Thread: Stude M5 build
01-19-2018 07:36 AM #166
I hope you will continue as well. Threads like this are the reason I come to clubhotrod. I spoke up because I felt you were being attacked. I hope I did not make things worse.Steve
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01-19-2018 12:15 PM #167
- Join Date
- Apr 2011
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- Prairie City
- Car Year, Make, Model: 40 Ford Deluxe, 68 Corvette, 72&76 K30
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1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor 354 Hemi 46RH Electric Blue w/multi-color flames, Ford 9" Residing in multiple pieces
1968 Corvette Coupe 5.9 Cummins Drag Car 11.43@130mph No stall leaving the line with 1250 rpm's and poor 2.2 60'
1972 Chevy K30 Longhorn P-pumped 24v Compound Turbos 47RH Just another money pit
1971 Camaro RS 5.3 BTR Stage 3 cam, SuperT10
Tire Sizes
01-19-2018 01:35 PM #168
Last edited by 53 Chevy5; 01-19-2018 at 01:41 PM.
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. C.S.Lewis
01-19-2018 02:06 PM #169
To v8nutz and Driver50X and 53 Chevy5,
Although I don't feel that I have done anything wrong, I will nonetheless offer up an apology to all of you, in the spirit of getting along and not interfering with the flow of exchange of information between us hot rodders.
Sometimes I believe that being unable to communicate effectively with another person is due to the two of them having been born and raised in different eras. I am a pre-boomer issue, born in 1942 and raised in the 40's and 50's. The things that I value and the way I interpret things is far different from the values and interpretations of others who were born after I was. I've been told that is the reason why some people get their panties in a wad over things that the author of a post meant in a completely different way than how the reader interpreted it.
In my era, we said things based on the way we saw them, for real, up front, with no effort to smooth things over because we saw no reason to smooth things over. It WAS what it WAS. We saw it as ABC and reported it as ABC. That may be the problem between what I say and what you read. I mean no disrespect to anyone when I post something. I'm sincerely trying to help the OP to understand the project the way I see it, the only way I can report it.
Please accept my apologies for anything that I have said or done that stepped on your toes. I meant no disrespect. I consider myself a man of honor and integrity and have always made an effort to support those values in the way I live and the way I communicate with others, but perhaps I have been petty in some situations here on CHR. I guess it does piss me off sometimes when I offer an opinion based on life experience and have it thrown back in my face.
Here's an example: "I think the only thing that you left out is everybody else's project is a failure compared to mine, the color included."
No Seth, that is not what I said. I said that you have engineered what appears to me to be a perfect example of a hot rodded 1953 Chevy pickup truck. I'm not comparing it to anyone else's truck, I'm just saying that in my opinion, nobody else could have done your truck any better than you did.
And to Denny....I have no idea what happened to you. You and I were at each other's throats when we first became acquainted, but I have done nothing but support you and respect your take on things for many years now. If you feel that you must bail out, then bail out and good luck to you.
Ken Thomas, God bless you Sir. You and I have been the closest of friends since graduating High School together in 1961. You're the best friend I have on this planet. Thank you.
Now, if anyone else has a hard-on for me, let's hear it so we can get all this crap out in the open and get back to hot rodding......
.Last edited by techinspector1; 01-19-2018 at 02:30 PM.
01-19-2018 02:49 PM #170
I'm good Tech, that's one thing that sucks about writing stuff is that you cannot tell the expression on their face or the tone in their voice. I thought you were using my pickup sarcastically as a tool for saying everything's perfect and I'm not offending anyone. I was being pretty sarcastic in my response. In your defense, I do understand the whole giving advice according to experience and then getting kicked in the junk because of it. I don't have that on this forum at all because I don't know as much as most on here, I can have that from time to time at my job when I've been fixing tractors my entire life. But again without rambling anymore, I think a lot of this just comes from a misinterpretation of attitude. Like I said I'm good, I hope everybody else can move on to.Seth
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. C.S.Lewis
01-19-2018 05:08 PM #171
fascinating - reading all the above !
nothing else to contribute to it .
hope everyone has a good daymark
1969 chev C10 stepside-305/4speed/12bolt
1934 oldsmobile sedan-350/350/12bolt
1928 model a roadster-project-283/350/9"
1924 dodge modified - 292 i6/pwrglde/quickchange rear
"its only a hobby" --- no its not , its a lifestyle !!!!
01-19-2018 05:38 PM #172
Thank you for that Richard. As usual, you make some great points. That hit close to home. My dad was born in '42. He is no longer with us, but in many ways you remind me of him. I will try not to take your comments personally in the future. The next time I get my panties in a wad, I will come back and reread your post!
Ok, now let's get back to hot rodding.Steve
01-20-2018 12:38 PM #173
Thank you Denny, anyone else ?
01-20-2018 05:25 PM #174
I respect both of you guys and have received advice from many here, but you two are always around and quick to help when someone impatient like me doesn't plan ahead and thus finds himself at a lose how to proceed, Sooooo Thank you both and realize you both are great source of info, experience and help when needed, now lets let this guy hopefully continue a very cool thread realizing we are all from different decades and have value systems that others may not not understand, in my case born in 1963, and raised by a single parent from modest means who worked hard to better herself and supported her kids first and foremost(a fact that I am forever grateful). This is a forum and people who ask advice are soliceting advice from whoever is here to read it, what we do with it, or ignore is at our own consequence, but not the poster's who offered a response. I value this site and everyone who posts here. Thanks... now I am open to pot shots as I'm an idiot when it comes to skill compared to the vast majority of you here, and that is exactly why I continue to hang out here!
'" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
01-21-2018 07:41 AM #175
If both Denny and Rich won't be here I'm leaving also-not totally because of them
but because of issues with posting high detail pictures-I have had issues for years about this and usually someone will help me get them online but still doesn't happen at the detail level I'd like to show what I'm trying to put up. Denny and Roger have helped me dozens of times-------I appreciate it over the top-----
I have a shop where we do some very high detail work for restoration, class racing, up to dirt track, comp, stock block Indy car, top fuel, funny car and pro stock plus fabrication and other work on all levels of anything but at a higher level than the current righty tighty crowd simply because they don't get it----and then someone comes on places like this and we all say """pics, pics,pics""!!!! and the site won't allow mine to be posted ---------
At the end of year there were over 40 engines, a cobra and 4 33/34 fords in shop plus my old ProStock car-----Pat Mccarty and I were the only 2 on here doing level of work we do that would post to try to help someone and now---------
If Brent wants to change the photo specs he can Email me and I'll return and try it----------
So long---have a happy year
01-21-2018 08:34 AM #176
For me, I think the loading pics is as easy as it gets. I don't know what it costs to run a web page, let alone make a new format. I doubt it's super cheap. I think there's a little icon that shows up by a posters name if he is a financial contributor to offset the costs. I don't see that symbol by many names including mine.Seth
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. C.S.Lewis
01-21-2018 11:32 AM #177
V8nuts, I hope this thread can get back on track,, I hope you start posting your Studebaker on her again, I really enjoyed watching it come together. I like looking at different frames that are getting put under these old girls, If I ever tackle one of these again, it's nice to see options. I heard the Dakota clips work well too.Seth
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. C.S.Lewis
03-16-2018 09:11 PM #178
Got the engine and trans in, next is the exhaust fab.
03-16-2018 09:28 PM #179
Welded the v-bands onto the headers and have started to build the exhaust. I'm using a stainless 2.5 in mandrel bend set by squirrelly performance. I have one cat that passes under the front of the trans. So much easier than crawling under a car to do this.
03-19-2018 03:14 PM #180
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- Apr 2011
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- Prairie City
- Car Year, Make, Model: 40 Ford Deluxe, 68 Corvette, 72&76 K30
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Awesome welding, and your exhaust is looking very nice!Ryan
1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor 354 Hemi 46RH Electric Blue w/multi-color flames, Ford 9" Residing in multiple pieces
1968 Corvette Coupe 5.9 Cummins Drag Car 11.43@130mph No stall leaving the line with 1250 rpm's and poor 2.2 60'
1972 Chevy K30 Longhorn P-pumped 24v Compound Turbos 47RH Just another money pit
1971 Camaro RS 5.3 BTR Stage 3 cam, SuperT10
Tire Sizes
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress