Thread: random stuff
06-24-2009 09:05 AM #241
just when you thought it was safe to go outside !!! in total amasement for the past few days i have witnessed a falcon fly onto my property not more than twenty feet from me sitting in my swing and snatching up young robin hatchlings from tree limbs and zooming away to the nearby woods with them .. even seen it grab a parent robin in mid flight .. i guess it has hatchlins also .. i have seen skeletons of various critters on fencelines before and folks have told me thats where birds of prey sometimes take their catches .. they impale them on a fence barb and eat them ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
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06-24-2009 12:22 PM #242
Just shoot it, Hoss! Doesn't anyone think of the robin children!!!?!?!?!?!
06-24-2009 02:27 PM #243
06-24-2009 02:34 PM #244
06-26-2009 08:14 AM #245
the thrill is gone
seems the " NEW " has finally worn off my new toyota .. they are waiting on a new quarter panel .. i did`nt expect them to replace the front and rear covers .. they just had a few mounting brackets broken .. the person who took my car must have never shut it off .. they put over 5000 miles on it in 4 weeks .. and that person calls me every day wanting me to drop the theft charges .. yeah right ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
06-27-2009 12:19 PM #246
a friend of mine got rammed by a truck recently .. he has no idea who hit his car but found this note ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
06-30-2009 09:18 PM #247
07-03-2009 04:15 PM #248
been thinking about trying to jump rattlesnake river canyon bottom holler gourge in the stang ,.. put up some landing ramps couple hundred feet away .. get some news media coverage .. i think i can do it ..unless that sludge stuff stops me
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
07-05-2009 12:25 PM #249
straight 55
this fellow has picked up another 55 .. he has a yard full of stuff for sale .. a few i have posted ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
07-08-2009 03:48 AM #250
dont try this at home folks .. a friend of mine who is a bit of a welder /fabricator got quite agitated at the frequency of one of his neighbors to set off booming fireworks decided to level a small atomic blast himself .. he took his 55 gallon fire burning drum and filled up a medium sized garbage bag with oxy/accetlene (spelling?) from his toarch set .. then proceeded to fabricate a flaming trigger device which he pulled up into the drum from about 200 feet away .. the ensuing blast was felt 1/4 mile away and no doubt heard for many miles .. it was about a hour before anyone else in the hood began setting off thier smaller stuff .. he said the law came by very quickly but did not stop to inquire as to the nature of the sonic boom 4th was`nt so spectatular . just watched the history channel all day ..
Last edited by HOSS429; 07-08-2009 at 03:52 AM.
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
07-13-2009 07:05 AM #251
1950 Chevrolet Club Coupe 437 original, actual miles!
Now here is a car with a story...
Purchased new by Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Trueblood of Modesto . Shortly after purchasing this car, Mr. Trueblood took a day off to go fishing. While waiting for the 'big one'€ to bite he witnessed a woman fall out of her boat. Mr. Trueblood jumped in to help only to fall victim of a fatal heart attack. Mrs. Trueblood returned the car home and placed it in the garage for the next 12 years. The odometer reading at that time (1962) was 413 miles.
Mrs. Trueblood lived next door to a used car lot owned by Mr. William E. Wilson (now 81 years old). Mr. Wilson spoke with her frequently and often told her he would like to buy the car for himself to keep. In 1962 the time had come. Mrs. Trueblood told Mr. Wilson she needed a car for her bookkeeper who didn'€™t really care for the he ol'€™ Chevy and would prefer a Rambler. No problem. Mr. Wilson went down to the local Rambler dealer and bought a brand new one for $1,650.00 ($100.00 over cost) and made the swap.
He then took the car home and parked it with 433 actual miles. And there it sat for the next 45 years, occasionally being started and moved in and out of the garage. In 2007 Mr. Wilson decided to sell the car and started spreading the word around Modesto that the ol'€™ Chevy with 433 miles es on it was for sale. Many had heard about the car, but hardly anyone had ever laid eyes on it. In fact, according to Mr. Wilson he believes he only showed the car to about 5 people in 45 years. Word spread quickly about the car and soon a buyer arrived ready and willing to pay the $60,000.00 asking price. When Mr. Wilson told me the story of this car he complained heavily of the 'capital gains'€ tax he was required to pay and wished he had never sold it. As of this writing, Mr. Wilson is still alive and well in Modesto and can verify the miles and originality of this car. Simply put, this is a true 100% factory original survivor (that includes the air in the tires).
This ol'€™ Chevy now has 437 37 original miles and is most likely the world'€™s lowest mileage 1950 Chev. Anyone ne who knows anything about old cars knows that this is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. If you are looking for a safe investment, here it is.
They don'€™t get any safer -- that I can an guarantee!
I have priced the car quite reasonably and FIRMLY at $59,950.00.Portland, Oregon 97216 USALast edited by HOSS429; 07-13-2009 at 07:11 AM. Reason: add pic
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
07-16-2009 09:52 AM #252
when i wore a childs clothes money did`nt flow as freely as it does today .. i worked hauling hay or rode my bicycle for hundreds of miles finding returnable coke bottles .. fetched a knickle a piece they did !!! .. but one of my most enterprising ideas did`nt pan out too well and only recently have i figured out why .. i would pull a small wagon behind my bike and go buy watermellons for 25 cents a piece with my coke bottle money and peddle them to folks in the neighborhood .. after selling all i had on my wagon and tallying up the take `id usually just break even .. i thought i was charging a fair price at twenty five cents each .. then after thinking about it for a bit i came to the conclusion i was`nt selling enuff .. i needed a bigger wagoniv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
07-17-2009 10:09 PM #253
long time no see.
07-18-2009 12:31 PM #254
train derails in new market !!!
thats what i thought at first when i saw all the " BOX " cars in one place.. seems they`re headed for a scion convention .. is that what they are ?
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
07-18-2009 04:34 PM #255
no they must be Lamborginias
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI