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Thread: Stude M5 build

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  1. #346
    stovens's Avatar
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    Interested in finding out about the fuel injectors, I've got a 2003 Toyota MR2 Spyder, whick is my daily commuter, which has dropped from 32-33 mph to 28mpg. Even though it's old it still has less than 145K on it, and I have been wondering if they could be problem, off track on this thread, but on subject. Your Truck looks great!
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    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  2. #347
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    Could be your maf, if you have a scan tool you can check it while running and see. Maf seems to be a common problem along with cracked hoses causing vacuum leaks, or intake gaskets (on the chevy) going bad.

  3. #348
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    Got my new injectors put in and the short term fuel immediately went to negative so that was the problem. No more codes on the scan. Working on the registration this week, wish me luck.
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  4. #349
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    That's great news
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    Ken Thomas
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  5. #350
    rspears's Avatar
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    Good news on the injectors! And good luck with the registration, and dealing with the California Coddington Curse!
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  6. #351
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    I used a registration service that specializes in old cars and it is as good as registered, I just have to get a certified weight for the DMV and it's done! What a relief, I was nervous after almost 10 years of work. Now I have to decide if I'm brave enough to drive it 10 miles each way to the scale or rent a trailer.
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  7. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by v8nutz View Post
    I used a registration service that specializes in old cars and it is as good as registered, I just have to get a certified weight for the DMV and it's done! What a relief, I was nervous after almost 10 years of work. Now I have to decide if I'm brave enough to drive it 10 miles each way to the scale or rent a trailer.
    Where's your spirit of adventure? In 1964, with the help of friends a sbc was installed in the 36 Ford 5window coupe I bought while at home on leave. Everything was together on a Thursday evening, I blew 2nd gear the first time I drove it, ran around a bit on Friday and left for California Saturday morning. Somewhere in Oklahoma the battery bit the dust so every time I stopped it either had to be on a slope or have help to push the car to start it.
    I got to Camp Pendleton on Tuesday with a few hours to spare.
    So it rather amuses me to hear of people with brand new builds who are afraid to drive them across the street or around the block.
    Ken Thomas
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  8. #353
    rspears's Avatar
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    Congrats on getting it registered!!

    Quote Originally Posted by NTFDAY
    ......So it rather amuses me to hear of people with brand new builds who are afraid to drive them across the street or around the block.
    Ken, I hear you and understand, but I also know that I did LOTS of things in my late teens & early 20's that I wouldn't do today. Older and wiser? Maybe not, but older and more cautious for sure!!
    That said, I'd probably do a few laps around the block to get comfortable with the way it handles and responds, and drive to get it weighed, too.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  9. #354
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    Ideally I planned on short trips around town to reveal any issues/leaks. I have a temp pass to go to the scale so if I do any extra trips it's not really legal. Looks like I can rent a uhaul trailer for 6o bucks so I might do that. I know a tow home would be pretty expensive.

  10. #355
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    Quote Originally Posted by v8nutz View Post
    Ideally I planned on short trips around town to reveal any issues/leaks. I have a temp pass to go to the scale so if I do any extra trips it's not really legal. Looks like I can rent a uhaul trailer for 6o bucks so I might do that. I know a tow home would be pretty expensive.
    Ya' gotta stay in your comfort zone, and consider your knowledge about your local law enforcement guys and how they feel about hot rod projects. Here, I would have no problem with a trip down the road & back, then if all was OK go around the block, and if all OK then around a few blocks to shake things down, knowing that as long as I'm not pushing it and drawing attention the Deputies are understanding. That said, I trailered both of mine for the final DMV inspection, knowing that if they decided there was a problem they could impound my car until I resolved the problem to their satisfaction rather than allowing me to drive it home. Do what makes you feel comfortable with the process, I'd say!
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  11. #356
    Mike P's Avatar
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    This post may be a little late, you possibly have already made your decision and hopefully have the truck registered.

    First drives are always a crap shoot. On the one hand you can save the rental and hassle of loading and unloading the trailer. On the other hand, it sucks leaning on your ride waiting on a flat bed ($) to get your car back home.

    Most of my first drives went well, but there is always the exception to the rule. One of the most memorable was the first drive of the cad powered El Camino. It was Christmas day and the wife was working (she always loved the Holiday pay), so I was home alone. I made it about a 1/4 mile when the truck stopped moving. Hardest part was just figuring out who to call with a tow rope to pull me home (yup used up a big favor that day......plus had to live down the ribbing I got for the next couple of years). It turned out the guy who had set up my 3rd member had slipped a 31 spline side gear in one side rather than a 28 spline gear. Basically the the 28 spline axle was just free wheeling inside the gear. The only reason the truck even made it the 1/4 mile was the new clutches in the POSI. Once the clutches broke free on a turn they instantly smoked and I was left walking. Funny story now but as I recall I was not really amused at the time.

    Anyway I guess the best advice I can give you is just go with what your gut says.

    NTFDAY, johnboy, rspears and 1 others like this.
    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  12. #357
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    These builds with more modern drivetrains leaves a lot more that can go wrong compared to a basic small block with a 4 speed. My plan is to rent a Uhaul car trailer for 60 bucks, going to try to get it done today.
    I tracked down a couple problems already. My fuel gauge was reading half when the tank was about empty so had to pull the dash and take the needle off and reposition it. The temp gauge wasn't working and I found out I hadn't tightened one of the wire connectors. I was too excited when I drove it and didn't notice if the electronic speedo was working, I may have to do calibration on that. I drilled a tiny hole in the dash so I can poke a paper clip in there to reset the trip, that's how it's calibrated.
    My power steering isn't working and that I haven't figured out. I had installed a shim kit that's supposed to reduce the chevy pressure to work with the ford rack. It's also leaking at the pressure fitting on the pump. It's almost impossible to get to the fitting with it all together so may have to put up with the leak until I tear things apart for paint.
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  13. #358
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    I haven't been able to offer any help due to
    A = the sites been down
    B = we've smoked 2 computers in about 10 days and that results in mucho stress with accounts and usernames and passwords.. etc etc etc..
    sorry the link didn't stick in my last post but no matter, you've made progress without me slowing you down! And I've got a new laptop I'm trying to figure out!! 8=}
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  14. #359
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    Trailered the truck to the scale yesterday (3240 lbs), it was fun driving it around. Should be officially registered soon! Strangely the power steering started working and feels great, just the right amount of assist. Must have been some air bubbles in the lines that had to work out. The electronic throttle pedal is still kind of uncomfortable, I'm going to mess with it some more and see if I can get it lower. I wish it could be a floor mount. Would have been easier with a cable throttle body probably. It seems to be running good and when I goosed it a little it felt like it wants to go.
    Mike P, NTFDAY and rspears like this.

  15. #360
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    Got my lap belts mounted and did some more Killmat. The truck is now registered and insured! What a relief! Took it out in the wild to gets some bolts from Home Depot for a trailer hitch I'm building for it.

    johnboy and 34_40 like this.

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