Thread: random stuff
04-06-2009 08:18 AM #181
if `id only known
i am quite the animal lover .. wouldn`t harm a fly .. but i will kill every sparrow bird that flys in my yard .. those things are nuthin but roaches with feathers .. but on with the story .. back when i was in wedfull bliss with my ex we went to the grocery and on the way back i spied a monster of a snapping turtle in the middle of the highway trying it`s best to not get squshed .. i pulled over to the side of the road and took one of the boxes we had loaded our groceries in and subdued the beast with intentions of releasing it out of harms way .. as we were driving it would now and then make a great effort to escape the box it was in and my wife ( at the time ) would scream bloody murder for me to get that thing out of our car .. in a bit it settled down and the wife seemed to forget about it .. as she was daydreaming i gave her a good pinch on her leg .. she yelled most unkind obscenities at me and after beating me half to death demanded i stop and let the beast out .. which i did as i was where i wanted to take it anyway .. had i known at the time that 3 months later she would ask for a divorce and shack with with one of my ( former ) good friends i would have kicked her out of the car as well as the turtle .iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
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04-08-2009 09:13 AM #182
this is about a mile from me .. actually at the bridge `ive been posting about ' had the fellow gotten his engine in a timely manner he probably would have suceeded before orvile and wilbur .. some interesting related links as well .. this very fellow had a lot to do with a Mr Boeing getting into the airplane biz ... edited by HOSS429; 04-08-2009 at 09:20 AM.
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-10-2009 03:56 AM #183
woke last night to the sound of thunder
how far off i sat and wandered
started humming a tune from 1962
aint it funny how the nite moves
but i did wake up in the middle of a thunderstorm .. i love a good lightning show .. my mother and grandmother also enjoyed them ... we rarely get such a spectacular event any more .. since the great tornado outbreak of 74 every time it rains there is a tornado threat ..hook echoes to dodge .. mezzocyclones to run from .. great drive into work this morning facing the storm ...
Last edited by HOSS429; 04-10-2009 at 03:59 AM.
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-13-2009 04:05 AM #184
really good shoe
i mean good show saturday nite at the cafe 302 cruise in ,, not much happening in my world of late but i can post show pics all day long ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-21-2009 04:29 AM #185
over a week without a post .. sorry !! there`s just not a lot happening in my world lately .. sold the black truck .. trying to sell the two pintos and the tracer .. trying to deal with my feelings for this lady who sometimes stays with me ..getting out of shape from not working out and consuming too much suds .. still have not gotten the driveshaft fixed in the stang .. i just fire it up in the shop every day and give it a few redline revs ,, probably will blow it up before i break it in good .. loving the warm weather that has finally arrived .. supposed to be in the 80`s this weekend .. i know there is one little car event i will go to .. may get some pics there to postiv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-23-2009 03:55 AM #186
i know i did`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-24-2009 04:06 AM #187
sitting in my swing yesterday evening i hear the distinctive puttering of a classic old vdub coming up my street and as i sit up for a better look two of them cruise by followed by this ford and then a flat bed hauling an old ford truck .. sweet i said. then they stopped at the church on the corner .. great i thought .. i`ll run up and get some shots .. after the first pic ( this one ) the fellow who must have owned the caravan comes up and ask " can i help you ? " i said no ... just wanting some pics of your stuff ,, he said you ever thought about asking if you could take pics of my "stuff" .. i said you`re in public view fellow in a public churchyard .. you cant stop me from getting a picture .. i had a similiar situation with a model at a car show .. she was standing in the way of a car i shot and a few minutes her and some goons came up and made me delete the shot with her in it .."" i make my living from my pictures she said "" you cant have one for free !!
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-26-2009 10:41 AM #188
if i were a car
if i were a car i have no doubt
i`d be in a junkyard where i`d be scrapped out
`im covered with dings and bumps and rust
and am easily blown over by the slightest of gusts
my head lamps are blurry sometimes i cant see good
lots of strange noises come from neath my hood
my whitewalls are covered with varicose veins
i roar when i sleep like the sound of two trains
i hope someone finds me and restores me like new
but that may be more than even chip foose can do
so i grow even older with each passing day
waiting for the supreme car maker to take me awayiv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-26-2009 03:51 PM #189
Put some Lynyrd Skynyrd on and sit back and smile, you may be older, but you also have more experience!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
04-26-2009 04:55 PM #190
04-26-2009 05:08 PM #191
Just now! I was listening to their greatest hits and smiling when I read your post!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
04-28-2009 05:31 PM #192
sometimes when i try to describe a problem with one of my vehicles to my mechanic he will respond in kind to my symptoms ..
C is for me ( customer )
M is for him ( mechanic )
c - something is loose under the hood
m- something was tightened under the hood
c - left rear tire alomst needs replacing
m-left rear tire almost replaced
c - evidence of something leaking under the hood
m- evidence removed
c-cd player has unbelievable loud buzz
m-buzz set to more believable level
c- cylinder # 6 seems to be missing
m- cylinder # 6 found next to cylinder # 5
c-suspected crack in tailpipe
m-suspect your correct
c-noise in trunk sounds like midget banging with hammer
m - hammer taken away from midget
c - car handles funny
m- car told to straighten up and act right
c - right rear tire hums
m- right rear tire taught to singiv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
05-02-2009 09:12 AM #193
the bear hunt
recently a fellow i know from out west dropped by for a visit .. i in an effort to show him some of the famous southern hospitality and genioune freindliness i`ve bragged about took him on a cruise thru some of my favorite tenn backroads ..We rounded a corner and rolled up on an amasing site..A big black bear was mauling some little fellow who no doubt was from up north by the yankee accent he was yelling with .. Suddenly this ragged old pickup truck came flying up and two big old bubba looking guys jumped out with clubs and beat the bear off the man and shot it to death .Then proceeded to put the bear in the bed of the truck.. my friend was quite impressed by the bravery and kindness shown this little northern fellow by the good ole southern boys .. I assured him all was not as it seemed ..We walked up to the truck and i said "boys" this here fellow is a friend of mine from out west and he`s never been on a bear hunt before .. Y`all gunna be able to save yer bait ? .. they picked up the little yankee .. put him in the truck and said " yep " we`ll hose him off a little and put a few more stitches in him .. he`s good fer another bear or two ..
( seems i cant add a pic )
Last edited by HOSS429; 05-02-2009 at 09:18 AM.
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
05-04-2009 04:45 PM #194
in days gone by
till sumpthin happens worthy of posting i will share a scenerio i once concocted involving the ten fastest cars in my memory of days gone by ..i wont go into the personal bio of all the people involved but they all were intergal parts of my early hot rodding career ..and i will work my way into proclaiming the baddest car in my mind from that early 70`s thru early 80`s period of living in the fast lane .. the line up
( 1 ) jerry moore ... 70 big block camero .. jerry had older uncles who dragged raced somewhat professionally and jerry got their hand me down parts so he always had fast cars .
( 2 ) claude hicks .. black . 69 428 automatic mustang .. claude was much older than us all and probably the most expierenced streetracer
( 3 ) myself .. 69 440 sixpack super bee .. even though i also had the r code 69 mustang .. the super bee felt faster
( 4 ) paul moore ( jerry`s brother ) 70 440 challenger ... paul was a maniac .. a very mean man
( 5 ) phillip tunstil ( 68 383 plymouth sattelite .. just and uncommanly quick stocker
( 6 ) frankie wilkerson ) white 69 428 mustang .. i knew frankie the least of all .. he later died in a mental home
( 7 ) brent scott ... 70 camero ... usually always with high revving small blocks .. brent was probably the best mechanic of us all
( 8 ) donkey berry .. 69 340 dart swinger .. another non stock small block screamer
( 9 )danny lewis ... 67 455 olds cutlass ... the quickest 60 footer i ever rode in .. he wrapped it around a tree and slung the motor 400 feet up the street .. didnt get a scratch on himself
( 10 ) al bolden ... one of my best buds from the era .. just died a few months ago .. 455 judge .. al went thru more killer cars than just about anybody i knew .. his wife had a 440 4 speed cuda as her daily driver .. his shop was where most of my car building was done.
tomorrow the line upiv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
05-05-2009 06:28 PM #195
race # 1
this is a race i witnessed myself in about 1975.. the others are hypothetical .. donkey in his 340 dart swinger and brent in his small block camero .. i dont have a current pic of the site but it was quite drag central in the day cause it was so easily defended from the law sneaking up on you ..donkey was about the baddest car in southern tenn ( vann town ) and brent was nearly unbeatable in his small block ride ... always claimed to be the original 307 !!!.. best two out of three was set up .. both were four speed cars .. the first run was leaving on a concrete bridge and running a bit up hill for about 3/4 of a 1/4 ..donkey won the first race .. i guess from being a bit lighter .. the second race was on asphalt coming in the opposite direction and headed a bit down hill .. brent won that one by virtue of having a few more horses than donkey ..the third race was started on asphalt at the end of the bridge and donkey more or less went up in smoke giving two out of three to brent .. donkey still has the dart to this day though unrestored and rough .. brent passed away about 7 years ago due to illness .. the other races i will select by blind drawLast edited by HOSS429; 05-06-2009 at 02:18 PM.
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI