Thread: random stuff
03-21-2009 01:42 PM #166
stovebolt .. i think i`ve seen this car running up and down the road in huntsville ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
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03-23-2009 06:26 AM #167
ah ,,, the finer things in life .. the cuttlery of a single man .. my utensils .. not a single matching pair .. same as with my drinking vessels .. 3 empty large mayonaise jars .. i dont mind spending thousands of dollars on my toys but it kills me to spend a dime on myself .. stupid hotrodding addiction .. boutt got the stang motor back together .. have sworn off drinking after a run in with luckily a freindly trooper late friday nite ... i`m scared straight
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-24-2009 04:18 AM #168
spring planting
bout time to hook up the plow and furrow up that back 40 ..should`nt take but a minute or two with this tractor .. got some bad new yesterday ... my girldfriends boyfriend may have to spend a few years in jail.. breaks my heart it does ..
.. on another thought .. my father must have done some serious spring planting in his day .. of 13 children he fathered .. 9 were born in december ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-25-2009 04:05 AM #169
35 years ago a girl bought a new pinto from a ford place in fayetteville .. soon as she pulled into traffic she was rearended and killed in the ensuing fire .. there was later a rumor that her twin sister also had gotten a car the same day ... then went home and parked the new pinto never to drive it again .. this pinto was told to be that car .. it has been sitting here since at least 1974 .. i do in fact remember seeing it sit here when i drove back and forth to high school those days .. finally curiositity ( how do you spell curiosity ? ) got the best of me and i stopped and inquired about it ... being a pinto nut as i was ... seems it was more or less a lemon car that stayed broke most all the time and just sat .. before lemon laws were in effect .. the owner was forced to just "eat "it ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-26-2009 03:58 AM #170
who`ll stop the rain ?!!!
has been raining for nearly three days straight.. i hate rain .. gets everything all wet ... reminds me of my adventures in the 05 power tour which came thru hometown usa .. drove 150 miles at breakneck 25 mph .. it was sorta ok in 4 lane traffic but when 231-431 narrowed down to 2 lane i had to get off .. big rigs dont care if they can see the road .. they just go where the truck is pointed .. wait a minute !!! where`s those folks from munster quest ?? i think i`m about to run over bigfoot
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-26-2009 05:48 AM #171
Hoss.... are you off your meds???I'm only kidding.... your posts crack me up. Keep it up.
03-27-2009 03:54 AM #172
speaking of sasquacth .. i have my own big foot expierence to tell of 1973 a local fellow earned his 15 minutes of fame by spotting the hairy beast in north lincoln county tenn near lincoln lake .. so happens at the same time my high school sweatheart lives at lincoln lake .. being one of 4 brothers still living at home we had to share the same 64 ford for dates and such .. my weekend happened to be the siteing weekend .. i was younger than the other brother so i did`nt get to drive on our double date ..after our planned date we parked for a bit.. when we finished parking down on this one lane backwoods dirt road i needed to relieve myself before taking my girl home .. as i was standing behind the car doing my buisness a giant white faced cow stuck its head over a fence right into the drivers door and gave a big " SNORT " right in my brothers ear .. my brother yelled to the top of his lungs .. both girls screamed bloody murder .. he stepped on the gas a busted outta there spewing gravel all over me .. i`m not finished doing my thing yet but idid`nt care ..O.J Simpson could`nt have kept up with me as i was hoofing down that gravel road trying to catch that 64 ford with "little HOSS" still flopping in the wind .. they did finally stop and in a minute or two i reached the drivers door and accidently grabbed my brothers arm .. once agian he screams like a school girl .. the girls scream all over again and again he speeds away .. i soon quit dating that girl needless to say..,, you know what they say about men with big feet !!....... BIG SHOES !!!!Last edited by HOSS429; 03-27-2009 at 03:57 AM.
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-27-2009 09:42 AM #173
03-27-2009 08:57 PM #174
Laughing my A$$ off after this one .
03-29-2009 09:43 AM #175
is that you carl ?
could that fellow in the middle be carl shelby ? carroll`s lesser known brother . nah .. thats dan .. a local ford dealor who is very much a car guy and hot rodder .. thats` his pantera .. he has about a dozen hot rods as well as many other ford muscle cars and rides in his collection ..all ford powered of coarse ..
Last edited by HOSS429; 03-30-2009 at 08:59 AM.
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-30-2009 08:56 AM #176
quit following me
i`m not sure the pic will get past the mods but the story fits .. back when i was active in sports i went every sunday nite up to park city tenn to a small gym to play basketball with some friends .. one nite as i was going home i fell in behind a little car with an alabama tag .. quite odd to do at that time of nite .. we trailed each other for about 12 miles and it made a left turn onto carriger road ... so did i .. after about 5 miles it turned right onto manley road .. so did i .. we came to a four way stop and it zoomed away at a high speed only to have to stop again at the next stop sign ,, so did i .. turned right onto .. walnut grove rd ... they actuall ran the next stop sign for some reason .. but again had to stop to turn left on henry taylor .. drove away agin as fast as they could up that street .. then i saw brake lites and it turned into a driveway .. ( my driveway ) .. i pulled in a bit suspicious of what was going on .. overheard the obviously terrified woman talking very loudly to someone on her phone .. yelling she was being followed and mY god !!! he`s right behind me ... i did my best to ignore her death threats as i unlocked my front door and went into my home .. after a few minutes she drove away .. very similiar thing happened later but they only stopped in front of my home and walked back to my car and asked why i was following them .. i said " cause i live here "" do you ???
Last edited by HOSS429; 03-30-2009 at 08:57 AM. Reason: add pic
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-30-2009 10:05 PM #177
too late to post and almost to buzzed to do so .. just took a lap in my stang .. hit it hot and heavy in first .. went into second and the stupid driveshaft hits the ground .. my # 1 fan courtney is watching so i`m happy anyway .. folks dont mind if i break stuff when i`m giving them my all .. had to only walk a little bit .. a neighbor heard me and came to my rescue .. and to beat all .. a state trooper was ticketing some poor sole as i was walking back to see the damage .. sometimes luck is on my side.. (edit ) man !!! 6 hours later and i have to re read my post to see what i did .. almost overslept ... almost late for work .. what a niteand the boyfriends girlfriend is home
. and she called me first
Last edited by HOSS429; 03-31-2009 at 04:06 AM.
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-01-2009 04:18 AM #178
a familiar site round my neck of the woods .. the stang on the " fetch " trailor .. broke the front yoke .. never did that before .. shaft is ruined .. brakeline is cut .. good thing i was only in the middle of second gear when it came apart .. motor still runs though.. no doughnuts yet .. got to get out and scare up some things to post about .. my quitting drinking did`nt last long.. 10 days ... i could not sleep .. got tired of being up all nite and day .. took my medicine ( 12 pack of sudlite ) yesterday .. and slept like a baby
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-05-2009 12:15 PM #179
a rare treat for you folks .. i never usually post pics of myself but lately i dont care what people think .. i`m a great guy even if i must say so myself .. i will share a bit more of my storied history with you soon .. stupid buddy holley glasses .. from 1974 by the way ...
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-05-2009 08:28 PM #180
Young and had some hair huh
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI