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  1. #1576
    HOSS429's Avatar
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    dont use electricity to charge your electric vehicle in californicate ,, instead use a generator which will spew many more times pollution ,
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    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  2. #1577
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    Hoss, this seems like a better idea. At least it will travel with them, lol…joe
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  3. #1578
    rspears's Avatar
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    Saw a post where a guy came upon a young gal carrying a gas can, needing a ride back to her car. A Good Samaritan, he drove her about 10 miles out into the prairie, and found an EV beside the road. He started trying to explain to her that her car couldn't use gasoline, as she proceeded to open the trunk, pull out a small portable Honda generator, and fill the tank, start the generator and plug it in to charge.....
    Joe, that'll probably be an option for all new vehicles sold in CA after 2035. I told a young guy who is salivating to get a new Ford Lightning F150 that at least he could carry a generator in the bed.....
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  4. #1579
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    I might start believing in this electric BS when I see electric OTR trucks and electric planes that can cross the Atlantic.Until then it's a pipe dream fostered by progressive liberal green weenies and brainwashed fools.
    Ken Thomas
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  5. #1580
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NTFDAY View Post
    I might start believing in this electric BS when I see electric OTR trucks and electric planes that can cross the Atlantic.Until then it's a pipe dream fostered by progressive liberal green weenies and brainwashed fools.
    I talked to a gentleman that had one of the new electric 3500 series Chevy trucks. He told me what he used to be able to do in the day now takes three days to do and his mileage was only 75 miles to a charge when he was pulling a fully loaded trailer. And then there’s a video about a guy who owns an electric semi, he said he has a fleet of 10 diesel trucks and if he was to change them to electric it would take a large power plant that would supply energy to us decent size town to charge his trucks if they were all electric. He doesn’t see it actually happening because our power grid is so messed up and so weak that they will have problems charging all of these electric cars at once. California is having problems as it is telling their people not to charge their vehicles at night now. I guess those electric car owners better go buy a gas or diesel vehicle
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  6. #1581
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    I'm not saying that all electric isn't possible, but at the present time the infrastructure is just not there. You have to have a solid foundation to support any structure.
    Reminds me of the 6 "Ps", Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
    The powers to be here in Springfield, Mo. where I live have a vision 20-20 plan, except they can't see the forest for the trees.
    Very typical of liberal progressives that don't have the common sense to pour piss out of a boot.
    Ken Thomas
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  7. #1582
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    i have discovered an excellent engine cleaner quite by accident .. i bought this stuff to clean and blacken my tires but it does not do that good of job ,, i sprayed some on my engine and was very pleased with how it came out .. you just spray it on and walk away ,,i did not have an extremely dirty engine to begin with so that may have helped ,, just a little oil overspray and a dirt buildup .. and i did a bit of rattle can modifications in my spare time .. i dont like chrome so i blacked out the grill ,, the bottom valance was silver for some reason ,, its now properly black ,, and i sprayed most of my hood in the same semi flat .. i have a couple of tiger stripes but another coat or two will solve that .. and i have determined that if i dont back up my ABS light will not come on .. HMNN .. i can never remember which orderr to add pictures ..
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    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  8. #1583
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    i use foamy engine brite to detail under the hood.

  9. #1584
    34_40's Avatar
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    it doesn't matter how you load the pics! They'll still show up out of order. I think it loads the smaller file sizes first. But that's a guess.

    Chrome maybe won't get you home... but it's better than black imho! LOL..

  10. #1585
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    it doesn't matter how you load the pics! They'll still show up out of order. I think it loads the smaller file sizes first. But that's a guess.
    You can Preview your post, which shows the order of your pictures, then you can highlight any file name and drag & drop or cut & paste to put them how you want them to show. As you move the files to the order you want, you can also add text between pictures if there's something you want to explain. I put a dash beneath the file name, drop down a line for text, then drop down for another dash above the next file name. The dashes add a horizontal space.

    Be ready to respray the chrome occasionally! I learned on my Jeep that unless you rough it up and prime it, painted chrome gets chipped from road junk, and ends up black with speckles of chrome over time....
    Last edited by rspears; 09-10-2022 at 06:15 AM.
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  11. #1586
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    I need to get a lift!!
    LIFT Seats.jpg
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  12. #1587
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    Won't get any work done now!
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  13. #1588
    johnboy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    What a great idea.
    Why didn't I think of that?
    But in Our New Selection I don't now have a hoist!
    Mountain man. (Retired.)
    Some mistakes are too much fun to be made only once.
    I don't know everything about anything, and I don't know anything about lots of things.

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  14. #1589
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    :speaking of high gas prices .. back in 76 during the gas shortage era i had just bought my first pinto .. gas was rationed out so i could not keep getting around in 428 mustangs or 440 six pac bees .. it was kind of silly around me .. you could only buy 5 gallons at a time but you could pull thru the line as many times as needed .. i would get my 5 gallons .. pull off the lot and circle back and get 5 more ..being the conscientious saver i was back then i invested in every over the counter fuel saving device on the market .. my first mod was a header and free flowing exhaust system .. garnered me a cool 15 % increase in fuel mileage .. next i added a free flow air filter element most likely a K& N .. got 10 % with that change .. i added lower friction rear gear and trans lubes and was amazed to get a 20 % rise .. i re jetted the carb and did away with the choke system and got another 20 % jump in mileage .. maintaining the correct the tire pressure got me 5 % . i started using fuel additives and stretched a gallon by 15 more % ,, i switched to pertronics electric ignition and opened up the spark plug gap and got the biggest jump of all fully a 25 % increase .. even before it was a common thang i would turn off my cat at stop signs ,, 5 % ,, all that added up to a 115 % increase in fuel mileage .. to my surprise every week i had to drain a gallon and a half out of my tank ,,
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  15. #1590
    34_40's Avatar
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    heavy sarcasm.. that needed to be in the joke thread!
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