Thread: random stuff
12-17-2008 10:58 AM #76
^^^^^^ Nagh, not that bad, but he was one of the funniest guys I ever knew. Great to have around in a fight too. LOLGot Guts - Get Graphics
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12-18-2008 10:35 AM #77
i coulda had this for 2000 bucks .. ( not )
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
12-19-2008 02:03 PM #78
celebrating my birthday today .. 65 degrees outside .. just took a burnout lap in the mustang and the V8 pinto .. what a blast .. drinking copius amounts of sudweisers .. listening to all my fav tear jerkers on the sterio .. living large is good .. all of you should be me for a day ...iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
12-22-2008 09:01 AM #79
Hoss, add this link in your signature to have the picutre show. I have it hosted on my webpage.
12-22-2008 09:20 AM #80
thanks man .. my bday turn out to be a bit of a bummer .. got a little buzzed and got the stang back out for some 360 tail spins and the cam bolt fell out and i lost fuel pump drive .. only about a mile walk home .. let it sit in the ditch overnite .. the rest of the nite did`nt go any better..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
12-23-2008 01:32 PM #81
Boy, nothin like admitting that you were drinking and then you went out to drive your hot rod.. to do 360's!!! Alabama must be a little more relaxed than the rest of the country! That would have been a pretty big ticket here in Colorado. DUI and reckless!!! One of either type gets you suspended.
I would say that you had a very Lucky Birthday!Scott
31 Ford five window
12-25-2008 03:11 PM #82
seems just about every weekend if you travel the roads of north alabama enuff you will find one of my POS vehicles sitting on the side of the road.. last weekend it was the mustang .. last nite i got low on beer and had to make a panic run to the store.. raining cats and dogs as it has been here for the last 40 days and 40 nites..the dodge truck that has been so faithfull barely got me there and back .. i`d loved to have had to walk 5 miles in blinding rain .. this morning i did`nt want to trust the dodge to take me to the gym so i fire up the V6 pinto sitting in my back yard .. it immediately sinks about 6 inches into the muddy ground .. i think well i`ll let it sit and run and get warm while i take the dodge down the street and see if i`ts ok .. i`ts not ok !!! .. a mile down the road it quits completely .. now iv`e got to hike a mile back home knowing the pinto is sitting idleing stuck in the mud probably gunna run hot .. i run-walk as much as i can and finally get home .. i take the V8 pinto and tie it to the V6 pinto with the longest rope i can find and since `im by myself i have to put both in gear and run from one to the other trying to get the V6 unstuck .. when it does break free the V8 is pulling me along in the mud with the V6 in gear. .. i race to catch the V8 just before it meets a tree .. put it in park then race back to catch the V6 just before it slams the V8 .. man it mite have been funny had it been on video .. went to the gym and did my workout .. on the way back stopped and the dodge fired rite up .. brought it home now iv`e got to hike a mile back and abscond with the V6 pinto ... i promise .. saturday i`m buying some kind of new or newer vehicle .. dang a bunch of junk .. everything i have is for sale soon except the mustang and possible the dodge if it aint too much trouble to fix ... i normally dont hit the sudweisers so early in the day but today i cant help it .. just wish it was`nt so warm that i`ll be tempted to get tha stang out .. i mostly only have enuff courage to drive it if i`m buzzed ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
12-25-2008 03:15 PM #83
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
12-28-2008 07:44 AM #84
stodgy looking old bitty ( the woman i mean ) looks a lot like the meanest old school teacher i had when i was in the 3rd grade dodge though ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
12-30-2008 07:13 AM #85
now we know how these things can fly around the world so easiely
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
12-31-2008 11:33 AM #86
got the dodge truck back from the mechanic last nite .. this morning it would`nt start .. went promply and got this ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
01-01-2009 02:08 PM #87
tv alert .. bugs bunny marathon .. cartoon network ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
01-05-2009 12:11 PM #88
not much happening in hossville lately .. back to rusting old relics .. this fellow has several of these in various stages that he probably will never finish ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
01-08-2009 09:26 AM #89
super straight little ranchero untill the barn started falling in on it .. goofball still wont sell it too me ..
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
01-13-2009 07:26 AM #90
hey buddy !!! the lite turned green 50 years ago !!! move it already
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
LOL... hmmm.. tasty! :LOL::eek::LOL::whacked::D
the Official CHR joke page duel