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Thread: random stuff

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  1. #196
    HOSS429's Avatar
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    race # 2


    race # 2 will be paul in his 440 challenger and al in his 455 judge turbo 400 slipomatic . .. i raced paul plenty of times in my r code mustang and he always got me by a fender but we could swap cars and he`d beat me in his car with my mustang by three cars . I did`nt have the super bee yet .. .. does`nt say much for my dragging skills . i never raced al ..they would likely have raced in front of als house .. as i said paul was a crazy man and equally dangerous behind the wheel of a car .. if he couldn`t beat you sometimes he`d try to wreck you .. i rode plenty of miles in als gto and i would say it was plenty strong enuff to defeat paul ..so i`ll give the lap to al ...some of these guys may have met up in real life .. i was`nt always everywhere .. and most had their cars in the same two or three year period ..
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  2. #197
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    .. race # 3 ...this race has claude in his 428 cobra jet Vs phillip in his 383 sattelite .. i saw phillip race about 100 times and most times he won by being just a bit quicker off the line .. having a stout stocker sometimes is a plus .. he rarely spun a tire .. claudes stang was mostly stock as well with the exception of headers and he always would not race without putting on some cheater slicks .. i saw claude beat enuff 440 roadrunners and 396 chevelles ( the most prevelant hot rod of the period ) to know that he could easily dust phillip .. claude by three lengths.. claudes was exactly like this black beauty
    Last edited by HOSS429; 05-08-2009 at 12:58 PM.
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  3. #198
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    race # 4


    this race probably never happened but if it did it would have turned out about this way cause i knew both guys plenty well .. as i said jerry always had fast stuff as he had hand me down racing stuff from his unkles who class raced in some superstock classes in the day .. but jerry`s stuff was thrown together in not always a reliable manner .. he was famous for selling his " race " motors to unsuspecting customers then taking all the speed stuff out and selling junk motors .. .. danny would have jumped jerry out of the hole and jerry would have blown his junk up trying to catch up .. this race to danny in his stout 455 olds ..( once again i cant add a pic )
    Last edited by HOSS429; 05-10-2009 at 12:19 PM.
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  4. #199
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    race # 5


    frankie was a fellow i knew very little about .. but i do remember him racing a friend of mine many times .. jeff had a very potent 340 demon .. jeff was/ is a very meticulous tuner .. he raced stock cars for many years and was always a track champion .. he even stepped up to one of the smaller nascar truck divisions and did well .. i saw a few races of hie on espn .. but anyway in the mid 70`s he was always picking at frankie to run him .. frankie did`nt want to waste his time .. they finally ran and frankie won by the smallest of margin .. jeff spent a few bucks and again they raced .. again the same results .. this went on for about a month even to the point of jeff accusing frankie of cheating ..jumping first and any other reason jeff could think of to lose .. finally frankie told jeff to just step on the gas and go anytime your ready .. i`ll give you a head start .. then frankie lowered the boom and blew jeff away by nearly half track .. he`d been toying with jeff the whole time .. but he didn`t toy with me in my super bee .. he knew it was pretty stout .. but alas he still took me by two cars .. .. now iv`e got to line up the next round and figure who to give the bye run to ..5 cars left..
    .. very much like the one i had
    Last edited by HOSS429; 05-12-2009 at 09:07 AM.
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  5. #200
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    if some of you remember there is a girl up the street from me whom is my # 1 hotrod fan .. she`s the reason i do burnouts and cut doughnuts in front of her house .. i finally got a pic of her this past weekend and sadly learned she`s moving away when school is out .. she`s going to north carolina to study law and become an officer .. looks like no more burnouts for her ..
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  6. #201
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    round 2


    i put the 5 names in a hat and drew brent as the bye runner .. and matched danny in his cutlas with claude in his mach one .. this race very well may have taken place as these guys were from the same era and each had these cars then .. not everybody knew everybody then but it seems i did .. they would most likeky have ran up on stateline road as that`s where claude lived and prefered to race .. then if the alabama law showed up they`d simply move to the tenn side of the road .. as usual claude would have his slicks mounted but even with that he could`nt keep up with the big 455 .. danny had the quickest 60 footer i ever saw .. there was a bridge at hump creek that we would do timed runs on and danny would go end to end or 0 to 60 in about 5 seconds .. i did see danny beat this 429 scj torino several times at miles creek .. danny would also beat claude i `m sure ..
    this car still sits where the owner parked it in 1986 before he passed away ,, the widow will not sell it for any price .. it does stay under cover at least .. she let me get some shots of it
    Last edited by HOSS429; 05-15-2009 at 09:37 AM.
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  7. #202
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    frankie and al .. they probably raced a few times as they knew each other from high school .. i went to middle school in alabama and high school in tenn is why i knew guys from all over .. as stated frankies mustang was unbelievably fast and i dont know how " stock " it was but i do know al`s car was mostly stock except for headers and a bigger holley carb .. i rode in al`s car plenty and saw him race jeff enuff in jeffs demon to know that he was no match for frankie.. .now iv`e got to figure out who races brent . then the finals of the fastest car in my memory shootout ...
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  8. #203
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    very low mileage original ..
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  9. #204
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 48 Plymouth, 48,54 Heap

    Quote Originally Posted by HOSS429 View Post
    if some of you remember there is a girl up the street from me whom is my # 1 hotrod fan .. she`s the reason i do burnouts and cut doughnuts in front of her house .. i finally got a pic of her this past weekend and sadly learned she`s moving away when school is out .. she`s going to north carolina to study law and become an officer .. looks like no more burnouts for her ..
    She's a cutie; you should find out where she's going to work and do a big burnout in front of her squad car. Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll frisk you!

  10. #205
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    the final


    in a strange twist brent has decided not to compete any further .. ( he knows he has`nt a chance against either of the final two other cars ) .. i don`t remember if i told earlier but danny in a very high speed wreck demolished his cutlass hitting a tree sideways and splitting the car in half .. luckily he was drunk enuff to not hardly get a scratch on him .. frankie went insane in his mid 30`s and passed away some time later in a mental home.. but before all that they would meet at lickskillit ..and frankie would win easily .. frankies mustang was a white 69 428 mach 1..and is the reason i painted mine in the manner that i did .. my car is a tribute to his .. the fastest car in my memory ..and memory makes us old geezers think our stuff was fast ... our stuff is`nt near a quick as stuff is today .. we did`nt know about nitrous .. turbo`s ,, or superchargers then .. just cammed up ,, carbed up ,, headerd up big blocks .. . couldn`t keep up with a lot of 4 bangers today
    Last edited by HOSS429; 05-20-2009 at 04:15 AM.
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  11. #206
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    stand by for news !


    hello americans .. this is Hoss Harvey .. you know what the news is .. in a minute ..the rest of the story ... you know there is that race in indiana coming up soon .. did you know there is another reason it carries the name it has .. about 300 years ago a small tribe of indians lived in what was then mid america .. they subsided mostly on what they could gather from nature .. and that was largely apples .. sadly one particularly late frost decimated the coming apple crop and around 500 indians starved to death .. later a plaque was erected on the site which became indiana .. the plaque read " here on lies the remains of the "indian-appless-500 "..then later someone built a race track around the site ...( if i`m lying i`m dying )
    Last edited by HOSS429; 05-21-2009 at 08:58 AM.
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  12. #207
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    i had been XXing out this post cause for a bit i could`nt add pics .. seems to be fixed again .. in lue of a real post i will add this bit of info .. in olden days of hawaii kings would have huge elaborate huts built for themselves .. mostly of grass .. king kamaka naka had a fondness for many thrones. he had one for every day of the week .. but because of lack of room he had to hoist some of the thrones up to near the roof of his hut ..during one particullarly rough storm one of the thrones fell from the ceiling landing on the king and killing him .. moral of this story "" people in grass houses should`nt stow thrones "".. or am i getting that confused with something about glass houses .. i hit my head at work yesterday
    Last edited by HOSS429; 05-27-2009 at 04:18 AM.
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  13. #208
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    this car showed up in my workplace parking lot this week .. it has been on the cover of Hot Rod but i havent found that issue yet .. it has rained for two solid months down here .. i hate it .. my puddles have puddles .. cant anyone have a car show or cruise in for the stupid rain ..
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  14. #209
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    due to tuff times


    1.) Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W R. Grace Co. Will merge and become:
    Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace.
    2.) PolygramRecords, Warner Bros., and ZestaCrackers join forces and become:
    Poly, Warner Cracker.
    3.) 3M will merge with Goodyear and become:
    4.. ZippoManufacturing, AudiMotors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become:
    ZipAudiDoDa .
    5. FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become:
    6. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become:
    Fairwell Honeychild.
    7. Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become:
    8. Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become:
    Knott NOW!
    And finally...
    9. Victoria 's Secret and Smith &Wesson will merge under the new name:
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  15. #210
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    what the !!!


    i hate the F word .. dont like to hear it .. dont like to associate with people who use it for every other word .. this post may be deemed innapproiate .. but even at that there is times that word is considered useable .. here is what some consider the top ten accepted uses .. although i would have added emilia airhardt saying "" where the F**k are we !!!
    "What the f**k was that?" - Mayor of Hiroshima
    "Where the f**k did all these Indians come from?" - General Custer
    "But, it's so f**king simple!!" - Albert Einstein
    "It does SO f**king look like her!" - Pablo Picasso
    "How the f**k did you work that out?" - Pythagorus
    "You want me to paint the whole f**king ceiling?" - Michaelangelo
    "I suppose a little f**king rain would be too much to ask?" - Joan of Arc
    "Who the f**k is going to know?" - Bill Clinton
    "Scattered f**king showers...my ass." - Noah
    And the number one example...
    "I need this parade like I need a f**king hole in my head." - John F. Kennedy
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

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