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Thread: 1937 Plymouth 5 Window Coupe

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  1. #61
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike P View Post
    I just pulled up the picture Tech posted, and you need to be aware that there are apparently different styles of dog bones

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    Just make sure whatever ones you order are compatible with the rest of the part you already have.
    And another great catch! Good job, Mike P!
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  2. #62
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    I think I have several hundred of those dogbones somewhere in the storage STUFF, don't know how many spiders----------I'll look when I get a chance could maybe send you some for postage

  3. #63
    mprevo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerry clayton View Post
    I think I have several hundred of those dogbones somewhere in the storage STUFF, don't know how many spiders----------I'll look when I get a chance could maybe send you some for postage
    Let me know what you have. I would be happy to pay you, since I have to buy them somewhere anyways. The engine is block I started with.

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    Last edited by mprevo; 10-13-2017 at 02:15 PM.
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  4. #64
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    I'm just curious (and not throwing stones, but you did say this was your first engine build), did check things like bearing and piston clearances when you assembled the motor?

    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  5. #65
    mprevo's Avatar
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    Yes I checked the clearances, this is my first roller cam engine. I have assembled other engines just never any with roller rockers, hyd roller cam, etc. Don't worry about the stones. I am always looking for help/advise especially if it saves me much grief and $$ like this little faux pas on my part would have. Thanks everyone.
    Last edited by mprevo; 06-22-2016 at 01:53 PM.
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  6. #66
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    faux pas.....

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  7. #67
    mprevo's Avatar
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    Well I am finally back at my build again. I work in the construction industry so the spring is our busiest time of the year so my build had to take a back seat to life for a couple months. Anyways I have now ordered the gears (4.56:1) for the rear end, based on the advice I received here on this forum (Thanks everyone for helping me through this cam/gears/tranny items). Although I am not going to try change them out myself. I just don't have enough comfort level to tackle those. Besides I have a very good (talented) contact on these.

    I have installed the dog-bones and retainers since I posted here last. Thanks again Jerry Clayton for the help on this. You have definitely saved me some serious cash and grief. I believe that would have been a real mess for me if I would have started that engine without those. Anyways I will try post some pics once I get something worth looking at complete.

    Next step is the rebuilding the front suspension.
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  8. #68
    daveS53 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I'm surprised that no one has mentioned that your choice of gearing is way too low.

    My car has a 4L56E trans with same overdrive ratio as a 700R4. I chose 3.50 gears, even with large 30.5 inch diameters. That ratio is none too high. The cruising rpm at any given speed is higher than my 2014 Corvette.

    When making calculations for performance, treat the trans as a 3 speed, since the overdrive 4th is only intended for highway cruising. My car has a theoretical top speed of 155-160, if the wind resistance is not excessive. That's in third gear, not 4th. The lowest gear is still far lower that I need for a car that's under 3000 lbs.

    Cars like the new Corvette don't hit their top speed in the tallest gear either. It's simply there to increase gas mileage on the highway. You may see a modern car shifting into that tallest gear at a relatively low speed and running as low as 1200 rpm. It will only downshift if you give it some throttle for quick acceleration.

  9. #69
    mprevo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daveS53 View Post
    I'm surprised that no one has mentioned that your choice of gearing is way too low.
    There was actually quite a bit of discussion on the gearing earlier in this thread. Basically ended up with the higher gears because of my cam choice (which I made long before I posted here, which I would probably have done different if I knew then what I now ).

    Anyways I have calculated the RPM based on my set up and I will end up with a cruising RPM of 2384 at 60 MPH on the highway. I will also be OK cruising in town at lower speeds which is were most of my driving will probably be done.

    Last edited by mprevo; 10-13-2017 at 02:16 PM.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by mprevo View Post
    There was actually quite a bit of discussion on the gearing earlier in this thread. Basically ended up with the higher gears because of my cam choice (which I made long before I posted here, which I would probably have done different if I knew then what I now ).

    Anyways I have calculated the RPM based on my set up and I will end up with a cruising RPM of 2384 at 60 MPH on the highway. I will also be OK cruising in town at lower speeds which is were most of my driving will probably be done.

    That's going to be a gas hog. It's about what my stock 76 Vette is running and in my case that equates to a little over 12 mpg. Just my opinion, if you can live with it not a problem.
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  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by NTFDAY View Post
    That's going to be a gas hog. It's about what my stock 76 Vette is running and in my case that equates to a little over 12 mpg. Just my opinion, if you can live with it not a problem.
    Haha. So far this car has been a "Hog" on my wallet since the day I brought it home. No sense in changing anything now.

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  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by mprevo View Post
    Anyways I have calculated the RPM based on my set up and I will end up with a cruising RPM of 2384 at 60 MPH on the highway.
    60 MPH on the highway ain't crusing - it's impeding traffic. Just sayin'

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  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Rifle View Post
    60 MPH on the highway ain't crusing - it's impeding traffic. Just sayin'

    I like your style, but in this neck of the woods it can land you on the wrong side of the Missouri Highway Patrol.
    Example: I was coming back from the drags at Topeka a couple of years ago on a 4 lane divided and running 70 with the cruise on. A MHP trooper stopped me about 40 miles or so out of Springfield and informed me that the speed limit had been 60 for the last 50 or 60 miles and I was traveling in the passing lane when I should have been in the driving lane as he put it. Fortunately for me he got a call the he deemed more important than writing me a ticket so he let me off with a warning.
    I had thought about asking him why the so called passing lane wasn't labeled as such if he wrote me a ticket. Only azzhole highway patrolman I've ever encountered.
    Ken Thomas
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  14. #74
    daveS53 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I wouldn't make a decision on gear selection unless I had a typical dyno readout for an engine with this cam, or some other info from the manufacturer that made me think that the engine either ran rough or had little power around 1800-2000 rpm.

    Without that, the a typical rear end choice would be in the 3.0-3.5 range, particularly with small diameter rear tires.

    It doesn't require much power to push a car at 60 mph. I geared mine for about 1600 at 60 mph and 2100 at 80. Both are higher than my Corvette would run at those cruising speeds. If I want high revs for quick acceleration, dropping down to third gives 2200 at 60 and around 3000 at 80.
    Last edited by daveS53; 06-24-2016 at 11:35 AM.

  15. #75
    mprevo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Rifle View Post
    60 MPH on the highway ain't crusing - it's impeding traffic. Just sayin'
    I agree on impeding the traffic. Although I live in the North Country. We don't have an "Expressway" within 100 miles of my home. 99% of the cruising will be taking the wife to Dairy Queen for a ride. Mostly in town driving for me. Anyways time will tell. If the gears are too bad we can swap them out for something different. Always need spare parts anyways.

    Last edited by mprevo; 06-23-2016 at 02:37 PM.
    It is easy to make a small fortune in Hot Rods. Just start with a large one.......

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