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Thread: We all have to start somewhere

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  1. #16
    parkwood's Avatar
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    Thanks Mark and Jerry, i was going to just go with the 9" ford rear end but since i say this will be my last car i'm building for myself a friend told me i have to put a quick change in it, lost a little sleep over the cost but wouldn't change back.. as for the spindle mount rims i just love the way they look, but don't get a flat on the road because it is a little work taking them off...
    You don't know what it is to love a car until you build one.

  2. #17
    Hot Rod Nick's Avatar
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    Beautiful car, parkwood. Great color, great combination of parts. You're doing a real nice job putting that all together.

    I have to go look at something else now for a while before I start obsessing about getting a '33 coupe.
    Brookville '32 hi-boy roadster
    TriStar Pro Star 427 CID

  3. #18
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Over the years I've had several QCs in my race cars and the dragster and funny cars ended up being switched to Ford 9ers because of lost races with broken parts--so now I have probably 20 different combos of left over ford 9 parts so that's what every thing is getting-

    Note--QC has lowest drive line, Ford 9er is next-----------

  4. #19
    parkwood's Avatar
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    thanks a lot Nick..
    You don't know what it is to love a car until you build one.

  5. #20
    parkwood's Avatar
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    Well Jerry now you have a reason to build a few more cars... really it's just for looks more than anything.. my friend said when we go on road trips you would rather look at one of those than a 9" so i hope i've made him happy..
    You don't know what it is to love a car until you build one.

  6. #21
    parkwood's Avatar
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    I was able to get a stock '33 seat from a friend to use as a mock up to see if it's what i wanted... all so looked at a lot of books and took lot of pictures of seats in coupes.. my interior guy came up with something that i think will work and look good once its covered..
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    You don't know what it is to love a car until you build one.

  7. #22
    parkwood's Avatar
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    The frame came with bolt on front shock mounts, i liked the weld on one a little better but didn't like that they were open and not boxed completely in, so i boxed them in and welded them on. Also worked on hanging the inter fenders on and found out they didn't quite fit the grill, so i layed them on the ground and stood on them until they had the right shape. not sure corvell would approve but it worked...
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    You don't know what it is to love a car until you build one.

  8. #23
    sharpmark is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    crikey mate-that is one grouse looking car Can't wait to see the finished photo's of this one.
    also good to see you putting your own personal touches too it.
    absolutely love it and thanks for the photos

  9. #24
    parkwood's Avatar
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    getting the inter fenders installed... didn't want to leave the bottom just straight i put a little curve bewteen the bolts.. now i can move on to the hood.
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    You don't know what it is to love a car until you build one.

  10. #25
    parkwood's Avatar
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    When it came time to have a hood made i took it to Turlock Ca. to Rootlieb.. I had them punch the top and sides full of louvers ..
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    You don't know what it is to love a car until you build one.

  11. #26
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    When i bought the car i also bought a glue alum. windshield frame with it... but i always loved the look of a real frame installed... I bought a frame from Bob Drake but when i got here i found out that it and body had different shapes on the top and bottom.. the body was more flat on the top and bottom than the frame.. at first i thought it might be the frame so i took it to a friends house who had two '33's sitting around and the frame fell in like it was made for it... so the only thing for me to do was make the frame fit the body... i started by cutting the wood support on the inside and pushing it up to make it more round but to get it where i needed it i also had to split the body on the top of the cowl...when i got it where it fit the bottom of the frame i glassed it back it... half done...
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    Last edited by parkwood; 09-16-2013 at 11:54 PM.
    You don't know what it is to love a car until you build one.

  12. #27
    parkwood's Avatar
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    Well sometime pasted before i got up the nerve to cut the frame and open up the top of the body.. cutting the frame was just a guess because i only had the sides to go by and the frame didn't lay right at the top.. measured about 14 times and cut once.. whew hit it right on the mark.. still don't know how i lucked out..I hope you can see how flat the top was with the frame set it.. i just drew a line across the top of it and took the die grinder and cut it out and it fit pretty nice.
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    You don't know what it is to love a car until you build one.

  13. #28
    parkwood's Avatar
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    A little glass work and a little bondo work and it fit like it was made for it... very happy on how it turned out..
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    You don't know what it is to love a car until you build one.

  14. #29
    TerpnGator's Avatar
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    WOW Parkwood! Really nece build!

  15. #30
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    The hoops you jumped through to get that windshield to fit nicely are the "little" things that really make a car instead of the expedient way some choose. Good job! I remember doing some of that slicing and dicing on my Gibbon '32 3w (different areas of the body, but same principle), nip and tuck to get the alignments right. Most folks who just see the car in it's finished state will never realize what you had to do to get it looking so right, but the self satisfaction of knowing what you've done is priceless.
    lamin8r likes this.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

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