Thread: Followed Me Home II
03-20-2021 11:28 AM #616
I think we're in the 50's.. nice and sunny but the slight breeze has a nasty bite in it. But it is SUNNY! Yeah!!
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03-24-2021 04:36 PM #617
Thought about loading the roadster on the trailer for a trip to get a VIN assigned, but the day came in cloudy and cold when the weather guy said to expect sunshine most of the day.... Barely got above 50, and threatened rain all day. Decided that it was probably best to have it wearing the steelies & dog dish caps for the visit to the VIN/Tax people rather than explain the Cragars, so made the swap this afternoon. With Covid19 they've consolidated the locations where we can get a VIN review and assignment, so now it's a hike up I35 and they only work 8am to 1:30pm Tuesday through Friday.
Here's a different look....
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
03-24-2021 05:17 PM #618
I just gotta say it!! LOL...
Dog Dish and red wheels! You know how I just cannot stand how overdone that concept is...
Yes, I'm rolling around on the floor with Tango... it's the golden rule right, go ahead and tell me where to go!
Oh, Chris reminds me they are "Maroon" and not red.. LMAO.. I know.. I'm on a roll tonite. First Steve, now you..
Can't help myself, you tripped my trigger, great looking car and the wheels don't really matter. ( Damn it looks good in "Classic" Cragars). Thanks for listening buddy ol' Pal.I know Uncle Bob will offer something much more clever, but I had to try!?!?!
03-24-2021 06:33 PM #619
Yeah, the wheels were painted maroon about 5 years ago when my idea was to shoot the body gray. That said, I picked the blue because it looks pretty good with an oxblood/maroon interior - something different from the buckskin tones that seem to be the norm.... so the wheels match the future threads.
Bottom line, I'm headed into my review of my build to get the VIN assigned, and then to review all of the receipts to establish the sales tax due (on-one orders that did not collect tax, items bought out of state, etc) and then to calculate the dollars spent for property taxes that will carry on for years. At this point the wheels could be PINK or GREEN and I'd run them, because my receipts show that I bought Vintiques wheels and '40 caps, NOT Cragars which were the award for them selecting my photo of the '33 Coupe for the cover of their 2015 calendar.
It troubles me deeply that the color/colour selection doesn't qualify for consideration in the 34_40 Awards for Best Colors 2021, but then it's only March, and a re-spray could be an option, or NOT!
Glad to provide you with some evening entertainment, Mike! Take Tango for an Off-Leash walk and let him look for skunks!Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
03-24-2021 07:40 PM #620
DUDE! I like the maroon wheels, they set the blue off nicely in my opinion. Henry Ford would be proud of you!!
03-24-2021 07:40 PM #621
03-25-2021 05:53 AM #622
Do you REALLY care about advice from a guy who can't tell the difference between red and maroon?
I can tell the difference so you can take this to the bank. All the dark tones says you need to add trim rings for a little more definition. Not being a Crager wheel fan this is an easy choice for me.Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
03-25-2021 06:32 AM #623
Last edited by rspears; 03-25-2021 at 07:49 AM.
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
03-25-2021 10:17 AM #624
I think it adds a rustic natural classic look. Great color combo with the blue body!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
03-25-2021 10:41 AM #625
Thanks Bob, Bob & Steve for the color vote! And Uncle Bob, I just ordered 4 Wheel Vintiques Trim Rings! I had looked at them back in 2015but opted for the '40 caps alone. I think they will add a "contrast line" like you say.
And Mike, I was thinking of Bones with the skunk comment! He got sprayed once as he approached, stopped and was barking; and again a year or two later as he clamped down on one and got a mouthfull!Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
03-25-2021 05:35 PM #626
And, you could do the interior in the same color to tie it together even more.
But I do love Mike's sarcasm! He does make me laugh!!
03-25-2021 05:53 PM #627
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
03-25-2021 06:52 PM #628
03-25-2021 07:24 PM #629
03-26-2021 06:23 PM #630
This morning was the trip to the first step of the registration process, obtaining a VIN to support then getting a title and tag. Out early, the trailer (treated pine planks) after three days of moisture was slick! The old adage about greased owl poop came to mind....
I got the trailer hooked up, got the roadster up and as soon as the back wheels hit wood it slipped right with a vengeance!! Got out and found the RR tire right on the edge of the trailer, which was better than being OFF the trailer. Decided to try a very easy move, and it quickly broke loose and slid more
Alternate 1) Found the little portable winch, brought the ATV around to provide a battery hookup and winched the roadster all the way forward, but sitting really crooked. Should be able to idle back, cranking the steering to shift things.... WRONG!! Greased owl poop doesn't allow movement in any direction under power! Each lope of the engine broke the tires loose, with a small shift to the side....
Ended up hooking the portable winch to a convenient tree, strapping around a rear tire, and just muscling the car over to an acceptable position.
By now it's eaten up an hour that I didn't have to waste, but it's on the trailer and straight. Headed up to the inspection station, and the guy was great! He spent about 20 minutes looking around and talking, then took my info inside and came back with my VIN! Score! Here's the '32, sporting a new VIN and ready to go for title and tags!
I've got to clean up some paperwork after talking to the DMV guy, then next week will head in to the Registration process! Baby steps!!Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress