Thread: random stuff
12-17-2016 03:00 PM #1201
the stang is retired for winter but the pinto will still make a cruise lap now and then .. just went on a small round trip and on the way some kids standing out in a yard came running out to the road jumping up and down waving a sign .. i slowed way down to see the sign and it said " PECANS" .. but i knew i only had three bucks in my pocket so i did not stop . Later in the lap i got to feeling a bit bad about not stopping so i decided on my way back home i would stop and if i could not buy any pecans i would just give them the three bucks i had anyway i stop and as i roll down my window a pit bull puppy comes running up to my car .. i hear a woman holler " Willie "" STOP " ... i says OK !! ... turns out it was the name of her pit bull dog .. i tell her it was also my name .. HA !! anyway turns out the pecans are 3 bucks a pound .. everyone is happy as i drive away .. now i`m broke but my birds will eat good next week ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
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12-28-2016 10:32 AM #1202
i have heard somewhere that all BOSS 429 stangs started life as R codes which would have been 428`s .. yet all BOSS 429 cars are Z code cars ,,any one have the low down on this ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-08-2017 10:49 AM #1203
for the past few weeks on the days that there has been somewhat bareable weather i have been picking up trash off the side of a street near me ..i dont know why but iv`e begin to notice how crappy most of the roads look with so much litter gives me something to do for a couple of hours in my neverending boredom .. anywho once in a great while someone will blow at me .. i have no clue who they are ,, one time a fellow even stopped and thanked me for doing what i was doing .. he said he lived nearby and appreciated seeing a clean hiway .. i thought to meself .. have i ever seen you picking up any of this ? ... HA !! i thanked him and said it gave me something to do .. in a stretch of about 1/4 mile i have picked up 7 40 gallon garbage bags full of mostly plastic water and coke bottles .. the first bag i brought home and put in with my garbage as i never have a full can .. the next 2 bags i left on the side of the street to get them later and much to my surprise they were gone in a few days .. i just imagine the county picked them up .. i am friends with the county commissioner and the next time i see him i will thank him for having the bags picked up ..he will most likely thank me for picking up the trash and i will mention that i`d like to have a job doing that very thing ... everything has motives ...iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-08-2017 03:12 PM #1204
Good on you Hoss, yep, nothing lazier then some critter who will stop and purchase a drink to enjoy while driving but never thing about the consequences of dropping their litter out of the moving vehicle. Imagine if they walked out side their home to find somebody had dumped a truck load of rubbish onto their front garden, all hell would break out I dear say, no, people need to stop and think about how much we, as humans, pollute this world we share.I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.
Isaiah 48: 17,18.
03-08-2017 04:06 PM #1205
03-09-2017 07:48 AM #1206
Not that it compares to your efforts Hossbut when my wife and I go for our morning walks I will pick up the little stuff that will fit into pockets and bring it home. Our cans are rarely full too at pickup time.
03-16-2017 08:39 AM #1207
just now watching predator 2 .. OK horror flic i guess but an excellent car show ...iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-16-2017 02:13 PM #1208
I finally found the full length movie " Last of the Dogmen " on youtube the other night to watch. It was commended by a fellow T Roadster owner in America who claimed it to be the best modern type western movie of all time. I highly commend it too for a great story line, a wee bit of humour and absolutely stunning scenery. It certainly rekindled my desire to get up there and explore your great country.I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.
Isaiah 48: 17,18.
03-16-2017 05:56 PM #1209
Why is mine so big and yours so small, Chrysler FirePower
03-17-2017 09:42 AM #1210
Mark, If you make it to Idaho we have a spare bed for you to crash in.I am going to look for that movie on youtube.
03-17-2017 04:21 PM #1211
Hope you find it and enjoy it as much as I did Jack. Matt, yes we have some beautiful country here in NZ. but nothing as vast as the Rocky Mountain range and the area of the north east area of Washington and Idaho. I reckon it would take me months just to explore that region alone as I wouldn't want to miss anything.
Thank you Jack for your kind offer of a bed as that it really special in my book to be welcomed into somebodies home is such a privilege .I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.
Isaiah 48: 17,18.
03-18-2017 09:05 AM #1212
You're welcome Mark, it would be my pleasure.
04-21-2017 04:11 PM #1213
hop in .. enjoy the ride .. turn up the volume ...`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-22-2017 09:50 AM #1214
That was a classic! Thanks." "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
05-01-2017 01:48 PM #1215
remember this one ...`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI