Thread: club hot rod please read
02-01-2008 01:58 AM #1
club hot rod please read
I wonder what happened to this place, I joined this forum I guess in 2004 and sat and watched for a year before posting simply because i had nothing to say. Ive now got 700 posts and until recently this has been a haven, a peaceful place to come and take that 15 minutes a day and get away from the treadmill called life. You know that place you spend all day or all night at to earn the peanuts you need to bring home to feed your circus (family). Ive found clubhotrod to be the only car place on the world wide web that everyone just got along, talked cars or just laughed, whatever, but the key is everyone just meshed and there was a comrodery like a family has. Ive seen a great decline in politeness recently on this board, a few of the old timers are now gone, im sure fed up with the drama. Im no drama queen and when it becomes a chore it takes all the fun out of it, then its like work and the thrill is gone. Everyone has thier skeletons, demons and vices. most have been touched by an angel like myself and are still alive for some unknown reason. If I were a cat id have about 3 lives left in my closet to go. In my 47 years of life ive conquered a drug addiction, had an emt within a breath away of having to revive me, came within a finger tip from falling off a 90 foot bridge, held a dying best friend in my arms as he bled to death, broken 14 bones, driven a car at 185 in the 1/4 mile, jumped a motorcycle 150 feet with one hand on the handle bars, played music for a crowd of 5000 people, free climbed a 1200 foot rock face, earned my black belt in a difficult dicepline of martial arts, and have been blessed by an angel and am lucky enough to have been married to her for the last 20 years 2 months 2 days 14 hours.
Its now 2:52 A.M. its another sleepless night im up because lifes thrown another wrench in the spokes of life, our grand kids are stolen by our crack whore daughter that is now the #1 most wanted felon in our county. but the athorities know the kids are no longer running with her. she has vowed to kill us all, My altimer ridden father in law drove 70 miles away to nowhere had a heart attack in a gas station parking lot in the projects of indy, I went to retrieve the van and was offered to buy crack, when i said no thanks the thug then requested my wedding band and watch, then 2 seconds later his nose was bleeding as he laid flat on his back on the asphalt, then 4 seconds after that his 8 homies were yelling and running toward me to im sure kill me, then i was forced to draw my hand gun in my defense to get away. then to top that day off, as i drove his van 70 miles back home his radio was stuck on A.M. 107.78 and i listened to the 1985 running of the indy 500. I find out yesterday that ive got 2 bad rotator cuffs and 1 tennis elbow that will surely need surgery in the near future, So now with all this drama i cant even get 15 minutes of peace here anymore, without some moron accusing that people that cant type and use proper punctuation and capitol letters are just thieves and dishonest people, if you have not noticed i fit that profile to the T. ive now got bigtrucker up my azz accusing me of posting something to start an argument, even though hes the only one ive heard arguing about the deal. ive replied to his comment but have not read it yet, im sure it will be another precious moment in my life.
new posters are now being slammed because they only have 9 posts and some require full real names instead of nicknames now, (at one time we all only had 9 posts). im not sure what happened to him but in the last couple weeks hes been erked about something. people want advice on how to fix an old carb, or rearend, some instead of helping fix what they have, are trying to sell them new 1000.00 carbs along with with cam and head combos, or new currie 9" bolt ins ready to go. if everyone had thousands of dollars they would not need to ask a question to fix what they had, they would just go buy the thing new, not many these days have that luxury. Ive got alot of respect for a few old timers here that still remain and will watch in now and then but i think i am through here as well, i dont like what this board has become. but i know i will have a problem somewhere along the line and denny will probably be here to help me work through it, hes one of the few still here that answers the question asked without sounding like you were stupid and annoyed him for asking. i will miss coming here but sometimes its best to just walk away. group hug everyone you have to figure it out because dr. phil is not on this board yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or is he???????
Live everyday like it were your last, someday it will be.
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02-01-2008 03:43 AM #2
Originally Posted by mooneye777
Fixed it for youInstead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.
02-01-2008 04:43 AM #3
i agree with you moon and about the hard times, im going through some myself while not as bad as yours. but hey im here if ya need to talk i might only be 21 but i had to watch my mom die and stick around with my dad while those shennanigans went on so i ahve seen my share of the sh*t if ya know what i mean.
02-01-2008 05:34 AM #4
Aw, man, please don't run off! You have friends here.
Granted, you've had more than your share of kicks in the fanny but we all go through periods where we feel like Job. Believe me, this, too, shall pass.
If you bail who's gonna post all those great photos that set all us old guys smiling and reminiscing?
Hang in. The forum's still in great shape regardless of these little flaps that occur from time to time. Sure, people disagree here and some of us get our feathers ruffled, but so what?
One thing that sets CHR apart from other sites is a willingness to provide (or try to provide) moral support for people faced with seemingly overwhelming problems, and they wouldn't know those people if they walked into the room.
So don't go away.
02-01-2008 05:48 AM #5
There was a post on the old server that was up at Christmas about how GOOD it was to find this place where you can be yourself. The world is FULL of ney-sayers and people that just don't get it. We deal with them everyday in our lives. If there is a post or PERSON that you know or are pretty sure that there is gonna be a bad vibe in the thread, then just stay away from that poster or thread! Don't take off just because someone is having a rough time with something. From the sound of it Moon, you've conquared WAY more than most of us will or SHOULD ever have to. You could be someones inspiration, you just never know. Stick around and avoid the problem children, (with CHILDREN being the key word there) . We need to stick together...the problems will eventually take themselves out of the equation, they always do. DonnyIf its not worth doing right, its not worth doing... Donny, MaxxMuscle Custom Painting
02-01-2008 06:34 AM #6
Hang tough, I for one, don't care about punctuation, nicknames, or any other extraneous crap....just cars and good people. There are a--holes everywhere you go.
But there seems to be a lot of good people here. Don't let the few spoil all the good you can find here.
02-01-2008 07:06 AM #7
Moon, Don't sweat the small stuff. There's lots of us that have enjoyed all the stuff you have posted. Don't worry if some take exception, it happens ! I've been known to mangle the english language on occasion myself. Hope you stick around. Hank
02-01-2008 07:27 AM #8
Mooneye please do not leave. You are someone that I always listen too and look forward to all of your post. I brag constantly to my friends of how I know someone like you. even though we have never met and probably never will. I feel like we have been friends. Alot of us need your help badly. You have led a extraordinary life. I can understand alot of what you are going through. I am disabled and working on cars is about all that I can do somedays. It is what keeps me going and you are a huge part of that. There is drama everywhere. I just learn that when it starts to let it slide as it is not why I come here. I come here because it feels like i am talking to family. and you guys let me talk about my favorite subject adnauseam. To hell with the rest of them.BARB
02-01-2008 07:28 AM #9
What she said! least I'm enjoying the ride!
02-01-2008 07:59 AM #10
I hear what you're saying moony. Certain things just grate me the wrong way too. Like those little pi$$ on Ford or Chevy or Dodge stickers people put in their back glass. Off hand comments followed by a smiley face raises my blood pressure-just like they're intended to do. I even saw an FU@# Bush! sticker on a car here the other day. What a thing for a dad with his 12 yr old daughter to see on the road. Its like advertising that here I am I hate you and I don't care if you know it or not. Same goes for comments demeaning someones financial ability, their house, what city or state they live in, how pretty they're wife is, or their enthusiasm for a car that we don't particularly like. Its all the same thing. It plays on our sensibilities. If you guys can't say something respectful to each other just logg off and shut the computer down. Its just uncalled for and in real life would probably cause a fistfight. If people would just treat one another on these boards like they were in our houses we'd all be alright. Those tactless comments diminish these forums and run off good people from the boards.
02-01-2008 08:05 AM #11
First off, there is sure a lot going on in your life right now that is probably very difficult to deal with. I'm so sorry to hear about all of that. Live can be a ***** sometimes, can't it. Hope it all works out.
As for the forum changing, I don't see that so much as I just see a lack of threads being generated in the same quantity they once were. Maybe it is still a little bit of backlash from the crash, or maybe it is just that right now there are not a lot of things going on in peoples lives (carwise) to post about.
I post on several other forums and lurk on one other one, and they all are pretty much that way right now. It is probably due to coming off of the Holidays or maybe we have just discussed so many topics so many times that there is little new stuff to discuss. I guess it's just like any other part of life..........sometimes you go to work and everybody has lots of new stuff to talk about and sometimes you don't.
As for the few flareups we have seen, anytime you toss 1000 people of different viewpoints and backgrounds into a room you are bound to have disagreements and varying opinions. And, even though there have been a few tense moments and cross words, they pale in comparison to what I see elsewhere on the net. This place is like a puppydog compared to some!
I did the same thing as you a couple of years ago.........I was getting pretty ticked because I kept having trouble logging on. I had to resort to picking a new user name and password to get back each time. (That's how I ended up with the stupid user name I have now! ) I left for a while but came back and I am glad I did. This forum, and the friends we all have on here, are a very bright spot in my day. It is the first thing I turn on in the morning and the last I turn off at night. I hope you reconsider, you have been an important part of this group.
02-01-2008 08:17 AM #12
Stick around, Moon. If your spelling and punctuation aren't perfect, who cares? It's your knowledge, memories and personality that are valuable.
If some immature little dweeb doesn't want to converse with you because you don't post your full legal name, then piss on him. There are plenty of other people who appreciate what you know and say. In my case, I learn as much from this site as I give to it. I've made some friends here and even had the pleasure of meeting a few of them in person.
As for disagreements and criticizm, some people take themselves much too seriously. I'm too old to waste my time on petty arguments and I just shut those types out of my life. I choose my battles carefully and only fight the ones that are worthwhile to me.
The bottom line is, this is still one of the best sites on the web and you have friends here.Jim
Racing! - Because football, basketball, baseball, and golf require only ONE BALL!
02-01-2008 08:24 AM #13
well i think that we all come from diffrent walks of life some of us have been bless with a lovey life some maybe not .this all add s to you has a person .i have gone thru some bad stuff and there are times why i wonder god has not just took me . i live thru some of the very dumb things i have done with out a nick on me . every one on here has one thing in common we all like cars or engines or working with your hands. this joins us with a common thread but one thread that maybe is all? some us deal with more pain then you just can not take at times and live one half a life you did. some may never have a day like this in there life and are bless by god .i think there is not very many of you out there? there are going to be times were you may not see it like some other do this may not be wrong this just makes you.. some one that has been down that road may try to help by posting .i do not think it happens all the time that someone post on here to give grief but try to help in there way. it can at times may come off as a kick in the ass. hang in thereLast edited by pat mccarthy; 02-01-2008 at 08:29 AM.
Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
02-01-2008 08:29 AM #14
dont' quit the board, I will need your help
brand new guy here, found this board looking for answers to a problem I have never ran into before. Simply asked the question, and within hours had responses that not only agreed with each other, but made sense to me. To which I took action on and all is great. The fact a 21 year old spoke up in response to your quitting post is a sign of how the future of this board must be strong. For every 21 year old I know does not have enough sh-- together to even say something he did. And to have a female answer up the way she did is outstanding too, for every female I know thinks I'm nuts under the car working like I do. Dont know who Denny is, but he answered my question and was so spot on it had me finding many other responses he has provided just so I can see how skillfull he really is.
Hang in there, the needs of the many outweigh what the few can screw up!1970 El camino,454!!
02-01-2008 09:07 AM #15
Don't let the opinions of a few les than considerate people run you off. There are those personalities everwhere you go. The main thing I have learned in my years is to laugh at their comments and go on.
If there was an educational poll ran here, I have my doubts of many PHD's. They are not needed here. We are car people who are willing to help others as well as looking for answers to our questions.
Your accomplishments are many. Count your blessings then face your problems. You have been blessed with a lot in your life, look to God for help with the problems you face. He is there 24-7 and is always listening. Keep the faith....
Yep. And I seem to move 1 thing and it displaces something else with 1/2 of that landing on the workbench and then I forgot where I was going with this other thing and I'll see something else that...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI