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Thread: My 16 year itch

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  1. #31
    BIG-JIM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter View Post
    Do you know if the builder replaced the original wooden body support structure with steel? If not, you might have hit just the right (wrong?) combination of bump/twist/shake/shimmy to flex enough to disengage the latch.
    He said they replaced a couple pieces in the doors oddly enough but the rest of the wood was in great shape. I don't see any evidence of the body twisting (cracks in the paint at the trunk corners or door openings) but I suppose anything is possible.

  2. #32
    BIG-JIM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40FordDeluxe View Post
    Was the trans just low on fluid Jim, or did you already swap out the trans? Sorry to hear of your issues. But, it definitely looks like you got your $30k worth by the looks of your car! I'm not far off from that price on my 40 and it is a quarter of the car you have! Congrats on the award. The RH door on my 40 would mysteriously pop open from time to time too. It's not a good deal when the person is leaning on it at all. Bear claws are in it's future too. Hopefully it's something simple in your case.
    Yup seems the transmission fluid was just low. I took it over to my buddy Bob's place and he took it for a spin. He has owned a lot more rods than I have so I value his opinion. I'm still getting used to it (driving it) but he just hopped in and backed it down the driveway like he had driven it a 100 times. He drops it in gear and before I knew what was going on we were doing 85 mph. Driving with one hand and discussing the finer points of the interior all the while I'm thinking I hope the door doesn't pop open. Then he brings it back down the hill in front of his house (on a major road) and he pulls to the wrong side of the road stops and backs it into his driveway in one fluid motion. He actually did a little hole shot in reverse going backwards up his driveway. Did I forget to mention that there was a car heading towards us as he pulled to the wrong side of the road? I trust him wholeheartedly and would not hesitate to hand him the keys to any of my vehicles. Then he starts comparing it to his car (37 ford 5w Coupe 460HP tremic 5 speed) and my wife's car. He says it is less powerful than his car but a lot more powerful than the wife's. Says it is louder than both hers and his and it has almost no rattles (unlike his that rattles like crazy). He told me "If I were you, I'd go terrorize some pavement and drive the $hit out of it"! So that's just what I did...

    As for the car being worth what I paid for it? The paint does have it's flaws but nothing I can't live with. It has some bubbles around the belt line just above the trunk, some stone chips and road rash, and the paint looks a little thin in area's like it was painted by a beginner. The paint almost looks like a candy but it isn't. The running boards have some chips from the P.O. dropping the seatbelts on them. Like I said before I'm just happy I finally found a 30's coupe I actually fit in. Getting in and out of it must be funny to watch but once I'm in it fits me great. The funny part (for me anyway) is I found a car I don't want to change. I changed the headlight outer trim because the old ones were powdercoated chrome and they were dull. I need to get some new front tires (they are from 2002) and one vent window needs to be replaced because it is plexiglass. And I think that's about it. I want to change the gauges because I can't see them but I'm going to give it some time to see if I get used to them. They are grey background with white numbers and they light up red at night. There is almost no distinction between the numbers and faces and the needles don't light up. But to me these are all little things and will only enhance the already nice clean look of the car not change the whole appearance like I did with the wife's 32. Sorry for the long read. I get caught up in the moment sometimes.
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  3. #33
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    I'm glad to hear it was just low on fluid. I think you did very well on your purchase. I agree with your friend, enjoy the heck out of it! That white crap will spoil your fun soon enough!
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  4. #34
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    Well this past Sunday was another world wind adventure. The wife said it was too hot here to take the cars out for a spin so I get a hair across my ass and say the hell with it I'm going out for a spin myself. I have this issue in front of my garage (I need some fill because it is too big of a drop off for the cars). My next door neighbor was suppose to get some gravel for me but it never happened. You know you are the only person you can count on. So I had picked up all the boards in anticipation of getting the gravel so I had to put them all back. I guess I didn't have them lined up just right and the car fell off the boards and whacked the front fender (luckily no damage) so I continue backing it out and I hadn't noticed I was stuck on a board. I watched in horror as the front of the car came up and slowly back down (sorta pole vaulting the front end to the left dangerously close to the garage door). So I shut the car off and just sat there for a second or two when all of a sudden I smell something I'm all too familiar with. I think to myself...Is that gas??? I hop out and get into the garage and there is this huge puddle of gas. I decide to turn on the fan and cool off and allow the car to cool a bit too because I was starting to do a slow burn. The previous owner did say he just replaced the fuel pump because it was leaking when a potential buyer came to look at it. Had to jack it up a bit and got the boards under it and drove it back into the garage. I found the leak (just a loose clamp). Okay attempt number 2 to get the car out went better than the first attempt and I was off to Bob's house. He asks me if I'm having fun driving it around and I told him it took me almost 2 hours to get it out of the garage! And I've only driven it 5 minutes today (about how long it takes to get to his house). So I tell him the whole story and he just shakes his head and says only you! So I head off to the parts store to look for some gas shocks for my trunk lid only to get there and find out they were closed. It was sunday after all and I didn't realize just how late it was. So I head back home when all of a sudden the F$@%&ING door opens up again!! I distinctly heard the door "CLICK" and then open. There has to be a bad wire or a relay. I swear I'm going to drill out the doors and put the handles back on this car before it kills me!!

