're ugly!!!!
    1969 chev C10 stepside-305/4speed/12bolt
    1934 oldsmobile sedan-350/350/12bolt
    1928 model a roadster-project-283/350/9"
    1924 dodge modified - 292 i6/pwrglde/quickchange rear

    "its only a hobby " --- no its not , its a lifestyle !!!!

  6. #51
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Altho I also think the panhard bar pic leaves much to desire, I think yoi'll have a terrible time with bleeding the brakes

  7. #52
    sharpmark is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    ok jerry - i'll bite !
    why will my brakes be hard to bleed?
    rspears likes this.
    1969 chev C10 stepside-305/4speed/12bolt
    1934 oldsmobile sedan-350/350/12bolt
    1928 model a roadster-project-283/350/9"
    1924 dodge modified - 292 i6/pwrglde/quickchange rear

    "its only a hobby " --- no its not , its a lifestyle !!!!

  8. #53
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    you got too many up and over areas that air will collect in-your master and wheel cylinders are lower than the plumbing.

    and in the southern hemisphere---------

    toilets rotate the otherway when flushed?

    what's the angle on your coil overs?
    Last edited by jerry clayton; 01-06-2016 at 08:35 AM.

  9. #54
    sharpmark is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    so my roadster is a toilet and now my coil-overs are at the wrong angle??
    can you see a problem with the wheels - are they round enough??
    can't believe you didn't notice that the steering box was on the wrong side and the passenger is actually driving!
    34_40 and rspears like this.
    1969 chev C10 stepside-305/4speed/12bolt
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    1924 dodge modified - 292 i6/pwrglde/quickchange rear

    "its only a hobby " --- no its not , its a lifestyle !!!!

  10. #55
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Wow--------now that I'm half way thru my coffee I can see how Mark possibly tied comment about brake line PLUMBING to my joke about water rotating the opposite way in the southern hemispere and possibly thought I was relating his car to a toilet. Mark I was joking about the toilet water and somehow my edit had eliminated joking comment about going to the restroom on a flight from New York to Buenos Aires before and after the equator to check that out----Myth Busters????

    About your coil over angle---I see that you have built in 2 mounting points so evidently you also have some concern about the angle? It does have a severe effect on spring and shock valveing rates/settings when looking for the perfect ride/handling.
    And I didn't see the steering box in the pics but did fiqure it was on the passenger side to offset the weight of the driver as you have the master cylinder on the right also. Thought possibly it was there so the passenger could help push on the pedal to overcome the restrictions of those colored check valves and the portioning valve for the rears.

  11. #56
    sharpmark is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharpmark View Post
    so my roadster is a toilet and now my coil-overs are at the wrong angle??
    can you see a problem with the wheels - are they round enough??
    can't believe you didn't notice that the steering box was on the wrong side and the passenger is actually driving!
    and now i'm a fat bugger
    34_40 and rspears like this.
    1969 chev C10 stepside-305/4speed/12bolt
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    "its only a hobby " --- no its not , its a lifestyle !!!!

  12. #57
    sharpmark is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Been awhile since I posted anything. had to get a new certifier as the old one decided he didn't want to finish the job so $600 down the drain. new one decided that I had to crack test pete an jakes batwings and onepiece brake pedal and also send the front axle away for testing to see if cast or forged even tho all this was already passed. - bloody frustrating but "that's life ". The 283 I had built for this ended up in my chevy pickup after the 305 decided to start smoking badly. So built another 283 with 305 heads but decided not to paint it yet til I work out total paint job. Have a choice on grilles - welcome everyones thoughts but I've made my mind up which one !!
    Last edited by sharpmark; 06-30-2017 at 02:25 AM.
    1969 chev C10 stepside-305/4speed/12bolt
    1934 oldsmobile sedan-350/350/12bolt
    1928 model a roadster-project-283/350/9"
    1924 dodge modified - 292 i6/pwrglde/quickchange rear

    "its only a hobby " --- no its not , its a lifestyle !!!!

  13. #58
    34_40's Avatar
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    Upper grille would be my choice.

  14. #59
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Who is doing the cert. work now Mark if I may ask ? I know you have already chosen but I have always liked the original grille surround on the 28/29 Roadsters. I too had to change certification chaps half way through my build and, yes, it does hurt the bank balance some what and no way of getting a refund. You are doing nice work as usual so will look forward to your updates on both projects as you go, thanks.
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  15. #60
    sharpmark is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    looks like I will be kicking photobucket into touch . bastards !!!
    1969 chev C10 stepside-305/4speed/12bolt
    1934 oldsmobile sedan-350/350/12bolt
    1928 model a roadster-project-283/350/9"
    1924 dodge modified - 292 i6/pwrglde/quickchange rear

    "its only a hobby " --- no its not , its a lifestyle !!!!

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