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Thread: Tulsa Buried Car

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  1. #31
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Here is a link a friend sent me. You will be able to see video of the car being unveiled on the 15th!


  2. #32
    gabb1968 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Water in the hole doesn't look good either.....Can't wait to see it but I'm betting they wasted a "new Plymouth"...lol

  3. #33
    Mike P's Avatar
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    Well, after a short drive (and getting lost a couple of times....construction, intersate exchanges, and one way streets)we got here. Even in one piece. The more I drive my old Plymouth the more I enjoye it. Did about 2 miles (in 30 minuets) of stop and go interstate driving and the car sat at 180 degrees.

    My hub caps came into the parts store at Chandler first thing this morning as promised and were exactly what I aready had on the car. I'm not usually fond of chain parts stores, but this O Rileys was really pretty good.

    There are about 20 old fin cars in the parking garage a the hotel here so far with a bunch more due in latter today and tomorrow.

    I'll be taking a bunch of pictures latter on and try to get them posted as I have time. Already ahve seen a few car I recoginize from web posting, and have talked to a few owners....suspect I'll be running into a bunch more over the next few days.

    As far as the buried car goes....my big question now is the names of the people who guessed to win it 50 years ago. My understanding is that the names and guesses were put on microfich and sealed in with the car. I wonder how they survived as I have not heard anything about a second set located above ground being located. Then there's what to be done with the "remains" now. Personally I suspect that if there is even potentially enough of the car left someone will end up with it for a restoration....Lets face it a lot of people (to include more than a few members) here have started with pretty much nothing and made cars out of them.

    Well, that's about it for now.
    Last edited by Mike P; 06-14-2007 at 10:34 PM.
    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  4. #34
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Is it just me, or does it look like the water level changed alot over the years? Look at the colors on the wall in the corner shot of the vault, that does not look like marks from the formboards when it was poured, it looks like water marks at various levels. Im with gabb1968 on this one, my bets are the car is shot.

  5. #35
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    From the new pics i just saw, it looks like the trunk is caved in.

  6. #36
    Ravenmaden is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I walked to the courthouse to try and get a peek of something today. ALL the local TV stations are already set up, the streets have been cordoned off and it looked like the bleachers were up. A woman who works in the courthouse showed me a picture she took with her phone as it was being lifted and it appeared to have a tear in the Mylar-looking silver wrapping. Personally, I think they should have just left it alone, ground untouched, until about today and THEN started digging, just to be as safe as possible. But NOOOOO. Anyway, regardless of the condition the car is in, it will still be pretty amazing. Hope that bottle of tranqs is still good. :-P

    Did anyone know we have ANOTHER buried time capsule car in Tulsa? Buried in 1998, it's located on 6th street about a mile east of downtown. So, if you're in the area it would be a fun thing to check out. Apparently we Tulsans have a "thing" for buried car time capsules?

  7. #37
    robot's Avatar
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    The second time, Tulsa did it right....they buried a Prowler so when they dig it up, nobody will care if it is damaged!!!!

  8. #38
    AHSOM70's Avatar
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    some pics taken this afternoon apparently.... Looks like that super duper vacum seal gave out at the rear taillight... LOL

    So it should just repair itself like Christine, right?
    Last edited by AHSOM70; 06-14-2007 at 05:14 PM.
    1966 Oldsmobile 442
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  9. #39
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    They say that cosmoline was used ...whats that ? maybe it helped with the water ?
    Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)

  10. #40
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    anyone notice all the camera phones???? going to be lots of pics floating around the internet & if you look to the right side you'll see a camera man bent over looking as though he's going to be sick. I bet it's one of 2 things either it stinks to high heaven or he's that upset to see that the car is junk or that Boyd is working on it....joe
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  11. #41
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    I know one thing. If the cops chase me, I want the cop on the left top to chase me. I REALLY think he LOVES his Donuts.

    and did you notice that as you look to the left the cops got thinner??? well we all know who ate the most donuts in that crew ...joe
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    Two possibilities exist:
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  12. #42
    Mike P's Avatar
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    Denny from the looks of it the car would have had to have been dipped on cosmoline to do any good.

    The rumors going around that someone got a peek under it and the floors are gone
    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  13. #43
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    After seeing that rancid stinker........ I think Boyd was the perfect man for the job
    Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)

  14. #44
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Well, They can cut off the upper body (and serial number) and weld it on a doner! :-)

  15. #45
    65cayne's Avatar
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    just got a peek at the latest photos you were talking about. You weren't kidding about those cops!! Holy cow!...

    With all the talk about Boyd....did anybody notice the guy in the blue shirt?
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