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG-JIM View Post
    So I head back home when all of a sudden the F$@%&ING door opens up again!! I distinctly heard the door "CLICK" and then open. There has to be a bad wire or a relay.
    I'd say you've got a short, and the first place I'd look is at the hinge side of the door, where the wiring transitions between the body and the door. That said, it could be anywhere that you've got some flex. I'd also want to know if they switched the hot supply to the door SV, or if they switched the ground. Could be either way, but a switched ground seems to be more common on the instructions for the kits. Just my $0.02.
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  6. #36
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    Jim, hang in there. At least you are driving one currently.
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  7. #37
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    I took the car to a custom audio place that specializes in these kinds of mods (door poppers). What they found kinda surprised me and them. It was all just cobbled together. Sheet rock metal edging nailed to the wood, springs holding the latch arm up and door poppers (solenoids) from a donor vehicle, and they found the secondary safety latch ground down rendering it useless. They recommended getting a new latch mechanism. They checked all the wiring and it all looked good. They said everything was binding so they clearanced/notched the wood so everything could move freely. And I had them install a radio head unit and they found that one of the 6 speakers were fried. I got in the car to bring it home with my confidence level that they fixed it real low and my gut did not disappoint. Sure enough it popped open before I reached home. Next step I will remove the poppers and reinstall manual door handles and call it a day.

  8. #38
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    Been out of commission (and work) for about 3 weeks now. I have a sumo wrestler standing on my sciatic nerve. Been in excruciating pain for weeks and now my leg is going numb all while the Doctors and insurance company's figure out if they want to cover an MRI. I finally get approval and find an open MRI (because I'm such a big guy) get there and guess what? I don't fit! Story of my life. Nothing ever goes right. I popped a pain pill the other day and drove the 34 to a local rod shop and had them rip out the door poppers and put door handles on the outside. It came out great and went to pick it up today. The wife drove it home while I followed in my Impala (more comfortable for me) and guess what? Yup the door popped open again!!! So I guess we have ruled out electrical. I checked the latch and the secondary safety latch isn't ground down it's just a mini (single) bearclaw latch mechanism. I'm at a loss now as to what could be going on. I'm open to any thoughts or suggestions.

  9. #39
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    Jim, Bear claws generally have two points of latching, if the door is popping open the latch is on the secondary or safety part of the latch otherwise it wouldn't pop all the way open it would just pop to the safety portion. I would measure the diameter of your strike pin, get a dowell or something the same or similar diameter and push it into the latch slowly, it should click initially as it goes over the safety, and then again when going to the primary latch, if it doesn't I would replace the latch with one that "double clicks" if it does it mean your strike pins are in too far and need to be brought out farther so its latching on the primary latch. I am no expert but have had "dealings" with latches before, as probably most guys on this board that have had to align doors. I hope I helped, let us know your findings. Matt
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  10. #40
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    Jim, sorry to hear of your back issues. That is no fun at all. The door issue sounds like a PITA too. Hopefully some of Matt's advice can get you closer to a fix.
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  11. #41
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    Went to the specialist today and I have an LT5 herniated disc. It's pressing on my nerve. They are going to try cortisone shots first. If that doesn't work surgery. Sounds like fun!

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG-JIM View Post
    Went to the specialist today and I have an LT5 herniated disc. It's pressing on my nerve. They are going to try cortisone shots first. If that doesn't work surgery. Sounds like fun!
    I went through the exact same deal a couple years ago. I was trapped on the couch for a week, couldn't walk. Finally found the right surgeon so I hobbled into the hospital at 7 am and walk out at 1:30! Haven't looked back since. Good Luck!

  13. #43
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    Hopefully the shots take care of it but I wouldn't count on it. My Dad is still battling this. Good luck with it Jim!
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  14. #44
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    Yeah my weight has a lot to do with it. I have my fingers crossed but in the back of my head I think surgery is in my future.

  15. #45
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    Just a thought. Have been seeing an add on local TV for months now (Boise) about a doctor who treats herniated discs with a non invasive Laser Treatment. Don't know anything about it but maybe you could Google it.

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