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Thread: the Official CHR joke page duel

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  1. #3571
    34_40's Avatar
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    Makes me glad I don't work on cars anymore!

  2. #3572
    rspears's Avatar
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    So I saw another picture, and found that the starter inside the bellhousing is a Bentley engine & tranny. The Northstar isn't in the bellhousing, it's UNDER the INTAKE!!! Looks like Caddy must have got the idea from Toyota...
    Starter 2.jpg
    Dave Severson, NTFDAY and JOATMON like this.
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  3. #3573
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    That one I've seen first hand. Not a terribly hard job and the intake seals usually fail before the starter or about the same time, (so I am told) but personally I think it's a whole lot better idea than in a bell housing! What's easier? Lift a plastic intake manifold? or remove a transmission?
    NTFDAY, rspears and JOATMON like this.

  4. #3574
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    Some of GM's LS series engines have the knock sensors under the intake. What a Duh. A while back I had one go bad so I replaced both and the wiring harness to make SURE I didn't have to do that again. After about two weeks one of the new sensors failed. GRRRRR.
    Sometimes you just can't win.
    Last edited by JOATMON; 10-08-2022 at 08:48 AM.
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    It's All Good

  5. #3575
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    That one I've seen first hand. Not a terribly hard job and the intake seals usually fail before the starter or about the same time, (so I am told) but personally I think it's a whole lot better idea than in a bell housing! What's easier? Lift a plastic intake manifold? or remove a transmission?
    What's easier? Pulling a couple of bolts while laying in the parking lot of the auto parts store, carrying it inside to swap for a new/rebuilt and pulling out of the lot in less than ah hour!!
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    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  6. #3576
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    What's easier? Pulling a couple of bolts while laying in the parking lot of the auto parts store, carrying it inside to swap for a new/rebuilt and pulling out of the lot in less than ah hour!!
    No argument here!! Why do "engineers" feel the need to put an electromechanical device in a new location when the previous "standards" always worked to levels of mutual satisfaction on a world wide basis?!?!? Knowing full well the chosen location will shorten the effective service life of the unit. And make for ridiculous expenses totally un-needed and un-warranted. All I was saying in the above, it's a whole lot easier to lift the intake than pull the transmission.
    NTFDAY, TOW'D, glennsexton and 1 others like this.

  7. #3577
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    No argument here!! Why do "engineers" feel the need to put an electromechanical device in a new location when the previous "standards" always worked to levels of mutual satisfaction on a world wide basis?!?!? Knowing full well the chosen location will shorten the effective service life of the unit. And make for ridiculous expenses totally un-needed and un-warranted. All I was saying in the above, it's a whole lot easier to lift the intake than pull the transmission.
    Yeah, I agree especially considering today's plastic intakes!! It seems that the old adage, If it ain't broke don't FIX it! no longer applies, at least to the young guns calling the shots for the OEM's these days. I can't imagine the explanation for tucking the starter inside the bellhousing unless it was that anyone who buys a Bentley doesn't care about maintenance costs anyway....


    I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not like the passengers who were in the car with him.
    Last edited by rspears; 10-09-2022 at 10:07 AM.
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  8. #3578
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    Too True!!
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    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  9. #3579
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    Uncle Bob posted this on FB and I'm sharing it here!
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  10. #3580
    johnboy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    The Pope dies and at heaven he's met with a reception committee of angels who tell him he can enjoy any of the myriad recreations available.
    He reads all of the original texts of the Holy Scriptures, and spent the next eon or so learning the languages.
    After becoming a linguistic master he sits down in the library and begins to pore over every version of the Bible, working back from the most recent 'easy reading' to the original hand-written scripts.
    The librarian angel hears a loud scream and finds the Pope huddled in a chair shaking and crying.
    "The R! They left out the R!"
    "What do you mean?" asks the librarian.
    After collecting his wits, the Pope stops sobbing long enough to say: "The word was CELEBRATE!"
    NTFDAY, 34_40, rspears and 3 others like this.
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  11. #3581
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    Thanks to the people who assured me that it's fine to allow your pets to sleep on your bed.

    Now my goldfish is dead.
    NTFDAY, 34_40 and stovens like this.
    Mountain man. (Retired.)
    Some mistakes are too much fun to be made only once.
    I don't know everything about anything, and I don't know anything about lots of things.

    '47 Ford sedan. 350 -- 350, Jaguar irs + ifs.
    '49 Morris Minor. Datsun 1500cc, 5sp manual, Marina front axle, Nissan rear axle.
    '51 Ford school bus. Chev 400 ci Vortec 5 sp manual + Gearvendors 2sp, 2000 Chev lwb dually chassis and axles.
    '64 A.C. Cobra replica. Ford 429, C6 auto, Torana ifs, Jaguar irs.

  12. #3582
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    OH MY JB! Even Chris was laughing... between saying Oh, He was bad!
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  13. #3583
    johnboy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    'Dear Paddy,

    Your father has a new job, with 2,000 people under him. He's a gardener at the local cemetery.
    Since I last wrote I have had all my teeth out and a new cooker put in.
    I was going to send you a turkey but it got better.
    I sent you a coat in the post. When the post office weighed it they said I'd have to pay extra for the buttons because they were so heavy. So I cut the buttons off. You'll find them in the top pocket.
    We've had a threatening letter from the undertaker. Unless we pay the outstanding money for your grandma's funeral by Wednesday - up she comes.
    I must close now. I would have enclosed some money, but I'd already sealed the envelope.
    A team of council workers were drilling nearby and accidentally cut through the drains to the house. Since then there's been a terrible smell from your loving mother, Nancy.'
    NTFDAY and stovens like this.
    Mountain man. (Retired.)
    Some mistakes are too much fun to be made only once.
    I don't know everything about anything, and I don't know anything about lots of things.

    '47 Ford sedan. 350 -- 350, Jaguar irs + ifs.
    '49 Morris Minor. Datsun 1500cc, 5sp manual, Marina front axle, Nissan rear axle.
    '51 Ford school bus. Chev 400 ci Vortec 5 sp manual + Gearvendors 2sp, 2000 Chev lwb dually chassis and axles.
    '64 A.C. Cobra replica. Ford 429, C6 auto, Torana ifs, Jaguar irs.

  14. #3584
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    When you are
    Feeling powerless
    Just Remember, a
    Single one of your
    Turds can Shut
    Down an entire Water Park
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  15. #3585
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOW'D View Post
    When you are
    Feeling powerless
    Just Remember, a
    Single one of your
    Turds can Shut
    Down an entire Water Park
    Ever visit Disney? You know all the water rides they have? Guess where they get all that water from??? Yep, their wastewater plant. They consume so much chlorine the water turns it all yellow.

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