Well, today, I got my dirtbike out ( '78 DS 100 ), I had got it running last week and decided it needed fixed so I could ride. hasn't been out in 2 years. rather than fix my tire, I simply traded tires with my dad's dirtbike ( '78 DS 125, his engine is blown ). his is a 2.75 21" and mine's a 2.75 19", but it fit fine, actually corrected a small angle problem caused by the bent forks ( sombody hit a tree or, other hard object ). also, the cobjob that the PO's had done with a cable nut and a cheap plastic clutch handle, to " make it work " had to be fixed, the clutch cable had broke, so they took a cable nut, tighened it on the cable, and jambed it into the cheap plastic clutch handle, where the little 'nub' on the cable is supposto be. it worked b4 but after my dad robbed it of it's clutch handle b4, it no longer seemed to work right, so I robbed his good cable, clutch handle still seem a little loose, but it's working better, clutch fully disengauges, and engauges fully. since I bought the bike, I'v put about $10 worth of spark plugs in it, and a $95 flywheel cover, and I bought a metal clutch handle for it. couple of dents in the tank that I'm going to fill, then I'll repaint the tank.