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Thread: 78 Trans Am getting some love

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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by 53 Chevy5 View Post
    Holy crap, the only thing I got from that was buy Holley Sniper It's a bit overwhelming, but I'll check some of those things out.

    LOL! It's really not as hard as it sounds, it's just that you're not familiar with it.

    I curse those fuel injection set ups, not because they don't work, just the opposite, they work to well and nobody's learning how to tune anymore. Curse, curse, curse!! TUNING IS FUN! Once you get over the fear...

  2. #32
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    I will mess with the distributor springs right away. I thought the timing was crazy highl on everything too. I don't hear any pinging but you're right it still needs to come down.

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  3. #33
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    Springs will NOT limit timing, only bring it in quicker (or later). PLEASE, follow the blueprint, I know it sounds counter intuitive, but it is safe for your motor. WOT with too much timing and/or too lean can destroy your motor.
    Last edited by 36 sedan; 06-10-2020 at 08:27 PM.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by 36 sedan View Post
    Springs will NOT limit timing, only bring it in quicker (or later). PLEASE, follow the blueprint, I know it sounds counter intuitive, but it is safe for your motor. WOT with too much timing and/or too lean can destroy your motor.
    Your right, I thought about that on my way to the shed, as late as my timing is advancing with rpm's I really should have lighter springs but need to stop the weights. But anyhow back to the order of things, here is a pic of #1 plug and I threw in a pic of the dist just in case
    Attached Images

    God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. C.S.Lewis

  5. #35
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    You're rich at idle, cruise looks close. Can't see WOT, it is way down inside the plug, sometimes you have to cut the plugs to get at it. Heat range is ok. May be using a little oil, check your PCV. The rust at the base of your plugs could be causing a bad connection, try loosening and tightening them couple times to make sure they have a good ground connection. May be time for new plugs.

    cutting plugs.png

    Doesn't look like your distributor has adjustable limit stops, there are some downloadable articles on line about how to modify your distributor.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by 36 sedan View Post
    You're rich at idle, cruise looks close. Can't see WOT, it is way down inside the plug, sometimes you have to cut the plugs to get at it. Heat range is ok. May be using a little oil, check your PCV. The rust at the base of your plugs could be causing a bad connection, try loosening and tightening them couple times to make sure they have a good ground connection. May be time for new plugs.

    Attachment 72423

    Doesn't look like your distributor has adjustable limit stops, there are some downloadable articles on line about how to modify your distributor.
    36 sedan, that's the best picture diagram I've ever seen on reading plugs, and I'd never seen the part about WOT mixture being shown by the deepest part of the plug porcelain. Great information!
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    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  7. #37
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    Thanks for your help so far with this , but I might take the easy and expensive way out. Tuning and dialing in engines is something I really do not enjoy doing and this is the only carbureted vehicle I have left. I think I might just go ahead and get the Holly Sniper injection for this thing and be done. I do want to thank everyone for the advice of saying the exhaust is not the problem, that saved me from wasting a crap ton of money. If I change my mind on the injection, I'll be asking more questions about carburetors that's for sure ��

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  8. #38
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    Any time we can help my friend.
    Sorry I scared you off, didn't mean to, sometimes I'm just a little too passionate.
    Good luck..
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by 36 sedan View Post
    Any time we can help my friend.
    Sorry I scared you off, didn't mean to, sometimes I'm just a little too passionate.
    Good luck..
    Not too passionate, just like things done right and there's nothing wrong with that! On a side note just for curiosity sake I did back off the timing and took it for a ride, It couldn't get out of it's own way.
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by 53 Chevy5 View Post
    On a side note just for curiosity sake I did back off the timing and took it for a ride, It couldn't get out of it's own way.
    That's OK, because now with the total timing down in the safe zone you can put the lighter springs in the distributor to bring the total timing in quicker, which will help until you can get the distributor stops installed and the carb sorted out.

  11. #41
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    Did it surging go away at WOT?

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by 36 sedan View Post
    Did it surging go away at WOT?
    No it did not, it was far far worse. I got the go ahead to spend the money for Sniper from the wife, but to do it correctly in the way that I want, I would be in at about 1,800 bucks conservatively. I'm having a hard time hitting the buy it now button. I asked about the sniper on a trans am page I belong to and anybody who has it loves it, but there was a guy who mentioned the Street Demon carburetor from Holley that he absolutely loves. I have done much much Google searching and YouTube searching and I have yet to find someone who does not love it. I can pick one of them up for $363 so I'll probably be in it right around 425 when it's all said and done. It's not that I'm against spending extra if I have to, but I don't know if I really have to.
    Last edited by 53 Chevy5; 06-11-2020 at 10:18 PM.

    God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. C.S.Lewis

  13. #43
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    Remember, carburetors are completely mechanical, ALL carburetor need to be tuned to your motor. PERIOD. No carburetor comes out of the box completely ready to run on all motors. And all carburetors require tinkering to keep them at their best performance. While the Street Demon may run good on one motor there's no guarantee it will run out of the box good on your motor.

    The only guarantee is, if it's tuned to your motor it will run great. The same goes for the distributor.

  14. #44
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    I'm a real glutton for punishment, I run dual quads (2x4's). LOL
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  15. #45
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    Well 36, If you want the job , I might give this quadrajet another shot. Just for curiosity's sake, this morning before work I pulled the lid off of it and I found that the primary needles piston was stuck in the bore from sitting so long. It actually took quite a yank with my pliers to get him to come out, I'm guessing that's going to help a lot of my drivability issues lol.

    God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. C.S.Lewis

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