Thread: FFR 33 Ford Hot Rod
02-27-2018 09:29 AM #106
Lid fits fine, there is an issue with the body along the rear where the latch mounts, it is flimsy. We are going to reinforce it. We did use the Tim Whitteaker gas shock kit but only to stabilize the work done.
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02-27-2018 05:41 PM #107
More shots
02-27-2018 08:36 PM #108
More Pictures
03-01-2018 04:40 PM #109
Guys made a ton of progress today. Got the roof premiered and got a long way towards finishing the paint prep. We found the rear of the car was very weak around the trunk latch so we built a shelf to help structurally.
03-01-2018 04:42 PM #110
Mo Progress
03-01-2018 07:57 PM #111
Sanding, sanding, and then more sanding.. ugh.. LOL. Nice progress
03-01-2018 08:12 PM #112
This is fun to watch, I've never seen a fiberglass build before, thanks for all the photos!Seth
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. C.S.Lewis
03-01-2018 08:55 PM #113
Thanks Seth,
I think 35_40 has been through it. It has been interesting to see the steps involved. My understanding is that it is inherently wavy, some worse than others. Stage I was to sand and find the low spots then fill them. Stage II was to find the larger seam gaps and structural areas that needed reinforcing. The idea was that it wasn't cool to just use filler. Next Stage is to finish filling and sanding low and high areas and to trim up the gaps closed by the fiberglass stage. Then they will shoot it with a primer coat and start all over looking for high and low spots. At least that is the way I understand it. Kory may step in and slap me. I wish I had not put the interior in, probably will end up redoing it entirely.
03-02-2018 04:10 PM #114
Tremendous progress this week. Got her in the primer booth this afternoon. Should start shaping up fast now.
03-02-2018 05:45 PM #115
More shots of the work this week
03-03-2018 10:08 AM #116
Kind of a neat old Buick with a straight 8.
03-03-2018 10:53 AM #117
Mo Buick
03-06-2018 06:01 PM #118
So today the team at 121 Rod and Restoration finished the pre prep work and masked the car off for priming. I was very happy with the strengthening of the trunk and the window area on top of the doors.
03-06-2018 06:04 PM #119
More Prep work
03-07-2018 09:57 AM #120
So we got some shots of the primered car. Changes the entire look.
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress